good old days

Chapter 302

The news of the resumption of the college entrance examination was like a strong wind sweeping through this land that was in need of development, especially the educated young people who went to the countryside. They cheered and jumped, hugged each other and cried.

There are not many people like Zhang Hua who have taken long leave from their workplace in order to prepare for the exam. None of the teachers in Jiang Xinyu's school have taken leave for the time being.

Teaching students is also a kind of review, and everyone leaves a way out for themselves. If they fail to pass the exam, they cannot lose their job.Once substitute teachers come, there is a question as to whether they can stay in the future.

There are no real test questions and no systematic explanations. Maybe for students decades from now, the current college entrance examination is very easy, but for people of this era, those who can get into college are definitely the proud ones.After all, Jiang Xinyu said that the teaching level at this time was really far behind compared to decades later.Not to mention that many people who take the college entrance examination take the exam on the spur of the moment after leaving school for many years.

Someone like Jiang Xinyu who had prepared in advance was really taking advantage of him.

Before the holiday this week, the date for the college entrance examination in this province was set, and it was published in the enrollment brochure of the provincial newspaper. The exam dates are from December [-]th to [-]th. If the majors you apply for have English requirements, the exam will be held on the morning of the [-]th. Try English.

In the school dormitory, teachers exchanged information while looking at the enrollment information in the newspaper.

Now is the time to apply for your choice before the college entrance examination. This admissions brochure lists the majors that can be applied for by each recruiting university.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi both applied for science majors. His goal was very clear: he wanted to apply for Huaqing's Department of Digital Engineering.

Jiang Xinyu read it several times and found that Huaqing's majors were really not of particular interest to her. Many of the majors were a waste of time at first sight.

The two went back to the dormitory to discuss. Jiang Xinyu said: "I want to learn a language, but Huaqing has no language enrollment this year, otherwise we wouldn't apply to the same school."

Chen Yi pointedly exposed her lie, "You don't want to learn the language, you just want to be lazy."

Jiang Xinyu's face turned red.

She does mean that, mainly because her English and French skills are really good. She thinks she is very talented in learning languages. After entering college, she can really be lazy if she majors in English.

Seeing her like that, he gave in and said, "Capital University also has a computational mathematics department that I'm interested in. You can choose a more relaxed major."

If she insists on being lazy, he can accommodate her.

She had to go to a school because she was pregnant. It would be easier for him to take care of her in a school, and he would feel more at ease if she had her under his nose.

Jiang Xinyu struggled for a while and decided to learn something useful.

"Then tell me, which one should I choose, clinical medicine or international politics?"

He poked her cheek gently, "Do you know what international politics is about?"

Jiang Xinyu's eyes widened, "Don't underestimate me, there are many employment directions in this major. After graduating from university, you can work in the field of journalism, you can enter the foreign affairs department, you can also enter government agencies."

He chuckled, "Which one do you prefer?"

Jiang Xinyu touched her belly: "Let's just talk about international politics."

Mainly because she has no interest in studying medicine.

When the two of them filled out their application forms, they filled out the application form exactly the same.Unless the score difference between the two is too big, it should be appropriate for them to be in the same school.

People tend to get together. Zhang Hua and Jiang Zhenzhen, who were reviewing in the county, went home on the weekend just to find out which school Jiang Xinyu and his wife had enrolled in.

Taking care of children is really a waste of time. The two of them sent their eldest son home a few days ago. Pang Lijuan was educated by her man. In addition, her eldest grandson is her darling, even though her face is still ugly. , and she didn’t say anything more about not caring for their children.As for the little one, as long as he doesn't cry and goes to bed after eating, it's relatively easy.

Chen Xiuyun was steaming chestnuts in the kitchen, while several people were discussing in the room.

Jiang Zhenzhen was a little envious when she heard that the two had applied for universities in the capital and Shanghai.Putting aside whether you can pass the exam or not, there is a psychological difference between going to college at home and going to college abroad.

I’ve never even been to the city, why don’t I want to go out of the province and have a look?
"Instead of the two younger ones at home, we also want to apply to schools in other provinces."

The youngest one hasn't been weaned yet, so why don't she worry about others?
Which university to apply for is a question, and what major to study is also a question.

Several people chatted non-stop. Chen Xiuyun came in with chestnuts and said, "It's so lively. It's as if you all can pass the exam. Come on, eat quickly. I'll make some noodle soup."

Jiang Xinyu picked at the chestnuts and said, "Mom, don't do it to me and Chen Yi. I'll go back and eat with him."

Now that she has a bad appetite, she can eat the food cooked by her mother-in-law.

Jiang Zhenzhen took the opportunity to ask, "I heard Xiuhua said that the old man in our brigade was picked up?"

Chen Xiuyun nodded, "Yes, I heard from the captain that he will be a professor at a university in the capital in the future. It is also unexpected that Mr. Yu is Song Zhiqing's biological grandfather."

Chen Xiuyun felt that the happiest person was Jiang Laosan. He was always squealing when he went out. He also said that his son-in-law would definitely be admitted to college and take Jiang Baoqin to the capital to live a good life.

Yu Xiling returned to the city, and when he turned around, the people in the brigade looked at them differently.

Although they didn't bully them for nothing in the past, when they look at them now, they look at "capable people". Everyone is thinking about who will come back to the city if they can't protect them.

Chen Xiuyun is very satisfied with the enthusiasm of her daughter and son-in-law to take the college entrance examination, "You all study hard. If one of our family can pass the college entrance examination, I will have to set up a few tables in the village."

She had high hopes. Compared with those girls who had to pick up textbooks many years after graduating from high school, her daughter had an advantage.

When she got home, Widow Wang had already fried the pheasant.

Jiang Xinyu saw the dried rabbit meat hanging in the kitchen, "When did you fry the rabbit?"

Widow Wang quickly shook her head, "That won't work. You can't eat rabbit meat when you're pregnant." What should I do if my child is born with three mouths?
Jiang Xinyu was puzzled: "What can't be eaten? It's all meat, what impact will it have?"

Although she and her mother-in-law talked normally, the closeness was gone compared to before. Widow Wang naturally felt it, and her attitude towards her became cautious.

Widow Wang thought of Yao's three-petal mouth, so she didn't understand what she was saying. She simply said, "Eating rabbit meat while pregnant is not good anyway."

No matter whether there is scientific basis or not, there is nothing wrong with taboo points anyway.

Chen Yi got the pheasant from going to the countryside to play movies. Not long ago, he carried home half a sack of chestnuts.Jiang Xinyu couldn't eat much these days, but she ate a lot of chestnuts and apples.

Widow Wang knew that Jiang Xinyu had to eat a heavy meal now. The fried pheasant meat was so spicy that Chen Yi couldn't even touch it. However, Jiang Xinyu smelled the fishy smell in the meat and immediately vomited out the sour water.

After Jiang Xinyu rinsed her mouth, she still felt acid reflux, and she really couldn't eat anything.

Chen Yi skillfully prepared a packet of sour plum powder for her. Seeing her chin become thinner and pointed, how could she not feel distressed?
Widow Wang was anxious, "You can't do it without eating."

Jiang Xinyu: "It's okay. I've eaten chestnuts and I'm not hungry at all."

She can be as skinny as she wants, but even if she can't eat, there's nothing she can do about it.

While they were talking, Aunt Jiang Hua came to talk to Widow Wang.

Jiang Xinyu sat aside and listened for a while, sighing in her heart.

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