good old days

Chapter 217 Liu Jifa

Chapter 217 Liu Jifa

Liu Laosan's attitude of admitting his mistakes is quite correct, and his attitude of willingness to compensate is also very correct.

However, what hides under the surface is his indomitable and cruel nature.

"Comrade Public Security, I know I went too far today, and I am willing to pay compensation, but the situation at home is not good. If it wasn't for lack of money, how could I just bandage the wound on my head? My head is throbbing. Money, I have already gone to the health team."

Jiang Laosan was furious, "Don't pretend here, who doesn't know that you, Liu Laosan, are a well-known figure in our commune, and your big tile-roofed house is not bad in the county, and the area is not small. Who in this village Is it possible to build such a big tile house?"

Liu Laosan: "everything I said is true. If you don't believe me, go to my house and take a look. You can take whatever is valuable."

The policeman and the Jiang family brothers really went around the big tile-roofed house of Liu Laosan's house.

This courtyard is bigger than the other two courtyards. It is a real brick house, and it can definitely be called the first in ten miles and eight villages.

Such a grand house, if Liu Laosan has no money, the police would not believe it.

Liu Laosan ordered his family to bring out all the food in the kitchen, a bag of coarse cornmeal, half a bag of wheat flour, and two bags of sweet potatoes.

"There are cabbage and radishes in the cellar, if you want them, take them."

Youngest Jiang: "Who wants these things from you! You beat my mother up like that, you have to be responsible!"

While talking, a man in a blue-gray Chinese tunic suit, two pens pinned in his chest pocket, and black leather shoes on his feet entered the hospital.

The man has a cropped head, looks energetic, and his eyes are very energetic. When he looks at someone, his eyes have a bright scrutiny, which makes people feel guilty subconsciously.

Jiang's second brother and the policeman subconsciously avoided his gaze.

Liu Laosan's waist straightened up, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, showing the face of a villain.He hummed happily in his heart, today is such a good day, he was thinking about his son, he just came home by such a coincidence.

Seeing the food placed in the center of the courtyard, Liu Jifa frowned slightly: "Dad, what's the matter? The days are over? What's going on with you?"

Liu Laosan sighed pretendingly: "I got into a fight with someone in the morning, and my head was broken by the other party. I accidentally sent my aunt to the hospital. Isn't her family here to ask for compensation? Our family has no money, so we can do whatever we want." Take whatever you want, isn't there no way?"

The comrades of the police already felt that what Liu Laosan said was wrong. What do you mean by "take what you have"?
This seems to be no problem, but it seems to be a problem if you take a closer look!
Liu Jifa was now looking at Jiang's second and third children and comrades from the police.

He asked in the tone of a superior: "Who gave you the right to break into houses and rob food?"

Policeman: "...?"

When did we rob?If this hat is buckled, their jobs will be lost.

"Did Yang Suo support what you did? How many years have you been working as a police officer? Don't you know how to deal with picking quarrels, provoking trouble, fighting and fighting each other? Some people come directly to one party to grab food from the other's house? This makes me suspicious. You took bribes from them to do things like this. I also have reasons to suspect that you have joined forces to blackmail my father."

What Liu Jifa said made the policemen speechless for a long time.

They knew that the person in front of them was a master at pinning hats.

Only now did they realize that Liu Laosan was probably doing it on purpose. Even if his son didn't come back, as long as the Jiang family brothers took the food away today, he might be able to label them as robbers.

Are there still fewer monsters and monsters these years?
As long as I want to wear a hat for you, there is no hat that cannot be worn.It's not like they haven't seen it before.

Liu Jifa looked like he was from the city. When he spoke, he told them that he was well-connected, not easy to mess with, and no one wanted to lose his job. They were all a little scared, and they were silent for a while.

Second Jiang refused to accept it, "You don't know the situation, let's talk nonsense, who wants your food, who robbed it? Your father beat my mother until she was bleeding, and she is lying in the hospital now. Your father Shouldn't be responsible?"

Counsel Jiang Lao San tugged Jiang Lao Er, trying to make him calm down.

They are Shengdou people, who can they fight?Who can fight?Maybe if someone says a word, they will be unlucky.

Facing the angry Jiang's second child, Liu Jifa remained calm, "Picking quarrels and provoking troubles, fighting and fighting, you can deal with it according to the regulations. Your mother was injured, and my father was also injured. If there is a fault, both parties are at fault. What should I do?" Deal with it, none of you should come to grab food, this is not in compliance with the regulations, you are colluding, I can respond upwards."

Jiang Laoer didn't know what he meant, "how to deal with it according to the regulations" how to deal with it?How about a charter?
The man talked around, as if he had said a lot, but he couldn't understand what he meant.

I couldn't understand what he said, but Jiang Lao Er was really stunned: "Even if you are a cultural person, don't try to ignore this matter. If the police station doesn't make decisions for my mother, I will go to the higher authorities to file a complaint."

Jiang Lao Er didn't know where the top was, but it didn't stop him from saying so.

The policeman: "We are here today to find out the situation, but we don't intend to rob. Even if you tell Yang Suo, we haven't done it, so we haven't done it. We have to go to Aunt Li's side to see the specific situation. We will take care of the rest of the matter." Follow the rules!"

The two of them didn't know what the rules were, but at this time they had to hold on for the sake of face.

Picking quarrels and provoking troubles and fighting and fighting in the brigade rarely find them. After all, the road is not close, and they can solve it internally.

And the "cases" they have solved depend on the condition of the injured and the situation. If someone is killed, they must be arrested and killed. Yes, there are those who are lightly injured and those who are seriously injured.

Liu Laosan and his son have a charter for each mouthful. They have been working for several years. How can there be a fixed charter written on paper to deal with disputes of different degrees?Doesn't it all depend on the situation?

Today they came here to understand the situation first. They were originally confused by Liu Laosan's good attitude, but only now did they realize that the father and son are not easy to mess with. If they are not careful, they may be put on a hat. .

The policeman and Jiang Laosan left. On the way, Jiang Laosan asked the policeman whether Liu Laosan's family would pay compensation.

The policeman shook his head, "Looking at their attitude, I think it's probably Xuan. See how your mother is hurt. You can negotiate this kind of thing."

Liu Jifa's attitude frightened them, for fear of offending someone and losing their jobs.

"See how your mother's injuries are. If it's not serious, I don't think I can do anything to him."

(End of this chapter)

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