good old days

Chapter 270 How inferior you are

Chapter 270 How inferior you are

If Zhang Tiezhu went in again, he would probably not be able to get out easily. He might be overworked, reformed, or killed in the wooden warehouse.

All the members knew about this after they got off work. Who would have thought that Li Yiping could be so heartless as to bully a stupid girl from a relative's family.

Li Yiping and his wife were so angry that they smashed everything at home and cursed without knowing who they were talking about.

There were many spectators around, pointing at her house.

When the rumors about Li Yiping and Yuan Chunhua spread, she sued Yuan Chunhua and Yuan Chunhua died.

Now that Li Yiping has bullied Li Danier again, who else can she sue?We can no longer say that it was Li Danier, a silly girl, who hooked up with her man, right?
In the yard of Jiang Xinyu's mother's house, Chen Zhengyu locked himself in the house when he returned to the yard.

He buried his face in the quilt, sobbing and crying.

Although he looked like a firecracker before, he was actually scared.Even though it's okay now and everyone knows that it has nothing to do with him, the feeling of shame and embarrassment still lingers.

He really didn't want to stay in this crappy place.Endless farm work, outrageously difficult and shameless villagers, he was a fool to sign up for the countryside.

Chen Xiuyun knew that he was frightened today, seeing that he was bored in the room and couldn't come out, she thought about making two meat dishes to comfort him.

In Song Minghan and Jiang Baoqin's room at the Educated Youth Point, Song Minghan sat by the bed and read a book without saying a word.

Jiang Baoqin looked at him a lot. Just when she thought he really didn't want to say a word to her, he spoke.

"Jiang Baoqin, can you put aside those little thoughts of yours and be a kind and upright person? You almost harmed an innocent person before."

What he actually wanted to say was to let her mind her own business and avoid causing trouble. However, since she had always made trouble for Jiang Xinyu after talking to her in the past, he wanted to use reason to restrain her.

Jiang Baoqin framed Chen Zhengyu before because he was related to Jiang Xinyu, not hers, and she was too lazy to harm him.Although she did this, she was not happy that Song Minghan said this to her.

"What I said today is all true. In the end, I obviously helped him. It's unfair for you to say that to me!"

Song Minghan stared at her for a few seconds, making her feel flustered. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

In fact, she couldn't understand herself. Before she married Song Minghan, she could be humble, gentle, considerate, and considerate to please him, but now she couldn't lose face?
She warned herself in her heart that she hadn't gone to the city with him yet, so she couldn't stay in such a stalemate with him, otherwise the relationship would become weaker and weaker.

"Let's not talk about those unhappy things. The child kicked me just now. Please touch him."

She smiled ingratiatingly and tried to hold his hand, but he stood up and dodged her.

Song Minghan felt that his life had reached a deadlock, and he was in a dilemma because of his children.

Before and after marriage, she was a completely different person.Only after truly living together did he realize that she and he were not the same kind of people at all.

Jiang Baoqin was humiliated by his actions, and his voice immediately became sharp, "I knew you were still thinking about someone else!"

Song Minghan: "It's unreasonable. If you keep doing this, we..."

The words of divorce were not spoken, but Jiang Baoqin knew what he was going to say. She was shocked and apologized in a panic, "I was wrong. I was unreasonable and messy. Don't be angry with me. I just said it."

Song Minghan shook off her hand and saw that it was getting dark outside, so he was ready to go find his grandfather.

Jiang Baoqin is sick, and Jiang Xinyu seems to live in her heart. As long as he makes her unhappy, she can talk about it. Others are already married, so she can talk about it if he is not sick.
Jiang Baoqin was left alone in the room, and she cried aggrievedly.

While she was sobbing, there was a knock on the door. Standing outside the door was a female educated youth.Jiang Baoqin wiped away her tears in a panic and asked her what happened.

The female educated youth looked unhappy and said bluntly: "This is an educated youth spot, not a separate courtyard of your house. Every time you two quarrel, we can hear it! Don't you know?"

Jiang Baoqin's expression changed.

Of course she knew, but she couldn't help but keep quiet.

"Jiang Baoqin, there are things I have wanted to say to you for a long time."


"How low of self-esteem do you have that you bring up Jiang Xinyu every time we quarrel? Is it Song Minghan who still remembers her, or do you always remember her? You are both married, and you pick on her every day and refuse to interact with you if she is not in the village. Don’t let go just to make yourself unhappy?”

"What was Song Zhiqing like before? Now you can't even see a smiling face after being tortured by you. Have you never reflected on your problem?"

Let the female educated youth say that this Jiang Baoqin is not worthy of Song Minghan at all.Song Zhiqing was knowledgeable, had an extraordinary family background, and was courteous in dealing with others.And what about Jiang Baoqin?Not to mention that her mother-in-law's family is completely embarrassed, she herself is not a fuel-efficient person, and she is the most arrogant and quarrelsome.

People in the educated youth area can hear the two of them arguing every now and then. Although the excitement is nice to watch, it is annoying. The two people quarreling back and forth every day are not enough. They have heard enough.

Jiang Baoqin always mentioned Jiang Xinyu every time he had a quarrel. Originally, educated people didn't know that there was a story between Song Minghan and Jiang Xinyu, but now they all know.

Why didn't this rumor take hold?It's not because Jiang Xinyu doesn't go to the educated youth spots on weekdays. She has no interaction with Song Minghan. In addition, she teaches at a commune school and doesn't spend much time in the village on weekdays. And Su Qingqing was caught out and apologized after spreading rumors. What's going on, everyone is worried about gossiping.

The female educated youth left, leaving Jiang Baoqin frozen in place.

She didn't want to admit that she had inferiority complex, but compared to Jiang Xinyu, she had to admit that she was not as good as her. In her previous life, others were city dwellers, while she was a mud-legged child from the countryside. She had faced the loess and turned her back to the sky all her life. Looks like 30 years old.

She successfully stole Jiang Xinyu's husband, but she couldn't help but mind what happened in her previous life.

She opened the door and ran out. She wanted to ask Jiang Xinyu why she no longer wanted Song Minghan in this life.

When she arrived at Chen Yi's house, Jiang Xinyu was helping Widow Wang in the kitchen.

What she meant by doing this was to fiddle with the firewood, and from time to time she would turn over the sweet potatoes and potatoes beside the stove.

Every week when the two of them come back, Widow Wang will make sure to fry meat for them, which saves them from having to go to the restaurant for extra meals.

Although Mrs. Li is gone, Jiang Xinyu is not sad at all, and her family is not sad at all either. They all eat and drink as they should.

When Jiang Baoqin came to her, she was a little surprised but not that surprised.

"Come out, I have something to ask you."

The old god Jiang Xinyu was there, "I have nothing to say to you, and please don't come to me again in the future. When I talk to you alone, I am still afraid that you will frame me and do something to you."

"Chen Yi, close the door and it's time to eat."

Chen Yi stopped the work of mending the grass baskets, got up and locked Jiang Baoqin outside the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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