good old days

Chapter 301 1 Poverty

Chen Yi's tone could not be called harsh, but it could not be called gentle either, and Widow Wang's excited heart could no longer be excited.

What her son said was the truth. She would not stop her son and daughter-in-law from taking the college entrance examination, because she knew that educated people are always respected, just like her deceased father-in-law.

But if both of them pass the exam and the daughter-in-law goes to school, who will take care of the child?
After a while, Widow Wang raised her head and said, "When the child is born, mom will take care of it for you. No matter where you go for exams in the future, mom will take care of the child for you."

The child was young and had to be fed when he was born, but he could not live without his mother. Otherwise, Widow Wang would not have thought of taking care of the child for the two of them.

As the child's grandmother, she was willing to take care of the child for them all the time, a job she couldn't ask for.This child was born because of her obsession. Of course she had to shoulder this responsibility and not let the child delay their future.

Of course, it is too early to say this, and it is still unknown whether he will pass the exam.

Chen Yi sighed inwardly. He didn't want to hear what her mother said, nor was he forcing her to take care of his children. She didn't seem to understand what he meant at all. He just wanted her to stop doing disrespectful things.

"Mom, I hope you can respect Xinyu and I's decisions in the future, and don't do things behind our backs without our consent."

The pungent Widow Wang had no temper at all at this time and nodded timidly, "I know, I will definitely not do this in the future, but does the medicine I drank before really not affect the child?"


The mother and son talked for a long time, and after they finished talking, Widow Wang kept soaking the dried mushrooms and vermicelli, and mixed them with white flour, preparing to make bacon and mushroom buns early tomorrow morning.

My daughter-in-law vomits whenever she eats, and she definitely can't eat fresh meat. Pregnant women have a very sensitive sense of smell. Fresh meat has a fishy smell no matter how you handle it. This cured and smoked bacon is much better.

When the daughter-in-law is angry, she is the elder. Even if she did something wrong, she can't lose face and apologize to her daughter-in-law. She can only do more to make up for it.

Chen Yi passed by the kitchen and glanced at her, feeling somewhat offended.He wanted to emphasize the importance of respect to her, but she didn't seem to understand much.

Jiang Xinyu slept soundly, while Chen Yi lay quietly on the bed with his head open and his eyes resting on his arms, unable to fall asleep.

Last night they made the decision not to have this child, but after a trip to the hospital today, they changed their minds again.

He never thought about becoming a father so early, when he was so broke.

If he had not had a net worth of hundreds of millions, he would not feel that he was impoverished now.

The current situation of him and Jiang Xinyu is: apart from the small courtyard at home, which is not worth much, they also have more than 2000 in savings.

The country is still implementing a planned economy, and all houses in the city are publicly owned. Although there are a small number of bungalows and courtyards that are privately owned, there is basically no buying and selling. In this special era, there are no institutions in this area.It is illegal to buy and sell private ancestral houses in the city, not to mention the unclear property rights caused by the special era.

It is not practical to buy a house now. No matter where he and Jiang Xinyu go to take the exam together, they may have to rent a house when they give birth to a child next year.This situation may last for several years, and it may end only when commercial housing is released or when units are allocated housing.

He let out a sigh of relief as he thought about the situation he would face in the future.

He is Jiang Xinyu's husband and will be the father of two children in the future, so he has to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family.

Widow Wang, who was lying on the bed after finishing her work, felt happy and uncomfortable at the same time. She giggled from time to time, thinking that she had gone too far, and quickly straightened her face.

My daughter-in-law is so angry that she doesn’t even return home. How can she be happy?Knowing that her daughter-in-law was going to school early in the morning, Widow Wang got up and steamed buns without sleeping for a few hours.

When Jiang Xinyu was called by Chen Xiuyun to eat egg custard, she vomited again and even vomited sour water.

Chen Xiuyun felt worried when she saw her like that. How could she do it if she couldn't eat anything?

Jiang Xinyu gnawed on an apple and waited for Chen Yi to pick her up. Unexpectedly, Widow Wang came with the steamed buns.

"The dough is so good and the buns are so juicy. See if you can eat it. If you still vomit after eating this, I'll think of something else to do for you." Widow Wang's expression was somewhat guilty and flattering.

Jiang Xinyu picked up a bun and smelled it first. She thought it was okay, so she took a bite. It was salty and spicy with a slight spicy taste. She ate two of them in one go.

Although she ate the buns, she did not make any eye or verbal contact with Widow Wang.

Widow Wang continued to flatter her and said: "You take all this to school, as well as these eggs, and ask the chef to cook one for you every day. No matter how disgusting you are, you have to eat some. Your chin is already thin and pointed. It needs to be replenished." Supplement nutrition.”

Jiang Xinyu always reminded herself of what Widow Wang had done before, and nodded her head reservedly but not very enthusiastically.

She couldn't be coaxed back home with a meal of buns, and just continue to be her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as if nothing had happened.

She wanted to tell her mother-in-law with an attitude that she could not secretly sabotage things in the future. It was better not to do such things that were not conducive to family harmony.

But her mother-in-law is really good at cooking. The chili sauce she makes is very to her liking, and the buns are even more delicious than those in state-owned restaurants.

It was already cold in the morning, and Jiang Xinyu sat in the back seat wrapped in her coat and hugged Chen Yi's waist.

After explaining what happened last night, Chen Yi asked: "Which university should we apply to?"

For him, the college entrance examination was not a difficult task, and he also knew how well Jiang Xinyu was studying, so he never thought about the possibility that the two of them would not be able to pass the college entrance examination.

Jiang Xinyu blurted out three locations without thinking.

"The capital, Shanghai or the South China University of Science and Technology. But my first choice is the universities in the capital. I think Guangzhou is a good place after the reform and opening up, but good universities in the capital can provide us with more development opportunities and possibilities. .”

Qingbei's name is there, no matter what aspect you consider, they must be your first choice!
Chen Yi used to study at a top foreign university, but now he is also yearning for the capital.

The two talked and decided to apply for a school in the capital together.

On the 21st, the state officially issued the document to resume the college entrance examination. The next day, the commune secretary convened a meeting with commune cadres.

Compared with the four articles last time, there is a lot more content to read this time.After the school director held a meeting, he summoned all the teachers with the documents and held a meeting as well.

Due to the hasty resumption of the college entrance examination, the province has not yet set a specific date for the exam, but it has been determined to be mid-December. Those who signed up to take the college entrance examination will have to wait for follow-up notifications.

For teachers like them, the biggest impact is on public teachers. Public teachers can only apply for normal universities, but private teachers like Jiang Xinyu do not have these restrictions.

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