good old days

Chapter 271 I’m really capable

Chapter 271 I’m really capable
Jiang Xinyu didn't pay attention to Jiang Baoqin before, she thought she was just a bit annoying and couldn't do anything big, who would have thought that this person was so vicious that he almost killed Chen Zhengyu.

Widow Wang looked over her head and muttered: "That girl is just like her mother, she has a very bad heart, you are right not to associate with her."

"Your mother gave me a lot of melon seeds and pepper seeds. Tomorrow we will plow the private land and grow vegetables."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Mom doesn't know how to pickle peppers. I'll make more of them this year so I can only eat them in winter."

Widow Wang smiled, "We are similar. Chen Yi can't eat spicy food, he is just unlucky. The more spicy he can eat, the hotter he will be, and he will not be bullied by others. If he can't eat spicy food, he should be honest. You have to suffer from cowardice.”

She used to be a loser and could never hold her head high in her husband's family. If she hadn't given birth to Chen Yi and lived with him alone, she wouldn't have been able to maintain her temper.

Now she deeply believes that people should be like chili peppers, without being a bit powerful, everyone will think you are like dough, easy to knead.In the village, if you are weak, you are easily bullied!
Jiang Xinyu laughed and shook her shoulders when she heard her theory. She didn't know whether her mother-in-law was criticizing Chen Yi for being a coward or praising others for being honest.

But as far as she knew, the locals didn't eat chili very much, so her mother-in-law's theory was not very tenable.

The unlucky Chen Yi washed his hands and twitched the corners of his lips. Why didn't he know that people who can't eat spicy food would be criticized for being cowardly?He went to the countryside to watch movies, and he only heard the old men say that men who can't drink are useless.

These comrades, both men and women, really have a theory, but there is no scientific basis for it.

After dinner, Jiang Xinyu went back to her parents' house. The main room of the house still smelled of mixed smell of cured fish and bacon.

Chen Zhengyu was drinking sweet malted milk, but there wasn't much of a smile on his face. He looked a little depressed with his head hanging down.

"Are you so stimulated that even malted milk doesn't taste good?"

Chen Zhengyu shook his head, "I was just wondering, why did this old bachelor in your village suddenly report the former accountant? Why did his conscience suddenly become aware of it?"

Jiang Xinyu said slightly proudly: "Then you have to thank my Chen Yi. He originally suspected that the old bachelor did it, so he held the old bachelor down and beat him up, and then the old bachelor sold his former accountant."

Chen Zhengyu sat up straight, "So, I really have to thank him. Before I leave, I'll treat you two to a meal at the county restaurant."

This favor couldn't be repaid with a meal, so he made a note of it.

Jiang Xinyu came back to get her old clothes.

When she got married, she only took away a few clothes that could be worn out. She looked down on the old clothes that were particularly patched, so she didn't take them with her.

When I picked up my old clothes, I realized that most of them had been cut by Chen Xiuyun to make clothes for Xiaochuan.

"It's true that a married girl throws water away. You've almost ruined my old clothes to make clothes for Xiaochuan."

Although she had a joking expression on her face, she was really feeling a little unhappy in her heart.

Her mother treats Xiaochuan as if she were her own child. If Xiaochuan was a girl, she wouldn't say anything. The key is that he is a boy. Even if she doesn't want to say that she favors boys over girls, she does have a subtle feeling in her heart. She now fully understands what she had done in the past. Jiang Yuzhu was unhappy when her mother wanted to adopt Xiaochuan.

Chen Xiuyun glared at her, "Your clothes are full of patches. If you don't want them anymore, why can't I destroy them? There are still some wearable pieces of your second sister's old clothes. I'll dig them out for you."

"Your breasts will be buried the day after tomorrow. Will you come back?"

Jiang Xinyu had nothing to do with herself, "What are you doing here? I had to change shifts with someone before, and I will be very busy next week."

Being busy is one thing, but she simply doesn't want to see Mrs. Li off.She said she wouldn't go, but Chen Xiuyun didn't say anything. Not for Jiang Jianmin's sake, she wouldn't go either.

Early the next morning, Widow Wang got up early to make breakfast. Chen Yi filled the water tank with water, cleaned the yard, and then went in to call Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu rolled around on the bed holding the quilt. Knowing that she couldn't sleep in today, she quickly got up and tidied up.

The cabbage at home has been eaten. During this period of drought, the villagers will dig wild vegetables.

Jiang Xinyu's meal was fried wild vegetables with bacon and rice porridge and cornmeal pancakes.

Widow Wang was afraid that the two of them would starve quickly while working, and the porridge would be quite thick.

Putting on ragged clothes, carrying working tools and a water bottle, the three of them went to the private plot together.

Widow Wang still had to take care of the work in the pig pen. She worked in the private plot for several hours, and then hurried to the pig pen after explaining to the two of them.

Chen Yi raised his chin slightly towards Jiang Xinyu, "Sit over there and have a cool rest."

Jiang Xinyu instantly withdrew the palm she was about to hand to him.

The skin on the palms of her hands was too fragile, and after hours of digging, two blisters appeared under her knuckles.

She was originally planning to act coquettish and not work, but since he was so flirtatious, she smiled and accepted it.

She hasn't worked for a while, and she really can't do the job anymore.

Her hands and face were moisturized by ice cream and clam oil, white and tender. She looked more like a city girl than a city girl. When she returned to the village, she was the envy of the older girls and younger wives.

There were many people working in the private fields around, but fortunately the distance was not too close. Jiang Xinyu sat next to the haystack, looking around and passing the time, while Chen Yi sweated profusely in the field.

Hours passed by in a flash, and the not-so-scorching sun made it even worse for those who couldn't bend their backs while working in the fields.

The back of Chen Yi's clothes was soaked with sweat.

Jiang Xinyu realized her conscience and brought him water with a kettle.

"You rest, I'll do it for a while!"

After so long, is her mother-in-law coming back soon? She has to behave well!
Chen Yi was working with heat all over his body. He wiped the sweat on his head with his sleeve and advised her: "You can continue to rest. I can finish the work by myself. I can plant peppers and tomatoes today and wait for you to go." After school, I will plant other vegetables one after another."

She has delicate skin and tender flesh, and a slight pinch on her body can leave a mark. She will definitely not be able to bear the laborious work that requires both her waist and hands.

Jiang Xinyu didn't listen to her and wanted to let her mother-in-law know how "capable" she was!
After a while, Widow Wang did come. Before she reached the place, she saw her son resting and her daughter-in-law working hard with a hoe. She was still thinking happily that her son was not as capable as her daughter-in-law.

Her daughter-in-law is not a coward, look at how capable she is!
As a result, before Widow Wang had walked a few steps, she was stopped by an acquaintance, who said casually: "Daughter Chen Xiuyun is really lazy at work. When you left, she rested until you came. By coincidence, she thought she had clairvoyance." Whose daughter-in-law is just like your daughter-in-law, she is lazy at work, doesn’t get up when she doesn’t cook, just like a young mistress."

(End of this chapter)

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