good old days

Chapter 305 Who assigned the task?

Chapter 305 Who assigned the task?
The weather is cold, and tomato sauce is not easy to spoil. If you open it, it will not spoil even if it is left for ten days.

In order to sell this ketchup, Ding Changhai specially made a spoon that holds half a catty of water, just like the one used to make soy sauce.

It’s not easy to get tomato sauce in winter, and the quantity is limited, so Ding Changhai was prepared to raise the price.

"How many jars did you make in total during the summer?"

Chen Yi took a sip of hot water and said, "I have five jars at home, and I keep one jar for myself. My mother-in-law's house originally had four jars, but two jars broke and were thrown away. I think I can sell six jars in total."

Ding Changhai nodded, "I'll give you eight cents per pound. I also have such a small jar at home. In addition to the weight of the jar, we will settle the bill directly later."

In addition to the weight of the jar, which is 26 kilograms, two jars of tomato paste also cost 41 yuan.

These tomato sauces are definitely worthless in the summer, and all the tomatoes in the field will rot in the ground after being eaten, but in the winter when there are few types of vegetables, they can be sold at a price that is the same as the price of meat.

Widow Wang also made bacon and chili sauce, but now these are Jiang Xinyu's rations and have no plans to sell them.

Jiang Xinyu was drowsy at night, and he came back with a chill.Afraid of catching her cold, he opened a corner of the quilt to warm her up, but in fact half of his body was still outside.

His body was shaking after being frozen outside for more than two hours.

Jiang Xinyu reached out to look for him, but was awakened by his cold face.

She pulled the quilt towards him and moved closer to him, hoping to warm him up quickly.

His body was so cold that her drowsiness disappeared. Her stomach growled, and she muttered: "I want to eat braised fish."

He held her in his arms and said, "Don't you feel sick when you think about fish?"

She shook her head in front of his chest and said, "I shouldn't feel sick anymore. I just want to eat fish suddenly."

"Go to the restaurant to eat tomorrow."

"Is it still cold?"

“It’s not cold anymore”


The young couple hugged each other under the quilt and whispered. Jiang Xinyu fell asleep and fell asleep thinking about the braised fish.

Due to the college entrance examination, the school suspended classes for a few days, but it resumed normal classes immediately this week.

Five days later, Officer Liu got back the college entrance examination answers from the county education bureau.

Everyone gathered together to look at the answers. Looking at the answers to the math paper, everyone felt like they were mourning.

After Zhong Ying checked the answers, she got a result of less than ten points.

Wu Jian is still good, and his score is estimated to be over 60. He feels that he should have a chance of getting into college.

Jiang Xinyu estimated her score. Not counting English, the full score was [-] points. It was conservatively estimated to be [-] points. She didn't calculate the score mainly for questions such as essays, which were difficult to estimate.

She had made preparations in advance, and it was a great bargain.

Director Liu didn't take the college entrance examination. Seeing everyone's crying faces, he smiled and comforted: "Don't cry in a hurry. You are all not good. There must not be many people who do well in the exam. I went to the county education bureau to inquire. There is something from the top." Rumor has it that the admission score should not be much higher!"

"How much is it?" Zhong Ying asked expectantly.If Wu Jiankao leaves, their family will soon be separated.

Officer Liu smiled: "Who can say this accurately? We have to complete the calculation after all the papers have been corrected. Moreover, I heard rumors that the admission scores of recent high school graduates and graduates who have been working for several years may also be different. These are all saying no. That's right, don't think too much now, wait until the physical examination notice comes out, then you must have passed the exam, if your name is not on the physical examination notice, then you must have failed the exam."

What Director Liu said is to the point.Jiang Xinyu had heard of people who were directly dismissed from the college entrance examination because they failed to pass the political review.

We are now in a stage of uncertainty. Even if we pass the score line, we may still be stuck in the problem and not be able to go to college.

As for who is admitted and who is not admitted, if the scores are not transparent due to various objective factors, candidates can only let it go.

Young people and retired soldiers who have participated in the labor force for a few years after graduation may have lower admission scores than fresh high school graduates like Jiang Xinyu.

In fact, there are still people at the top who insist on the same way of doing things in the past, and it will still take time to completely eliminate the impact of the problems left over from history.

Thanks to the fact that her biological mother was an educated young man with roots in the countryside, and her mother-in-law's family was also a poor farmer, she and Chen Yi had no problems with their political examinations at all.

When I returned home from the weekend break, the captain’s wife was making clothes with a sewing machine at her home, and Widow Wang was sitting beside her, sewing small clothes.

"I'm back. Your Uncle Li still wants you to help him read the report."

The captain felt that Jiang Xinyu had a bright mind and was better than him at flattering her in the report. The most important thing was that she remained calm.He may go to the commune, so this report must be written well.

Jiang Xinyu responded: "I'll go and show him tomorrow."

"Mom, the clothes you are making are not for children, are they?"

Widow Wang smiled and nodded, "That's not the case. It's cold now. If you have time, just make a few. This will save you the hassle in the future."

The captain's wife said: "Look at Xinyu's belly, she doesn't look like she is several months pregnant."

Jiang Xinyu's belly is still a little different, but you have to lift all the clothes to see the difference. With clothes on, she looks like a normal person.

"They say sour children and spicy girls, do you like sour food or spicy food? If your first child is a son, your mission has been completed."

Jiang Xinyu didn't even know who assigned her the task of giving birth to a son.

Chen Yi made a cup of brown sugar water and handed it to her, then took over the conversation and said: "It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, just having this one child is enough."

Before Widow Wang said anything, the captain's wife said disapprovingly: "It's better to have more children. The family is busy. If I just have a daughter, is it okay not to have another child?"

Chen Yi: "Why not? Mom, you think so."

Widow Wang nodded hurriedly, "A girl is fine. If you have fewer children and fewer flowers, the burden will be lighter."

Although she felt in her heart that having more children would bring her blessings, she got this child through trickery, and she didn't dare to say anything now.

"Xinyu must be hungry. Your mother brought me some smoked fish. I'll steam one for you." Widow Wang quickly got up and went to the kitchen.

Jiang Xinyu was also convinced. Even before the baby was born in her stomach, someone was planning to arrange the next one for her. She returned to the house with brown sugar water.

The captain's wife put down what she was doing and chased Widow Wang to the kitchen, "Are you really thinking about it? My third daughter-in-law is also pregnant, isn't she? She is about to give birth. The doctor checked her pulse before and said it might be a girl. What about the transfer? Pearls can change the gender of a child, so I bought one from her, and now looking at my third daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, everyone says it’s a son.”

Widow Wang was stunned, "Is it really useful?"

The captain's wife nodded, "Let's give it a try. It doesn't cost much to make it work, just two yuan. What a deal it would be if we could really get a son back?"

Chen Yi passed by with a broom and heard these incredible remarks.

When Widow Wang turned around and saw her son's face, she quickly refused and said, "No, no, no, it's God's will to have children, and we don't want to engage in feudal superstition."

(End of this chapter)

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