good old days

Chapter 194 Stealing Things

Luo Yuan asked Fan Tao to leave, but Fan Tao didn't want to leave, and raised his eyes to look at Jiang Xinyu from time to time.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Jiang is my elder sister. Can you stop calling me a parent?"

Fan Tao knew how picky her parents were, and she was reluctant to buy him a pen, so how could she compensate him?If he knew what he did, he would definitely be scolded when he went back. It hurts her mother to beat someone.

Before Luo Yuan could speak, Jiang Xinyu raised her eyelids and said, "I'm not your real sister, nor your mother, don't count on me."

She doesn't like thieves touching thick-skinned people at all.

Fan Tao didn't give up, he came to block her after school in the afternoon, but she dismissed him with few words.

Time flies and it is Friday. Jiang Xinyu packs her things and prepares to go home. She is still thinking about Xiao Chuan, and she doesn't know what happened.

Song Guifang saw that she was packing up and going home, and asked, "Xiaofang is getting married tomorrow, won't you go?"

"Go, but I have something to do at home, I want to go back and have a look, and come to the commune tomorrow morning to take a bus."

Xie Xiaofang got married and hired all their teachers. Everyone is going to go to the county tomorrow.

Jiang Xinyu didn't count the gift money these years, and asked, "How much money will I give tomorrow?"

Song Guifang said: "Xie Xiaofang invited her to a restaurant when she got married. A table in a restaurant costs five to ten yuan. We pay one yuan each, which is about the same."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, thinking that Xie Xiaofang married well.

These days, there are units in the city, and there are quite a few people who hold weddings in the staff cafeteria. Not many people are willing to hold a banquet in a restaurant. One table is five yuan, and ten tables are fifty. Those who go to the wedding banquet can’t give less It's one piece, and I guess it's not a loss.

After Jiang Xinyu left for a while, Song Guifang went to the well to wash clothes with a basin.

"Ms. Song, my sister asked me to help her get something, and she is waiting at the school gate."

It was Fan Tao who was talking, and Song Guifang knew that he was related to Jiang Xinyu, so she nodded and pointed Fan Tao to the dormitory, and let him go in.

"The bunk and table on the right belong to Teacher Xiao Jiang."

After Fan Tao entered, he didn't close the door of the dormitory. Seeing that Song Guifang was still looking, he quickly took out Jiang Xinyu's pen from the pen holder.

After getting the pen, she went out, and waved at Song Guifang in an open and aboveboard manner, "This is what she asked me to take."

Song Guifang really didn't think much about it. After all, no one who steals things is so righteous and aboveboard, without any guilty conscience.

Fan Tao took the pen in his hand and smiled triumphantly.

When he returns the pen, the matter with that classmate will be over. Even if his mother knows, since he doesn't have to pay for it, he won't do anything to him. As for Jiang Xinyu, he is not afraid, he knows that Jiang Xinyu is his sister , isn't it normal for his sister to agree to return the things for him?Anyone who asks him will say so.

It's just a pity, Song Guifang has been staring at it all the time, and he has no chance to find out where Jiang Xinyu's watch is.When she left school just now, he didn't see the watch on her wrist. She didn't wear it, so it must be in the dormitory.

Jiang Xinyu's watch is in her pocket. This watch is too eye-catching, and she doesn't wear it every day, but it is her most valuable "possession" now, and she still cares about its safety.What's more, she will definitely bring it with her when she is going to attend the wedding banquet tomorrow.

As soon as I left the school, I ran into Feng Xiaohua, who I hadn't seen for a long time. She was standing across the road smiling and waving to her.

"Why are you here? You are waiting for me?" Jiang Xinyu approached with a smile.

Feng Xiaohua said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, let's go to the restaurant. I'll treat you to dinner."

When Jiang Xinyu heard her call "Mr. Jiang", she gave her a blank look, "How did you know I came to school?"

Feng Xiaohua said: "Feng Quan, my brother, didn't you teach him?"

Jiang Xinyu suddenly realized, "I have an impression of him, he is very mischievous, pulling girls' hair in class."

Feng Xiaohua scolded: "I'll tell him when I go back!"

"Are you rich? Come here to invite me to dinner."

Feng Xiaohua was in a particularly good mood. She smiled and said, "Didn't the commune set up a small winery? I've already gone to work in the winery."

Since graduating from high school, the two haven't seen each other at all. They walked and talked all the way to the state-run hotel.

Xie Xiaofang's younger brother Xie Hongbin saw Jiang Xinyu and hurried over, "Ms. Jiang, it's a coincidence that you are here. There are no more fried dishes in the restaurant, no meat buns, no wontons and dumplings."

Jiang Xinyu was dizzy, "Then what else?"

"There are also stewed noodles, but they are vegetarian. Do you two want two bowls?"

Feng Xiaohua nodded, "Have two bowls."

"When I get paid, I'll call you at noon next time, so I'll have to eat some meat anyway."

Jiang Xinyu didn't expect that she would remember that meal for so long.

The braised noodles in the restaurant are very strong wide noodles with green vegetables floating in them. Although the soup base is white, it is boiled with bones, which is very fragrant.I have to say that the state-run restaurants still have a few brushes these days.

After eating, the two left separately, Feng Xiaohua went back to the residence arranged by the winery, Jiang Xinyu walked back to the brigade, and met the village donkey cart at the intersection, which happened to give her a ride.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?"

"I took my things and went to the grain station. Are you on vacation?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded and asked, "What happened to Xiaochuan?"

The captain threw the cigarette butt away and said, "Your grandma is such a mess. There was someone else who wanted to buy the Xiaochuan family's yard, but she upset her. In the end, they offered 50 yuan, and the Yuan family agreed to sell the house to your grandma."

"Xiao Chuan has been taken back to your home, and you will have a younger brother in the future."

50 yuan, Mrs. Li is very good, she thought that 80 yuan would be indispensable.

When Jiang Xinyu arrived home, she found that Chen Zhengyu was at home instead of going to work. He was sitting under the shed eating apples. When she saw her come back, she shouted loudly, "Mr. Jiang is back."

"Why didn't you go to work?"

Chen Zhengyu patted his knee like the old man said, "My knee was injured by a sickle, and I don't have to go to work until it recovers."

I haven't done farm work after all, and it doesn't matter if I use a sickle, so I accidentally touched my leg.

Jiang Xinyu regretted, "If I knew I would cut my legs with a sickle when harvesting wheat, I would be able to steal many days of laziness. I'm such an idiot."

Chen Zhengyu thought he heard it wrong, "Do you think I did it on purpose? I was really careless. Who knew that the scythe was so sharp. I just stroked it lightly, and the blood came out. You don't know how painful it is. But you don't need to use it." Work is really cool!"

Jiang Xinyu was just talking about it, if she really asked her to use a sickle to hit herself, she couldn't do that cruel hand.

But this cousin clearly came to the countryside to hang around, why is he so reluctant to go to the countryside?

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