good old days

Chapter 269: Going to the City

Chapter 269 Return to the city

The look on Jiang Baoqin's face was uncertain, and Jiang Xinyu became more and more at ease: "You have to think clearly, if something happens to Chen Zhengyu because of your slander, I can't guarantee what I will say to Song Minghan."

Jiang Xinyu was also very uneasy. She came to Song Minghan for no reason and said that Jiang Baoqin was reborn. He probably thought she was a psycho. She had no idea whether this trick was good or not.

After a pause, she added, "Don't you want to know why I suddenly stopped getting along with Song Minghan?"

Jiang Baoqin asked: "Why?"

This was also something she was very puzzled about. If Jiang Xinyu hadn't suddenly stopped dating Song Minghan, she wouldn't have been able to marry Song Minghan so smoothly.

It was obvious that Song Minghan was the son of a cadre, and it was obvious that Jiang Xinyu had enjoyed great success in her previous life when she returned to the village, so why did she suddenly stop interacting with him?
Jiang Xinyu smiled: "Go tell the police that you may have been blinded before. Chen Zhengyu squatted down to see if Li Da Ni'er was still angry and that he did not bully Li Da Ni'er."

Jiang Baoqin said stubbornly: "I won't go!"

She had chewed her words before, but now she was asked to change her words. How did the police look at her, and what did Song Minghan think about her?

Jiang Xinyu shrugged, "Okay, if you don't agree, forget it. I'll go find Song Zhiqing and talk about my previous life with him."

Jiang Baoqin's pupils were shaking, he grabbed her and screamed: "Don't go!"

Originally, she suspected that Song Minghan still had Jiang Xinyu in his mind. If she knew what happened in her previous life, what would Jiang Baoqin be?
Jiang Xinyu smiled and looked at her directly. Finally Jiang Baoqin gave in, "I'll go. If you dare to come to my Minghan in the future, I'll fight you to the death!"

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "If you dare to find trouble again, we'll see."

Jiang Baoqin entered the courtyard of the public house. Chen Yi came around the corner and asked with a half-smile: "What happened between you and that Song Zhiqing in the previous life that I don't know about?"

There was an elusive luster in his dark, starry eyes.

Jiang Xinyu pulled him a little further away, put her arms around her waist and asked, "Are you having trouble with your brain? I lied to her."

He said quietly: "I can't see it."

He didn't suspect that Jiang Xinyu had a previous life that he didn't know about, but he thought of something else.

If Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi in this world were originally two other people in the parallel world, then before they came here, Jiang Xinyu and Song Minghan did have a hazy and unresolved period. This shows that Song Minghan does have qualities that attract Jiang Xinyu. , without him, she might have ended up with Song Minghan.

Just thinking about this made him feel heavy and breathless.

He had always been kind and gentle to her, but now he had an air of gloominess for no apparent reason.

Jiang Xinyu knew how to coax him, so she stepped forward and hugged his waist and said, "I only had you in my last life."

He said this, but he was thinking in his heart: If you don't know the truth anymore, I won't coax you any more. This is really nonsense!
As soon as he hugged her waist, there was a cough from the side.

"What are you two doing here? You need to take her home."

Widow Wang really didn't notice. The young couple just got tired of talking, so she didn't know how to pay attention when they were outside.

Several aunts laughed from ear to ear.

"Just getting married means having a good relationship."

It's really ridiculous to say that you still live in this life. You only have so many years in this life.

Jiang Xinyu glared at Chen Yi and saw that her mother, Chen Xiuyun, was wilted and frowning. She quickly said: "Mom, Zhengyu will be fine. Zhang Tiezhu reported the former accountant, and the police are investigating inside."

The group of people heard about Li Yiping being called away and rushed to see what was going on. At this time, they gathered around the gate of the public house.Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi simply held hands and watched the excitement at the door.

Inside, Li Yiping had already confessed and bit Zhang Tiezhu out.

Why did Li Yiping dare to bully Li Danier?I didn’t know that Zhang Tiezhu started this first.

Now there is a war between two wretched old men in the courtyard of the public housing!

"The child in Da Nier's belly is yours. If you don't believe it, wait until Da Nier is born and see if she looks like Zhang Tiezhu!"

Of course Zhang Tiezhu refused to admit it and scolded back: "That's obviously your seed! I didn't do that shameless thing, so stop slandering me!"


Li Dani's father, mother and brother picked up sticks and beat the two bad cowards until they were all on the ground.

Jiang Baoqin finally said to the police: "Comrade, I may have misread this morning. Chen Zhengyu may have squatted down to see if Li Danier was breathing. Maybe I misunderstood."

The policeman glanced at her and said with a grim expression, "You are committing perjury! If someone is wronged because of your words, can you bear the consequences?"

Chen Zhengyu glared at Jiang Baoqin, "She is full of lies and just wants to slander me."

Song Minghan quickly said: "Comrade, Jiang Baoqin only said that she saw Chen Zhengyu lying on Li Da Ni'er, and did not say that he was bullying others! This is not considered perjury on her part!"

Chen Zhengyu pointed out his fingers and cursed: "You and your husband are like dogs of a feather, you have dark thoughts!"

Song Minghan looked ugly after being scolded, but he couldn't say anything to refute.Jiang Baoqin was pregnant, and he had no choice but to excuse her.He glanced at Jiang Baoqin who was biting his lip and said nothing, and turned sideways.

Li Yiping and Zhang Tiezhu were beaten so hard that they ran away. After the policemen and others had finished venting their anger, they gave Jiang Baoqin a lesson and asked the team leader to organize several people to send these two people to the police station.

After they left, Chen Zhengyu snorted coldly at Jiang Baoqin, "I remember you, not because you are pregnant. You will need a beating from me today. If I don't beat you until you have teeth all over the floor, I will That’s grandson.”

Jiang Baoqin kept a straight face and said nothing, glanced at Jiang Xinyu and then walked to the educated youth spot.

Chen Xiuyun's mood fluctuated in the afternoon, and now that Chen Zhengyu was sure that nothing was wrong, she was really relieved.Her nephew had been taken away before, and if he really couldn't come out, she was thinking about how to tell her brother and sister-in-law the news. She was really shameless for not taking good care of her, and she couldn't explain it to her brother and sister-in-law.

Chen Xiuyun slapped Chen Zhengyu hard and said, "Let you go to the countryside, and you will cause this disaster for nothing!"

Chen Zhengyu cried several times today and thought about running away and becoming blind or homeless. At this time, he said sincerely: "I want to write a letter home, I want to return to the city!"

What happened today really scared him to death. He never dreamed that he would be slandered as a sex offender!
The city is so nice, there are no such shameless things.He was a fool when he was so excited to go to the countryside!
Chen Xiuyun looked at Jiang Baoqin's back and cursed loudly: "Jiang Baoqin, see if I can beat you next time! You are young and have evil thoughts! You are nothing!"

Jiang Baoqin didn't want her reputation to be tainted, so she turned around and said, "Madam should thank me, not me, he has to go in."

"I'm not a liar like you, I didn't do this mess today," Chen Zhengyu waved his fist fiercely, "You are so wicked, be careful of retribution on your child."

He didn't want to curse an unborn baby, but he couldn't control his words at the moment and just wanted to vent the anger in his heart.

He usually laughs and laughs, but that doesn't mean he has no temper. Today's incident has taught him a lesson. If he encounters this vicious liar again in the future, he will not be Chen Zhengyu if he doesn't teach her a lesson.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu's warning look, Jiang Baoqin rubbed her belly and continued walking back unwillingly.

In front, Song Minghan seemed not to hear the conversation behind him. He walked very quickly and did not stop to wait for Jiang Baoqin.

(End of this chapter)

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