good old days

Chapter 196 Banquet

Shi Jin chased Jiang Xinyu away, he was really thick-skinned, and he even asked where her home was. What he said meant that if he knew where her home was, he would ask someone to come to propose marriage.

Jiang Xinyu was already impatient and told him not to follow her anymore. Before the seizure was over, two red cuffs came over.

"Comrade, what are you doing, following this lesbian all the time? If you do this, come with us."

Who is not afraid of red cuffs these days?

Shi Jin faltered in an instant, "Misunderstanding, I just asked this lesbian to ask something."

Jiang Xinyu has a psychological shadow on people like Yao Xianmin. Comrade Shi is so thick-skinned, who knows if he will do something like Yao Xianmin. Although Jiang Yuzhu doesn't go home often, she will always go back every month , What should I do if there is an accident on the road?

"Two comrades, this gay man has been chasing me to inquire about my sister, but my sister doesn't talk to her at all, I'm afraid he will pester my sister later..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Shi Jin interrupted him. He was initially timid when he saw the red cuffs, but when he heard Jiang Xinyu's words, he instantly regained his energy.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so sweet, sleepy and thinking about clothes, tossing and turning, what's wrong with me?" Shi Jin said confidently.

Hearing that he picked up Wen, Jiang Xinyu was surprised.

How could he say such a thing so confidently.Isn't the atmosphere very conservative these days?Even if he verbally advocates the freedom of marriage and does not engage in arranged marriages, he is not like him.

When she was in a trance, Red Sleeve's words brought her back to reality.

Red cuffs: "You are harassing lesbians, walk around, walk with us."

Jiang Xinyu said: "Thank you two comrades."

"Serving the people is what we should do."

Not to mention, when I was doing business, I thought the red cuffs were hateful, but now when I meet them on the street, I feel quite safe.

This is the characteristic of the times.

Looking at the time on the watch, the wedding banquet would start in about twenty minutes, so she simply went to the restaurant.

There are several restaurants in the county, the one where Xie Xiaofang got married is the largest.

Xie Xiaofang was wearing red clothes, with a fake red flower pinned to her coiled hair, with drooping flower branches, the makeup on her face was quite typical of the times, her brows were painted black, eyeliner was drawn, the sides of her cheeks and There are also hook-like hairs raised on the forehead.

The gay man standing next to her was wearing a dark gray Chinese tunic suit, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

She thought to herself, when she and Chen Yi get married in the countryside, there will definitely not be such a scene.After greeting the new couple, she silently increased the gift money to two yuan.

I suddenly felt that a dollar was out of my hands.

Chen Yi hadn't come yet, but Song Guifang and the other teachers had all come, Jiang Xinyu was assigned to the teachers' table, and Li Lei was already there.

Zhong Ying said enviously, "Wu Jian and I have set up three tables at his house since we got married. It's better for Xie Xiaofang to do it in the restaurant."

Song Guifang said in a low voice: "Don't everyone advocate frugality, and there are not many restaurants with a lot of fanfare."

While talking, Chen Yi gave a gift and came in, and Song Guifang made way to the side.

Li Lei leaned his head over and asked, "How much did you give?"

Chen Yi made a two-point comparison.

Jiang Xinyu caught a glimpse, and after the calculation, the two gave out four yuan. That's right, but they really have a tacit understanding.

The people who looked at other tables brought their families, big and small.Good dishes have been served one after another, and those who are not particular about have already started to grab them.

Most of the people sitting at their table were teachers, and they didn't do anything to grab food, but now she regrets not bringing Xiao Chuan, and the baby hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

It was the first time to attend a wedding in this era, and she was very curious everywhere.

This wedding banquet was not as complicated as the ancient ceremonies, nor did it have any characteristics of a Western-style wedding. Naturally, there were no oaths, but when she saw the kowtow and changed her words, she was shocked.

Xie Xiaofang kowtowed to the man's elders from grandparents to uncles and aunts. After the kowtow, each elder gave a red envelope.

She doesn't understand the customs here, it's fine to kowtow to the man's parents and grandparents, but other relatives even kowtow once, it seems that there is no such requirement after 2000.

Well, forget it, when it's time for dinner, just keep your head down.This table has all kinds of chicken, duck and fish. You can’t eat such a rich variety of dishes on a table during the Chinese New Year. Of course, you can’t miss it.

When Jiang Xinyu was full, she looked around and found that most of the tables were empty, so there was no way there would be leftovers.Everyone is short of oil and water in their stomachs, so they are all struggling to eat today.

After the banquet, the two went to the bookstore, where Jiang Yuzhu was eating pancakes.

"I have changed shifts with someone, and I will go back by car tomorrow morning."

Jiang Yuzhu also has vacations on weekdays, but she goes home once a month, and every time it comes to her vacation, she will take over the shift with someone else and save up the vacation, so that she can take a few more days off for one break.

Jiang Xinyu mentioned Shi Jin's matter to her.

Jiang Yuzhu frowned, "He has been to the bookstore several times, and he came to follow me once after I got off work. He talked a lot of nonsense, and he always recited poems for me. What a gentle lady, a gentleman is so good."

Jiang Xinyu: "..." She was a little suspicious that this electrician could only know this line of poetry.

"In the future, you'd better go with your colleagues after get off work, and try not to be alone." With Yao Xianmin in front, Chen Yi was also afraid that Jiang Yuzhu would encounter a pervert.

These days are different from the cameras everywhere in the later generations. It is not easy to solve a case if something goes wrong. Killing someone in a ravine and then burying it is a case without a clue.It is not uncommon for van drivers to encounter robbers, and it is not uncommon for lesbians to go out alone and get into accidents.

Jiang Yuzhu: "I think he talks too much, he looks a little stupid, and nothing will happen."

Jiang Xinyu patted her on the shoulder, "You can't be judged by appearances, it's always good to pay more attention."

Jiang Yuzhu came back the next morning. She queued up to buy meat early in the morning before dawn, and she bought a catty of meat.It's a treat at home today, and it's impossible without a meat dish.

At noon, Chen Xiuyun started cooking early, stewed a piece of smoked fish, fried a piece of cabbage, and made a salty soup with eggs and wild vegetables, served with Erhe noodles pancakes and a basket of steamed sweet potatoes.

Old man Jiang and old lady Li are here, as well as Ma Meili and Jiang Youfu's family. Jiang Pandi also returned to her mother's house today. I heard that when she came back, there were still two steamed buns and some eggs in the basket she was carrying. , It was specially brought to Jiang Zhenwu.

As for Jiang Guisheng's family, Chen Xiuyun didn't invite him at all. When he went to call old man Jiang, he specifically explained that if he wanted Jiang Guisheng's family to go, then he would not go, and he would not be allowed in if he went. If there was trouble today because of Jiang Guisheng's family If she is not happy, then her family will not associate with them in the future.

Old man Jiang and old lady Li believed that Chen Xiuyun would do what he said. Although they were unhappy, they did not dare to challenge Chen Xiuyun's bottom line.

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