good old days

Chapter 306 Passing the physical examination line

Widow Wang verbally rejected the fortune bead, but she was actually a little moved in her heart. However, she was afraid that her son and daughter-in-law would be angry, so she could only think about it in her heart for the time being.

After a month of vomiting whatever she ate, Jiang Xinyu no longer feels fishy when eating fish.

However, she also deliberately controlled her food intake. The doctor said that eating too much may cause the fetus to be too large, and she would still suffer the consequences when the baby was born.

The treatment Jiang Xinyu enjoys now is quite good. Chen Yi is used to serving her. Whether at school or at home, he will bring her water to bathe and soak her feet in the evening. As long as it is work, no matter how big or small, as long as he is there, he will Didn't let her get her hands on it.

After Jiang Xinyu finished washing and tidying up, she sat at the table and put on cream, and said to him casually: "We have agreed, it doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, it's just this one. If your mother has any objections, I won't care."

She just didn't want to suffer the crime of vomiting after eating in the past few months, let alone risking her life to give birth to a child. Even Chen Yi couldn't let her give birth to a second child.

After giving birth to a child, she had to pay for the child. She had not enjoyed a good life herself, so she had to plan for the child. She really didn't want to live such a life.

Chen Yi wiped his feet with a towel and said, "Do I look so unreliable?"

Jiang Xinyu looked back at him, dug some cream on her fingers, stood up, and went to him to rub his face.

This person really doesn't take good care of his face. It's cold and dry, so if he doesn't apply some oil to moisturize his face, it will become chapped and a little red within a few days.

He put one arm around her waist and raised his face slightly to let her rub his face.

She asked smoothly: "Do you also want a son? We don't have any property for him to inherit now."

Now the two of them live in this poor house, and the child will clearly inherit their poverty when they are born.

To put it unscientifically, if the child had a choice before reincarnation, he would definitely not be willing to be reborn in her belly now.

If the medical level were like a few decades later, and the family conditions were good, regardless of gender, she might consider having one more child, but now, screw it, one child is her limit.

He picked her up and sat on his lap, "If I have a child like you, I will be able to serve you mother and daughter."

My daughter is good. If she is like her, she will be fragrant and soft, and will be liked by many people.

Because she felt that it was not appropriate to have a child at this age, Jiang Xinyu had not felt much maternal love for the child in her belly. She snorted and said domineeringly: "I don't care, even if the child is born, in your heart, I must be more important." .”

He chuckled lightly and pressed her face against hers.No need to choose, she is always the most important.

The young couple was tired of sitting in the room. Widow Wang couldn't sit still in the room, so she got up and went to the captain's house.

After whispering to the captain's wife for half an hour, the captain's wife took out the "transport bead" placed on the table in Li Lei's room and showed it to Widow Wang.

The so-called "transfer beads" are round beads made from ground peach pits and strung together with rubber bands.

The cost was just a small piece of rubber band, but the doctor had to sell it for two yuan.

Widow Wang usually lived frugally, but at this time she took out two yuan from her pocket and asked the captain's wife to bring a bunch back for her.

The captain's wife said: "The doctor said, you don't need to carry this thing with you, just put it in the couple's room. Then you can quietly put it in the couple's room. It will be useful."

Widow Wang nodded, feeling relieved.If her daughter-in-law wants to give birth to a child, that's okay. As long as the first child is a son, she will feel at ease. Otherwise, she really can't let the two of them have another child.

What happened last time always reminded her that she should not do anything excessive again. Now that she was buying fortune beads in private, she thought it would not harm her daughter-in-law's health, so she dared to do it secretly.

Even so, Widow Wang still felt that she had done something wrong, so she got up early the next morning and fried sugar-oiled fruits.

Normally, she would only do this during the Chinese New Year when the family was doing well. Because she felt guilty, she wanted to be nicer to her daughter-in-law.

Half of the pigs left over for the New Year have been eaten, and there is no more pork at home. However, in October, Chen Yi caught a lot of fish, which she pickled into cured fish and dried long ago.

Early in the morning, Jiang Xinyu ate cured fish and sugar-coated fruits, feeling as happy as during the Chinese New Year.

"When will we get the fresh fish back? Let's make tomato fish soup and drink it." Widow Wang saw that she had a good appetite and felt happy.

Jiang Xinyu went to the public house to help the captain correct the report, and then returned to her parents' house for a while. In the middle of the afternoon, the two set off for the commune.

Chen Yi's job of showing movies became free in the winter, mainly because when it snowed, he didn't have to go to the countryside for at least three to five days. He just sat in the office and read newspapers every day. Those days were not too comfortable.

However, going to the countryside to play movies in the middle of winter is quite hard. The cold wind is blowing, and it is very tiring to slowly push the generator and projection machine on a bicycle.

The road was a bit muddy, and when we reached a particularly bad section, Chen Yi got down and pushed the bicycle while Jiang Xinyu sat on it obediently.

Halfway along the way, I heard the sound of a woman crying from far away. As I got closer, I saw Song Minghan and Jiang Baoqin, who was holding a baby, walking from the opposite side one after another.

Jiang Baoqin was so immersed in crying that she didn't even notice that the person walking across from her was Jiang Xinyu, whom she hated the most.

Jiang Xinyu sat on the seat and casually glanced at the infant child, and found that the child's face seemed abnormal, it was faintly blue, and there was no movement of breathing.

Thinking of some possibility, she subconsciously touched her belly.

At noon, the second aunt was at her parents' house and said that Jiang Baoqin's son had a fever and developed pneumonia and had gone to the county hospital for treatment.

Could it be that this is not cured?
Babies tend to get sick easily in winter. The frail little one in her eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen's family also had a fever, but it has recovered.

At this time, Jiang Baoqin was sad and panicked. The child was her tool to contain Song Minghan. Now that the child had died due to pneumonia, she was afraid that Song Minghan would not want her when he was admitted to college.

She secretly made up her mind that as soon as his notice arrived, she would hold it in her hand. If he returned to the city without him, she would tear up his notice.

December passed quickly, and in early January, the list of those who had passed the physical examination was posted in the county.

There are four teachers in commune primary schools and junior high schools who have passed the physical examination.

When Director Liu came to announce the good news, his face was really glowing.

There are less than two palms in their entire commune that have passed the physical examination, but there are four in their school, which can be regarded as bringing glory to the school.

"Xiao Lin, Wu Jian, Xiao Jiang, and Zhang Lei, I will give you a day off tomorrow. You should go to the county hospital for a physical examination. By the way, Xiao Jiang, I saw the list, and your husband Xiao Chen also passed the physical examination line. Congratulations. Got it!"

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