good old days

Chapter 207 Lamb

Today Jiang Xinyu is not in the evening self-study class, she still has a lot of private time at night.

The teacher's dormitory has a light on here. It's good to live in the school, and there are lights at night.

When she entered the dormitory door, Zhong Ying was sitting on her bed and crying. Under the dim light, the red and swollen palm print on her face was quite obvious.

"Xinyu, I was wrong about what happened before, and I apologize to you."

Jiang Xinyu nodded lightly. Although she apologized, it is impossible for her to get rid of all the grudges in her heart.But because we are colleagues, we still need to get along with each other in the future, so it's not good to keep away from each other forever.

"Wu Jian is still angry, I had another fight with him, and I have to stay with you for two days."

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

In fact, there are still vacant dormitories, but they have not been cleaned up, and there are sundries piled inside, so the occupants have to clean them out.

Seeing Zhong Ying like this, she never thought about moving in to live by herself when she was crowded here. She had no intention of separating from Wu Jian at all.Doesn't she think Song Guifang's children are noisy?Don't you think you can't turn over in a small bed with her?
Jiang Xinyu was a little tangled, she had been squeezed with her for a week, and she didn't turn over at night, the quality of sleep had really dropped a lot, she really didn't want to continue to squeeze a bed with her.

After a moment of silence, she still asked, "Zhong Ying, what are you and Wu Jian going to do?"

Zhong Ying was puzzled and asked, "What should I do?"

Jiang Xinyu: "Can we still make up?"

She wanted to ask directly if she thought about divorce?But this question is too offensive.

Zhong Ying picked at her finger: "He is angry and thinks that I reported it. I don't know what to do, but we are husband and wife. I don't understand why he doesn't believe me."

Jiang Xinyu didn't want to hear about her mental journey, but just wanted her to get out of her single bed quickly and improve her sleep quality.

Let her see that Wu Jian has a problem, and Zhong Ying's poisoning is also a bit deep. She seems to be a bit "bloody" and has a backbone in her married life, but not too much. Now she is still the one who compromises.

If Chen Yi had Bai Yueguang in her heart, then she would leave without saying a word, no one has to do it, right?
"You two quarreled, why did you come out to live? You can't throw all his bedding in Teacher Xiao Lin's room. I remember there is still an empty berth there."

No matter how tactful Zhong Ying was, she could still hear the voice. She knew that Jiang Xinyu wanted to drive her away.

Her complexion changed, "If I do that, won't he be in a hurry with me?"

Jiang Xinyu: If she dares to love her, she has to bear the consequences of her cowardice.

She simply said, "This bed is not big, neither of us can turn over at night, Zhong Ying, do you understand me?"

It's no wonder Zhong Ying looked good, but she nodded anyway.

Jiang Xinyu now feels that interpersonal communication is a bit tiring.

Song Guifang would take her child to the office when she was on duty, and she would occasionally go back to the office to have a look while she was on duty.Her daughter loves to cry, crying as soon as she says a few words, which gives her some headaches.

During the day, the two had a quarrel in the office, and Song Guifang didn't expect that Zhong Ying hadn't moved out yet.

Now the two treat each other like air.

The temperature dropped at night, and I felt that I hadn't been warm all night even though I was wrapped in a quilt.

Early the next morning, when I went out, the sky was very dark, and I could clearly feel that the air was a few degrees colder than yesterday, and there was still a thin layer of snow on the ground, and the snow fell from the sky like salt particles.

It was really early in the snow here, Jiang Xinyu shrank her neck, turned around and went back to pull out her scarf to wrap it up.

The timing of Chen Yi's gift of leather shoes was just right, and they came in handy right away.

"Xiao Jiang, there is mutton for sale at the food station today, it seems that there are two ends, hurry up, Lao Tian is still queuing there and has not come back."

Xiao Lin crossed his arms and put his hands into his sleeves. He had just come back from the outside, his face turned red from the cold, and white mist came out when he spoke.

Jiang Xinyu was indifferent, "The mutton is not tasty, it's very smelly, I'm wasting money and tickets if I buy it."

Master Li disagreed, and smacked his mouth when he mentioned the mutton soup, "It's delicious to have a bowl of mutton soup in this weather."

Jiang Xinyu doesn't have any desire for mutton. No matter how it is cooked, she can taste the smell of mutton. Even if it is very mild, she can't swallow it. This is the meat she dislikes the most.

You have to go early to buy meat at the food station. Teachers like them are not allowed to leave school during the period of class, unless they ask for leave or change shifts with others, so if you want to buy something, you have to get up early, and you have to queue up early to buy things. superior.

Jiang Xinyu didn't care much about mutton. When Li Luo heard that there was mutton available today, she rubbed her hands and hurried to find Teacher Tian who was waiting in line.

Mutton is not often available, not a few times a year, and the price is cheaper than pork. Lesbians despise mutton, and Li Luo likes it.

Jiang Xinyu shouted from behind: "Help me bring back two tube bones that I don't need a ticket for."

Li Luo responded after running away.

When school was over at noon, Chen Yi came to pick her up on a bicycle. Seeing that she was carrying two tubes, he asked casually, "Did you go to queue in the morning?"

Jiang Xinyu: "It's too cold, I didn't go, I asked Li Luo to bring it for me, there seems to be mutton for sale today."

Chen Yi approached her and whispered in her ear: "In the commune where your elder sister married, someone secretly built a pigsty in the wild forest at the foot of the mountain, raised pigs, sheep, and a lot of chickens, and kept doing business. , The first one was taken in one pot, and the sheep and pigs who didn't escape were all beaten to death, and the sheep at the food station probably came in this way."

Jiang Xinyu was shocked. Could it be that the source of the pork sold in the black market in the county is there.

On the black market, a catty of pork costs one yuan, and a big fat pig can earn a lot. This is a breeding business that was conceived by someone who has the audacity to think about it.

The cold wind was blowing, and although the fine snow was not suitable for the weather, it fell intermittently for a long time, and the ground was muddy after the snow melted.

Jiang Xinyu covered her face tightly with a scarf and sat in the back seat with her hands in his pockets.

"The pig farmer has been discovered. Will there be any problems with Ding Changhai? Should we suspend our business for a while?"

"We have to stop for a while. Ding Changhai told me about it when I delivered the goods in the middle of the night yesterday. You can tell your mother when you get home."

The two arrived at the brigade without knowing it while they were talking. Before entering the hospital, Jiang Xinyu smelled the smell of mutton soup in the fresh food.

There were seven or eight catties of mutton in the cloth bag hanging in front of Chen Yi, which was bought from Ding Changhai last night. After parking the car, he went in with the bag, ready to leave some of it for Jiang Xinyu's family.

When Xiao Chuan saw the two of them, he came out excitedly, "Brother Zhengyu bought mutton this morning, and he will be able to drink mutton soup soon."

Chen Xiuyun was knitting gloves with wool in the house, when she heard the movement outside, she came out to greet Chen Yi and asked him to stay and drink mutton soup.

"I won't eat here. I told my mother yesterday that I will come back at noon today. She probably has prepared my meal."

After entering the house, Chen Xiuyun's eyes widened when she saw what was in Chen Yi's bag. How could there be so much mutton?

Jiang Xinyu had a lot of family members, so Chen Yi took out a little more, and he didn't accept money from Chen Xiuyun.

While talking, Chen Xiuyun turned her head and saw the small leather shoes on Jiang Xinyu's feet, and she knew that they were given by Chen Yi without asking.

Chen Xiuyun really felt that the future son-in-law would have nothing to say to Jiang Xinyu, he was generous and considerate, and would let his little girl wear what he didn't own.

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