good old days

Chapter 208 The Matchmaker Comes to the Door

The white radish is stewed in the mutton soup. The soup looks good and smells strange, but for Jiang Xinyu, she really can't accept the smell of mutton in the fragrance, so it's no good to accept it!

Chen Zhengyu saw her pinching her nose with disgust on her face, and said speechlessly: "You are really unlucky, I waited for more than half an hour for the mutton today, and went to the town before dawn, that is, there is a lot of supply today, Otherwise, how can there be such a blessing now?"

"Third Aunt said it was your birthday yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't be willing to buy mutton."

Yes, the original Jiang Xinyu even had a birthday on the same day, and Jiang Xinyu herself wondered if this was another self in a parallel time and space.

Chen Xiuyun gave Chen Zhengyu a blank look, "If you weren't greedy, would you be able to queue up before dawn and snowing?"

"Mom, how do you know that there is mutton for sale in the town today?"

"Yesterday I went to the secretary's wife's house to borrow a sewing machine. When the secretary came back, he brought half a catty of mutton, and said that it would be available this morning. I've never seen Zhengyu get up so actively in the morning before. He didn't sleep too late for a bite to eat. "

Chen Zhengyu didn't respond to being said to be greedy and lazy. After all, he still had a clear understanding of himself, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with being lazy and greedy. He also thought that people who were not lazy at work were stupid.

Jiang Xinyu doesn't drink mutton soup, and only throws sweet potatoes into the stove to roast after a low fire.

Although Chen Xiuyun said that she was showing off, she still cracked three eggs and steamed a bowl of custard for her, and added two drops of sesame oil when it came out of the pan.

The smell of mutton soup was too strong, and Jiang Xinyu couldn't stay in the house after eating the steamed eggs and sweet potatoes, so she got up and went to Chen Yi's house.

Chen Yi's house has guests at the moment. They are two educated youths from the educated youth spot who want to live with each other. They are discussing with Widow Wang about renting a house.

Widow Wang's family is small, and there are quite a few earthen houses, but she has never thought about renting them out, after all, it is not so convenient for outsiders to live in and do anything.

After sending them away, Jiang Xinyu asked, "Where is that educated youth Su? I haven't seen her for a month or so."

Widow Wang: "She has returned to the city, haven't you heard?"

Jiang Xinyu really hadn't heard of it, and she was not an important person anyway, so she put it aside after hearing it.

Chen Yi took a small hammer and ordered the cabinets in the room, making a thumping sound.

Jiang Xinyu looked at the small shabby house covered with red floor tiles, newspapers and cloth pasted on the walls, and there was a vertical mahogany cabinet with double doors at the corner of the bed, and a mirror was attached to the cabinet. There is also a simple small wooden shelf behind the door, which is specially used to put things.

Although the house is small, compared with the wedding room of the two people's later generations, it is almost a piece of land, but it is neatly cleaned up, much better than many houses in the team, at least it will not make the ground muddy when it rains, The basic furniture that should be there is also available.

"Do you see anything missing?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "It's not too bad, that's it, it won't last long anyway."

Although she thought it was a waste when he laid the floor tiles before, she thinks it's pretty good after it's done like this.

Widow Wang was processing mutton in the kitchen, and after a while, the smell of mutton soup came from the kitchen.

Yang Tang successfully persuaded Jiang Xinyu to leave, and after Jiang Xinyu returned home, Chen Xiuyun knitted gloves again.

The gloves are half-sized, and it looks like they are for Xiao Chuan.

"I want to go to your elder sister's house. I don't know if the house has been built. It just so happens that Chen Yi sent mutton, and your elder sister is pregnant. Send her a catty."

Chen Xiuyun was knitting gloves in her hands, and she was thinking about the eldest daughter in her heart, thinking about getting more cotton to make two quilts for the younger daughter as a dowry, but her mind was constantly worrying.

There were still three catties of mung beans soaked in the bucket in the back room. Jiang Xinyu poured out all the water and dried it again, and boiled a pot of mung bean soup at night.

The next morning, Jiang Xinyu was woken up by the aroma of the white radish soup stewed in the tube bone.

The hand-rolled noodles made by Chen Xiuyun are very exciting, and when they are put into the white radish broth, they taste fresh and fragrant. Even without meat, they are delicious. Adding some vinegar in the soup will make it more fragrant.

It's getting cold, Chen Xiuyun is now doing some mending at home, Chen Zhengyu is going to work, Xiao Chuan is playing wildly with the kids in the team, sniffing his nose.

When Jiang Xinyu bought salt and walked back from the consignment point, she saw Aunt Du, a matchmaker in the village, talking with an older strange aunt.

The two aunts were beaming when they said it, and it seemed quite lively.

This Aunt Du is a well-known matchmaker in the village. People from other villages also came to her for help and made a kiss, but her reputation was not good. She would pick up something when people gave her something. The kiss was not so appropriate, and she was kicked out of the house Pass.

"What? Have a son? Adopt someone else? Why didn't I hear Jiang Cuicui say."

Aunt Du nodded and was about to continue to say something when she saw Jiang Xinyu walking over, staring at her.

Jiang Xinyu stopped when she came up to her, "Ma'am, what were you talking about just now? Why do I hear that you are trying to introduce someone to my mother? Why, do you have the conditions?"

Aunt Du looked away unnaturally, she still remembered the last time she was beaten out by Chen Xiuyun with a broom.

The aunt next to Aunt Du looked Jiang Xinyu up and down, and her eyes lit up when she saw the small leather shoes on her feet. It seems that what Jiang Cuicui told her about her elder brother and sister's family conditions are good is true.

It's rare for Liu Laosan to mention two fish to her, so she must say that they are relatives.People like Liu Laosan look up to the sky, who has he given face to?

"Does the eldest girl have a date?"

Jiang Xinyu was straightforward: "You were found by my aunt in the advance brigade, go back and tell her, don't make such crooked ideas, and meddle in other people's business when your own family is full."

The matchmaker didn't expect her to be so rude, "How can there be a girl like you? How can your family do without a pillar? You don't feel sorry for your mother who is alone in the future? You didn't do anything for your mother when the married girl poured water. Think about it? It’s like not having a man in the family. No one will support you when you are bullied..."

The matchmaker murmured what she thought was a very reasonable persuasion, and after listening to Jiang Xinyu, she picked out her ears, "There is a male in my house now, so you can go back if you have nothing to do."

The matchmaker was relentless, talking with her as she walked, and clapped her hands when she got excited.

"You are still young and ignorant. What can a little boy do? You still have to have a man in your family to be able to rely on you. The conditions of this family I am talking about are guaranteed to satisfy your mother. After you get married, you will be accepted." Even if you are wronged, someone will support you sisters, and your mother can have someone to rely on when she is old."

The matchmaker had almost inquired about the situation of Jiang Xinyu's house, and today she came to the Wuliqiao brigade to go to Chen Xiuyun's house to mention it to Chen Xiuyun.I happened to meet Mrs. Du, my colleague, and we stood together and said a few words.

The matchmaker spoke so forcefully, the voice was right at the gate of the courtyard, how could Chen Xiuyun not hear it when she was sitting in the room.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu entering the hospital, she led Xiao Hei. The matchmaker felt uncomfortable, and she was a little far away from the big dog. She poked her head and shouted: "Sister Chen, I am Yang Matchmaker from the advancing brigade, come here to save you a matchmaker." , The other party lives in a big brick house with green bricks, the yard is as big as two of yours, and the conditions are no worse than yours."

Jiang Xinyu was surprised when she heard this, she thought that Jiang Cuicui would be looking for the kind of person who is too poor to open the pot and has the attributes of Zhang Tiezhu.

From what the matchmaker said, why is the condition not bad?But as long as it has something to do with Jiang Cuicui, there must be something wrong with the man.

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