good old days

Chapter 218 In the office

Chapter 218 In the office
Jiang Laosan frowned and returned home. Seeing Jiang Baoqin with a protruding belly, he said impatiently, "What are you doing here?"

Jiang Baoqin heard about her grandma and Liu Laosan in the afternoon, so she came back to inquire about the situation.

Speaking of Liu Laosan, she remembered a case that caused a sensation in the past life.

In the cellar of Liu Laosan's house, there was a woman who was imprisoned and locked in the cellar by him for several years. She was crazy and stupid, and it was his youngest daughter-in-law who reported it.

The most important thing is that when Liu Laosan's family was searched because of that incident, many valuable things were turned up.

It was a few years later when Liu Laosan entered, but she couldn't remember the exact year, and she just didn't know if the female comrade was in the cellar of Liu Laosan's house now.

Many things in this life are different from before. Chen Yi did not die, Jiang Xinyu talked about marriage with him, Song Minghan became her husband, Jiang Xinyu became a teacher, auntie Chen Xiuyun was never favored by Liu Laosan in her previous life, Nothing like this happened. Her grandma lived to be more than 80 in good health, but she didn't lie in the hospital with a broken head and blood.

Jiang Baoqin was thinking about those good things from Liu Laosan's family, and tentatively said: "Dad, I heard something, I don't know if it is true or not, if it is true, Liu Laosan will be out of luck."

Jiang Laosan glanced at her and said disapprovingly, "What's the matter?"

"Go and find out if there is a woman missing from the advance brigade, named Tian Ni."

I don't know if he has been imprisoned by Liu Laosan now, so he should find out the situation first.

Zhang Fengmei squinted: "What are you doing asking about this? What does it have to do with Liu Laosan?"

Jiang Baoqin felt that her father was not good at work, and she was not as capable as her uncle. Her uncle also made money in his previous life after the reform and opening up, and he was quite capable.

"Let my father inquire about Tian Ni first."

For other things, we have to wait for the news to inquire.

At Liu Laosan's house, Liu Laosan is smoking and enjoying himself.

Seeing his father like that, Liu Jifa said, "You also go to the county hospital to lie down for two days. If she doesn't die, we don't have to pay for it."

Speaking of this, Liu Jifa paused, "You didn't beat him to death, did you?"

Liu Laosan snorted disapprovingly: "She could beat that Jiang Cuicui before being taken away by that bastard Xia Dongmin. She should be fine."

"Speaking of which, Jiang Cuicui's mother-in-law provoked this incident. If she doesn't introduce her natal siblings to me, how can I provoke such a flirt! In the future, don't even think about leaving her alone!"

Liu Jifa knew what kind of person his father was, and no matter how many times he said it, he couldn't change his nature, so he didn't say anything at all.

"I'll take some things and I have to leave tomorrow. I don't need to teach you how to do the rest, right?"

When Liu Laosan saw him going to the woodshed, he hurried to follow.

When the two went down to the cellar, Liu Jifa felt like vomiting when he smelled the smell in the air. He turned on the flashlight and saw a woman squatting with a disheveled hair and a disheveled body. Take it away, what if she yelled and was heard?"

Liu Laosan kicked the woman, and said: "This little whore dares to scold me, I will give her some color, don't worry, no matter how much she calls outside, she won't hear it."

Liu Jifa endured it, didn't bother to care about this matter, and went up after taking the things he was going to give as gifts.

Jiang Xinyu, who is in the village, doesn't know that the affairs of Wu Jian and Song Guifang in their school are not over yet.

Even though Zhu Lin's mother and Zhu Lin have been educated, the Zhu family is really good at dancing.

Song Guifang's ex-siblings had an output at the school gate in front of all the teachers and students when school was over at noon on Tuesday, scolding Song Guifang for being shameless and having ambiguities with other men before she got divorced, scolding her for being vicious in her mind, and turning her husband and The mother-in-law has reported it.

Jiang Xinyu enriched the vocabulary of swearing again, and she couldn't understand it. Who invented these ugly words of swearing, they sweared one after another, matched with the local accent, and made the listeners' heads buzz.

The behavior of the Zhu family made Jiang Xinyu think that Song Guifang had dug the Zhu family's ancestral grave.

As for what?There is so much hatred and grievance to punish a person like this.Anyway, they were still a family before, so is it necessary to become enemies?
The Zhu family's operation trampled on Song Guifang's face on the ground until it was smashed to pieces.Song Guifang hid in the dormitory that afternoon, and Jiang Xinyu replaced her class.

In the office, the teachers inevitably talked about it.

Wu Jian has always been sullen recently, and Zhong Ying's mood is not much better.

The other teachers discussed it while the two of them were away.

"Why do you think Mr. Song will stay in school in the future? The words of the daughter-in-law of the Zhu family must have spread to the students. How can she still go to class in the future?"

"If it were me, I might not be able to stay any longer. If the school doesn't deal with me, I will leave by myself."

Tian Yonglin shook his head and said, "You are still too young. Teacher Song will have to raise a child in the future, and it will not be easy. I guess she will definitely not leave."

"What's the face? If she really leaves, how will she live with the child in the future?"

After all, Tian Yonglin is the oldest teacher among all the teachers. He sees the problems sharply and thinks more than the young people.

Jiang Xinyu also joined the discussion group, "Couldn't it be someone from the Zhu family who made the report before? I just wanted to drive her out of school."

When she mentioned this, everyone really considered this possibility.

Xiao Lin nodded seriously, "I don't think so, we don't hate Teacher Song, who has nothing to report her?"

"Zhong Ying said everything, I don't think she did it, the Zhu family can do it!"

"Ms. Song is really unlucky to marry Zhu Lin for eight lifetimes. Her reputation is bad. Whether she can keep her job is another matter."

Several teachers shook their heads and sighed, they all sympathized with Song Guifang.But I can only sympathize, what can they do about this?
After the evening self-study, Jiang Xinyu returned to the dormitory. There was only one candle lit in the dormitory, and the light was quite dark. Song Guifang and her daughter were already asleep. Song Guifang was sitting by the bed, gently patting the quilt.

The room was no warmer than the outside, and the temperature was at most one degree higher. Jiang Xinyu hurried to bed after washing, covered her with the quilt and put her coat on the quilt.

She looked sideways, and saw that Song Guifang was still sitting on the edge of the bed, patting Niuniu lightly with her hands, her expression could not be seen clearly under the dim light, but her stiffness could also be seen from her body posture.

"Sister Song, are you not cold? Go to bed."

Song Guifang was so engrossed in her thoughts that Jiang Xinyu yelled several times before calling her god back.

She moved her stiff and numb body, mechanically took off her shoes and went to bed, "Xiao Jiang, I'm leaving."

Jiang Xinyu understood, "Is the secretary looking for you?"

Song Guifang shook her head, her voice was very soft, "I haven't looked for it yet, but I will look for it sooner or later. Tomorrow morning at the latest, I won't be able to teach students at school."

Jiang Xinyu sympathized with her, but there was no way to help her keep the job, "If you need help in the future, I will help if I can."

(End of this chapter)

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