good old days

Chapter 304 Wait for the notice

Chapter 304 Wait for the notice

In the first two exams, she had a lot of free time after finishing each subject. In the math exam, she had to solve the seventh big question until the last minute. She was not sure whether it was right or not.

As for the additional questions, involving super-category calculus, she only solved one of the two short questions. She gave up on the second question and went to work on the seventh question.

This is true for a well-prepared person like her. Most of the candidates sitting in the commune examination room wanted to give up when they saw these questions. Their hearts were really chilled.

After leaving the examination room and seeing Chen Yi, she wanted to check the answers with him, first of all the answers to the last two questions.

After the exchange, Jiang Xinyu clapped her hands excitedly, "My solution to the seventh question is different from yours, but the answer is the same. I'm really great. It's the last additional question, so I did a small question. The second question Asking is beyond the scope of my knowledge.”

There were additional questions in the physics test yesterday, but she took one look at them and didn't do them because she didn't have enough time. She looked at them and felt like she had no way to start.But she didn't care. Anyway, except for the additional questions, she answered most of them successfully.

The examinee who followed the two people and listened to their conversation was doubting life.

Why can others do the additional questions, but they can only do so few?

Song Minghan didn't look very relaxed either, and followed the two of them with a solemn expression.He thought he might be able to score almost seventy points, but after hearing the words of the first two people, he began to doubt his life.

When he looked up, he saw Jiang Baoqin holding the child and waving to him. He trotted over and said dissatisfied: "It's so cold, why did you bring the child over?"

Jiang Baoqin glanced at Jiang Xinyu, who was walking over with joy on her face, and looked away unhappily, "She has diarrhea. I'll take her to the health team for a look."

Song Minghan pressed the child's swaddling clothes, took the child over and held him, and asked about the child's condition.

"How do you feel? I saw everyone coming out of the examination room with sad faces." Jiang Xinyu smiled happily!
Song Minghan held the child in his arms without saying anything. He felt that his exam performance was so-so, which should be much better than most people who crammed in the exam, but it was not the best.

Jiang Baoqin looked at Jiang Xinyu, whose back was full of happiness, and felt jealous in her heart.

After having the memory of her previous life, she had been preparing for review. After the college entrance examination resumed, she also signed up. After submitting the political review materials and going through another examination screening, she suddenly lost the qualification for the college entrance examination. .

She didn't know whether she was screened out because her pre-examination scores were too low or because of her mother's murder. Anyway, she had no chance to take the college entrance examination.

But it doesn't matter, Song Minghan will not abandon her and the child.

Back in the school dormitory, several teachers who took the college entrance examination didn't look very good.

"It's too difficult. I can't even understand the last question!" Teacher Xiao Lin punched the table with his fist.

Zhong Ying said: "I may not even get [-] points, and I don't want to take the exam in the afternoon."

My math scores were so bad, and my overall score wasn't much higher, so I couldn't pass the exam anyway.

Jiang Xinyu suppressed her smile, "You are not the only one who doesn't do well in math. If everyone is not good, you will be kicked out of this subject. You have to score points for politics in the afternoon! It's just a shudder. In case you pass the exam, What? If you don’t take the exam, you are giving others a chance."

Wu Jian nodded, "That's the truth! If you don't take the exam, others will score one more subject than you! Are you stupid?"

Master Li knew that many teachers took the college entrance examination and cooked a lot of rice, but no matter how large the portion was, it was still cabbage vermicelli.

Neither mother came today. Knowing that Jiang Xinyu was being picky, Chen Yi took his lunch box to the state-owned restaurant and returned with a box of mapo tofu and a box of rice.

Jiang Xinyu ate rice, and he ate the school's cornmeal pancakes. If she ate the leftovers, he would eat them all, and nothing would be wasted.

After the afternoon political exam, Zhang Hua and Jiang Zhenzhen came to school.

Jiang Zhenzhen was convinced by this math paper. If she only looked at her math scores, she felt there was no hope for her to go to college. "Isn't there a sewing machine at my brother-in-law's house? I need to change some old clothes for Xiaobao. I have to stay at my parents' house for a few days. Your brother-in-law will go back to work in the factory in two days."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "You don't have to wait for us to go back together. I will try English again tomorrow. Just tell my mother-in-law and she will definitely let you use it."

Even though she hadn't read an English book in two years, the words formed by these letters were still impressive to her.

The English score is not included in the total score, but is a reference score.

Ordinary people have no chance to learn English. Besides, in the past few years, those who could afford it all studied Russian, so some of the questions in this paper are the same as those for primary school students who are just learning English.

After the exam, the two of them did not return to the team.

There was snow on the road, and there was a possibility of slipping while riding a bicycle. Jiang Xinyu was too lazy to bother, and Chen Yi was afraid that she would fall out.

It was broad daylight, and there were hot water bottles and hot water bottles under the quilt. She was half lying on the bed eating canned fruit.

Although I didn’t study much before the college entrance examination, I still relaxed a lot after the exam. In the following days, I will just wait for the notification of the physical examination.

As for Chen Yi, he is sitting at the table writing articles and trying to earn royalties.

Although he said before that she was after money, he started writing and submitting manuscripts since she became pregnant.

The magazine published three articles and the newspaper published two articles. The remuneration was based on the length, quality and value of each article.The highest one was eight yuan, and the lowest one was two yuan. A total of 27 yuan was earned, which was almost as much as her monthly salary.

The article Chen Yi is writing now is related to the first college entrance examination after the resumption of college entrance examination. It can be regarded as a sentiment. He wrote more than 2000 words in one breath before stopping.

He moved his neck and turned around to see her falling asleep again.

He left her a note and walked out the door.

The tomato sauce at home is now ready for sale.

When the weather is cold, you can only eat cabbage and radishes. Tomato sauce should be very popular and can be sold at a high price.

After riding a bicycle and arriving home, Widow Wang was resting at home, "Where is Xinyu?"

"The road was too slippery to allow her to come back."

Widow Wang couldn't hold it back and asked expectantly: "How did you two do in the exam?"

Chen Yi nodded, "Let's wait for the notification."

Widow Wang curled her lips, hearing this, she didn't know whether it was okay or not.

When it got dark and there was no movement in the village, he put two tomato sauce jars in sacks and hung them on the horizontal bars. Then he went to Chen Xiuyun's place, packed the pastries she made and hung them on the bars. On the handlebars.

Chen Xiuyun was worried and watched as he sent the person to the entrance of the village.

He had too many things to carry and the road was not easy to walk, so he pushed his bicycle slowly towards Ding Changhai.

The cold wind hurt his face, so he wrapped a scarf around his neck. Although he was wearing gloves, his fingers were already frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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