good old days

Chapter 303

Aunt Jiang Hua came to see Widow Wang because she was talking about the excitement at the house of former accountant Li Yiping.

After Li Yiping's accident, his family was also cast aside by the members of the team.

The ex-accountant's wife used to look at people with her eyes in the sky, but since her man went in because he bullied Li Dani, she has become silent in the team.

News of the resumption of the college entrance examination came. Her daughter-in-law Wen Guili was clamoring to sign up for the college entrance examination. She and her son teamed up to beat him up. Now they are locked up in the house. They don't even let the door out, and they even bring food in directly. Go inside.

The mother and son teamed up to lock people into the house. Wen Guili couldn't bear it and now she is going on a hunger strike to commit suicide. Or she will die, and we will let her take the college entrance examination.

Aunt Jiang Hua shook her head and said: "This female educated youth still cannot marry. Once the college entrance examination resumes, look at how many people in our village are clamoring to take the college entrance examination just like Guili! Marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating. If you pass the exam, why should you take the exam? What will happen if you pass the exam? Your family won’t want it anymore?”

Jiang Xinyu was speechless, "Why can't you take the exam if you are married? If you pass the exam, it will be a great thing. The whole family will no longer have to live here. Isn't it better than anything else?"

Aunt Jiang Hua disagreed, punched the palm of her other hand with one fist and said: "You didn't say that. If you pass the exam, can you still see the men in the village? Then the family will be broken up? A good family , was abruptly broken up by the college entrance examination."

"A man is incompetent, so he blames a woman for being promising? Just push him to the ground and lie down with him, okay? If he doesn't let her take the college entrance examination, she will hate him for the rest of her life. Even if she keeps him, what will happen in the future? Life is not good either.”

Aunt Jiang Hua looked at her for a long time, and for a while she was choked and speechless.

She still refused to admit defeat, "What do women need to do? A man is the head of the family. He should marry whomever he wants and live what kind of life he wants. Only by making less trouble can the family be good."

Jiang Xinyu was distraught when she heard this, "Auntie, what you mean is that women can't be capable? Once you get married, you have to live your life based on the man's face? Then why get married? If you have the ability, you still have to get married and live your life based on the man's face. That's not right. Brain problem?"

Aunt Jiang Hua said quickly: "You are right, that's what I mean. If Guili really passes the exam, she will definitely be more capable than Qiangzi in the future. Then she will definitely not be happy to see his face, so I said she shouldn’t have been allowed to take the college entrance examination. If she passed the exam, she would fly away. Wouldn’t the strong man have no wife? The child would no longer have a mother!”

Jiang Xinyu: "...!"

It was a perfect closed loop. Talking to this aunt would make her have a heart attack.

She knew that not only Aunt Jiang Hua thought this way, but also most people in the village. Some people had the same thoughts as Aunt Jiang Hua, and some people were afraid that people from other families would be successful and would not see good things in others.

Widow Wang looked at Jiang Xinyu's face and said quickly: "You can't eat that chicken, fill half of it and give it to your mother."

Jiang Xinyu stood up in response.

If she continues to argue with Aunt Jiang Hua, she will offend someone. This aunt may decide how to arrange her in the village. She doesn't care how she arranges her, but if she continues to argue, she will be angry with herself.

Chen Yi was roasting sweet potatoes for her in the stove. When he saw her come out, he took out the sweet potatoes and wrapped them in scrap newspapers and handed them to her, "You smell them first."

Jiang Xinyu smelled it and felt that she would not vomit, so she peeled off the skin and ate it.

After eating the sweet potatoes and carrying the bowl, before I could go out, I was blocked by some educated youths.

Educated youths are here to borrow books. There are a lot of books in the educated youth spots. Everyone can't find enough books to read, so they have to find ways to borrow them everywhere.

"You go to school with us tomorrow afternoon, and we can give you a set."

Both of them have the required books, and both of them have reviewed them enough to be able to share a set.

The educated youths beamed with joy and thanked them profusely.

There are many female educated youths like Wen Guili who have started families in the local area, and there are also people facing the same situation as her. She cannot help everyone, so she can only do small things like lending books to the educated youths.Time flies so fast and it’s December in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Xinyu's appetite has improved a lot, but because she didn't eat much before, she still looks like she has lost a lot of weight.

Her belly didn't have any rise and fall, and she didn't look like she was pregnant.

After a heavy snowfall, everyone finally ushered in the 1977 college entrance examination.

This college entrance examination is the first after the resumption of college entrance examination. After review and pre-examination screening, rough statistics show that millions of candidates across the country have taken the college entrance examination.

Because the test questions were printed in large quantities, it was impossible to distribute the test papers nationwide in such a short period of time. In addition, at this time, primary and secondary Chinese language textbooks were written by each province, so each province set its own test questions.

The snow outside has not yet melted, and is piled fluffily on the branches of the trees. The sky and the earth look white.

Jiang Xinyu and the others' examination room was in the commune. After eating, they wrapped themselves in scarves and went to the examination room with the others.

Just from the examination room in their commune, one can see that this college entrance examination is unprecedented.

People taking the college entrance examination include young people aged fifteen or sixteen, as well as middle-aged people in their 40s. The phenomenon of couples, teachers and students, brothers and sisters, uncles and nephews taking the exam at the same time is happening before our eyes.

The first test is Chinese. At first glance, there are really not many questions.

There are explanations of words and sentences, analysis of the meaning and spirit of the poem, and word-for-word translation of classical Chinese. The rest is the essay question. There are two optional questions, and the questions are very characteristic of the times.

Jiang Xinyu smiled when she saw the title of the essay.

Chen Yi often let her read newspapers and magazines, and the two of them often listened to the radio. He asked her to write and comment on it. The current topic is exactly the same as the one he published before. As long as it adheres closely to the spirit of the times, the article does not need to be If you focus on a specific thing, you should be able to get good scores.

It has been two years since she came here. Everything she has experienced in the countryside and the books she has read in her daily life are enough for her to write this article.

There was silence outside the window, and in the examination room there was the rustle of candidates writing down their pens.

When leaving the examination room, Chen Yi happened to come out from next door.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't ask how the test went, because they both knew that this paper was really not that difficult, and the only thing that could determine the grade was the composition.

Widow Wang and Chen Xiuyun also care about such a big thing as the college entrance examination.When they returned to school at noon, they were greeted with hot rice and stir-fried vegetables.

The exams in the afternoon were physics and chemistry. At the end of the day, Jiang Xinyu felt that she had done well in the exams.

The math test paper the next morning was also very good, with a total of eight big questions and one additional question. Two of them looked like junior high school math questions. As for the last two big questions, they became more difficult in an instant.

This paper should be difficult for most candidates to get an [-]% score.

Jiang Xinyu worked hard on each question. The seventh question was a little difficult, but the last big question was solved very quickly.

The last chapter was stuck, I think it will be released tomorrow (ー`)y━~~

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