good old days

Chapter 195 Yuzhu's Peach Blossom

Chen Zhengyu gnawed on the apple while flipping through the little book on the table. Jiang Xinyu glanced at it, and it turned out to be a comic book.

"Did you bring this book?"

Chen Zhengyu nodded triumphantly, "My parents are not willing to buy these comic books for me. When I left, the younger brother of my fourth uncle's family gave me all the comic books he had read. I have quite a few, and Xiao Chuan also likes to read them. You If you want to read it, go to my room and get it, I have a lot of copies, so don't be polite to me."

The first time Jiang Xinyu saw this kid, she knew that he was an optimist, and she was so happy every day that she didn't know what to do with it, but it was really good to talk to such a person.

The two were talking, Fang Xiaochuan came back with a gray cloth pocket, and when he saw Jiang Xinyu, he greeted Jiang Xinyu loudly: "Sister Xinyu."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "After school?"

Fang Xiaochuan took off the cloth pocket and went directly into Jiang Xinyu's original house. He now lives in the same room with Chen Zhengyu, and Jiang Xinyu's house is now occupied by the two.

Fang Xiaochuan put away his things and ran out non-stop. Jiang Xinyu didn't react, and saw him come back with a bundle of firewood in less than ten minutes.

Jiang Xinyu looked at the firewood at home, there was enough firewood piled in the corner for many days.

Fang Xiaochuan was like a little bee, moving things to the yard again and again, but Jiang Xinyu asked him to stop and eat an apple, but he refused to do it.

"Don't worry about him, he's like this every day. Third Aunt said he's useless, and he'll stop after a while."

Chen Zhengyu whispered again: "He is not used to coming to his new home, probably because he is afraid that people will dislike him, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't do some work every day."

Jiang Xinyu asked: "His name is Jiang Xiaochuan now?"

Now that the household registration has been dropped, is it also the surname Jiang?

Chen Zhengyu said: "His name is Jiang Xiaochuan now, filial piety."

The meaning of the word filial piety is also very clear.

Jiang Xinyu saw that it was getting late, so she went to the kitchen to see what she was doing tonight.

She ate it, but the rest of the family hadn't.

While the sweet potato porridge was burning in the pot, Chen Xiuyun came back with a basket of radishes, cabbage and green onions.

It's starting to get cold, and all the cabbages and radishes in the field will be harvested before the frost.

"After all the wheat in the brigade has been planted, I will find someone to dig a cellar in the yard in a few days. When it is cold, I will stock up on vegetables and build another house by the way. Otherwise, your sister and brother-in-law will all come back. There are not enough houses at home. living."

"Xinyu, I'll take Xiao Chuan to the field to pick some vegetables and come back. You can fry some cabbage. I'll make spinach and egg soup when I come back later."

Hearing that cabbage was eaten again, Chen Zhengyu helped his forehead, looked at Jiang Xinyu with a bitter face and said: "Tell me, your fried cabbage tastes better than Sangu!"

Sangu didn't stir-fry cabbage, it was boiled cabbage, so I added some salt. In the local language, it was ao cabbage, and he had never eaten such unpalatable cabbage.

Jiang Xinyu said with a smile: "Isn't uncle the chef in the factory? Cooking should be delicious, but you haven't learned how to do it? You tell me how to make cabbage delicious, and I will do it according to your instructions."

Chen Zhengyu waved his hand, "I can't, I'll eat it! You just need to make hot and sour ones, and it's okay to add more oil. My dad cooks vegetables with a lot of oil and water, and dishes without oil and water are not good."

Jiang Xinyu hates eating cabbage bang the most. Chen Xiuyun's "stir-fried" cabbage bang is boiled for a long time and eating too much makes people feel sick.

Asking her to cook must also consume fuel, but when Chen Xiuyun finished her work, she didn't say anything when she saw the oily seeds floating in the cabbage she fried.

Seeing that she was eating roasted sweet potatoes without eating, she asked, "Have you eaten outside?"

After Jiang Xinyu talked about having dinner with Feng Xiaohua, she said again: "Tomorrow, Chen Yi and I will go to the county restaurant to drink Xie Xiaofang's wedding wine."

"That's just right. You go to the bookstore in the county to find your second sister and ask her if she can come back on Sunday. If she can't come back, I will put the matter of recognizing relatives on the next weekend."

Xiao Chuan has become a member of her family, so of course he has to cook a table of dishes and call all his relatives over to recognize him. It is inconvenient for Jiang Zhenzhen to go back and forth, but she already knows about it, and Jiang Yuzhu has not come back to see anyone.

I've been thinking about Xiao Chuan's affairs for a week, and people come and go in the yard, so I didn't make pastries.

Chen Yi came back the next morning. He took a shower at home and changed his clothes before riding a bicycle to pick up Jiang Xinyu and go to the county.

Chen Xiuyun took the opportunity to call him into the house and split up the previous business accounts.

A son-in-law is a son-in-law, and there is no shortage of points that should be given. After all, Chen Yi also takes risks in delivering goods, and he rides a bicycle to deliver goods in the middle of the night, and it is hard work.

After the bill was distributed, Jiang Xinyu was also paid five yuan, and Chen Xiuyun told her not to spend it recklessly. She knew that Jiang Xinyu would not be able to hold on to some money, so of course she had to explain a few words.

The clothes Jiang Xinyu was wearing today were still made of the cloth Li Lei brought last time, so she had to dress decently to attend other people's wedding banquets.

When he arrived in the county and saw that it was not yet time, Chen Yi sent her to the bookstore first, and he took the radio he finally found and repaired to the family home of the machinery factory.

Jiang Yuzhu is at work. This weekend, there are quite a few people coming to the bookstore. Judging by the posture, it takes no half an hour to line up to the door of the bookstore.

"Oh, comrade, you can't jump in line, we've been waiting in line for a long time."

Jiang Xinyu turned her head and said, "I know the salesperson inside, so I'll just talk to her, don't buy books and don't jump in line."

With such an explanation, all the people in the queue would shut their mouths, but their eyes were fixed on it, which meant that if she jumped in the queue, it would definitely make her look good.

When she finished speaking with Comrade Jiang Yuzhu, a gay man caught up with her not far away.

"Comrade comrade, is Comrade Jiang Yuzhu your sister? I heard you call her sister."

Jiang Xinyu nodded inexplicably, "What's the matter?"

The gay man looks about 30 to [-] years old, half a head taller than Jiang Xinyu, looks ordinary, but wears a pair of glasses, looks like a cultural person.

"I'm an electrician. My name is Shi Jin. I'm 26 years old." After introducing himself, Shi Jin finally got to the point: "I want to ask you, is your sister dating?"

Electricians seem to be very popular these days, Jiang Xinyu raised her eyebrows slightly, "Why did she tell you?"

Shi Jin said "Hi" and said, "Except for buying books, she doesn't pay much attention to me."

Jiang Yuzhu ignored him, and Jiang Xinyu simply said: "Then she definitely doesn't want to talk to you, so forget it."

After Jiang Xinyu finished speaking, she left, but the eldest brother kept chasing her and asking questions.

Such persistent thick-skinnedness is rare these days.

"Then tell me what she likes..."

Jiang Xinyu thought that people these days are very restrained when they talk to someone, but she didn't expect to meet someone who is not shy at all.Comrade Yuzhu has a lot of peach blossoms.

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