good old days

Chapter 307 The commune secretary comes to announce the good news

Passing the physical examination line was expected, but Jiang Xinyu was still excited for a moment.

Some people were happy and some were worried. As soon as Jiang Xinyu opened her mouth, she saw Zhong Ying's pale face, which was in sharp contrast to Wu Jian's happy expression.

Zhong Ying had a big belly. After Manager Liu left, she smashed the pencil case on her desk to the ground, making a harsh sound.

Everyone looked at each other.

The smile on Wu Jian's face disappeared and he said to the teacher in the office: "I'll say a few words to her. Can you make room for me first?"

Jiang Xinyu and others went out. Wu Jian held Zhong Ying's hand and said, "Don't make trouble. Even if you pass the exam, I won't worry about being pregnant like this."

Zhong Ying wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "You passed the exam and left me here alone."

She obviously came from the city, but the opportunity was presented to her, but she failed to pass the exam.

Wu Jian sighed and said: "My home is here, and my parents are also here. How can I say that I left you here alone? If you can't pass the exam this time, there will be another time. Our child will be born soon." , don’t be discouraged, you should continue to work hard after the child is born.”

Zhong Ying was comforted by him and nodded while sobbing, "I thought you would not want me when you get into college."

Wu Jian said: "Who do you think I am? Even if we had troubles before, I never thought about divorcing you. In your mind, am I the kind of person who abandons his wife and children?"

He was noble and thought he was talented. He once liked Song Guifang, but he didn't like Zhong Ying that much. But family was family. Even if he was admitted to college, his wife and children could not be abandoned.Is this the basic character of being a human being?
Zhong Ying had been worried before the college entrance examination. After answering the questions after the college entrance examination, her heart was still filled with fear.Now after listening to Wu Jian's words, her heart fell back into her stomach.

In the commune, Secretary Wang just answered the call from the superior.

This year's provincial top scorer and No. 3 in science are all from their commune. The provincial top scorer got all the points for the additional questions, and his results can be said to be unparalleled.

Moreover, the essay that won the top prize in the province was full of praise from the teachers who corrected the paper and the professors who had read it.

One of the essay topics this year is related to the current situation. Many candidates chose this topic, but not many wrote it well.

Some people's writing style is sharp and their rhetoric is too obvious, and their angry youth temperament is too obvious. Although their words are meaningful, the marking teachers dare not give them high marks.

But this article by the top student in the college entrance examination has an inclusive temperament, profound meaning, and rich connotations, but it is not floating in the clouds. It mildly criticizes the current ills from the cited events, looks at past events with a rational eye, and then Looking forward to the future with a development perspective, the whole article is not too many words, but there is not a word of nonsense. The words are meaningful, and the writing style is very comfortable to read.After reading the whole article, I felt another shocking force.You can see a person's true heart from the article, letting people who read the article know that the person who wrote the article has patriotic feelings.

The Education Bureau decided to publish this article in the newspaper.

This is the first college entrance examination after the resumption of college entrance examination. Although the scores will not be announced, they will be recorded in the files. Those who have reviewed the papers and those in the Education Bureau will know the scores of particularly outstanding candidates.

Secretary Wang received two calls in a row and was praised by the superiors. Naturally, he felt bright.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he strolled to the film projection team's office.

Jiang Xinyu was inside at that time. She came to report to Chen Yi.

Upon hearing that Secretary Wang said that the provincial champion was in their commune, many leading cadres from the commune came.

They can all get into the provincial top exam, and they will be able to go to university and graduate. Such people deserve their respect.

The young couple were joking with Xu Nan and others. They turned their heads when they heard the noise and were a little confused when they saw so many people. "Why are the leaders here?"

Secretary Wang smiled and said, "Congratulations to you couple. One is the top scorer in the province in science and the other is No. 3. The Education Bureau also decided to publish Xiao Chen's essay in the newspaper. I thought you could write articles before, but now that I think about it, Letting you show movies is really burying the talent. Teacher Xiao Jiang is also good, ranked third in the province, and he is closely following the footsteps of Xiao Chen."

Xu Nan and the others felt like shit. They knew that Chen Yi could write articles, but they didn't expect that the couple were so awesome.

What is the concept of provincial champion?He had read the newspaper before, and after comprehensive statistics, he found that there were more than millions of people taking the college entrance examination across the country, and the top scorer in the province was also top-notch in the country.His younger brother also took the college entrance examination, but he didn't even pass the physical examination.

Jiang Xinyu didn't expect that she could still take the third place in the province. She turned to Chen Yi with a smile and said, "Then we can go to Huaqing together."

"We have brought glory to the commune. Leaders, do we have any rewards?"

Everyone laughed happily, and the secretary pointed a finger at the two of them, "If the commune gives rewards, the county should also give them. You, little Teacher Jiang, are thinking about something every day!"

Jiang Xinyu smiled and said: "Of course my ideological consciousness is not as high as that of the leaders. Don't blame me for being so complacent that I forget my form."

"If my daughter can go to college and her tail is raised to the sky, we will only be happy."


Chen Yi's small room was very lively for a while.

The school is about to go on holiday, and the knowledge for one semester has been taught long ago. There have been no new lessons in recent days.

The next day, Director Liu gave them leave for a physical examination. Chen Yi no longer had to go to the countryside to show movies. The young couple broke through the crowd of congratulators and returned to the village to report the news.

Chen Xiuyun was still in class at the Central Primary School, and the two of them rushed to the pig pen after missing the fight.

Widow Wang was working, and she heard her daughter-in-law's happy voice before she saw anyone.

"Mom, I passed the exam. Chen Yi and I both passed the physical examination. He is the top scorer in science in the province, and I am No. 3."

Why keep a low profile for such a great good thing? The tone Jiang Xinyu shouted in her small voice really shouldn't be too festive.

The secretary's wife was also working in the pigsty. When they heard the words, they were so shocked that they dropped all the tools in their hands.

"Real or false? Did I hear correctly?" Widow Wang was doubting her life.

She would be very proud of her son and daughter-in-law if they could pass the exam. She had never thought about the number one scholar and the top few, and she didn't dare to think about it.

The secretary's daughter-in-law was so shocked that her jaw dropped.

Jiang Xinyu nodded repeatedly, the strands of hair on her forehead rising and falling, "Really, really, the good news that the commune secretary and leaders announced to us, can it be fake?"

Chen Yi looked at her little appearance and stood aside with a smile.

In fact, he didn't think it was that great, but when she said it so proudly, he also felt that it was really something worth celebrating.

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