good old days

Chapter 308

Widow Wang was so happy that she almost fainted after hearing the confirmation of the good news. She cried at that moment, "God bless me, my son and daughter-in-law are really capable..."

Widow Wang was so excited that she couldn't stand still. The daughter-in-law of the secretary's family next to her was busy supporting her, "This is a happy event, why are you crying?"

Widow Wang wiped away her tears, "I am crying with joy. My son and daughter-in-law are all Wenquxing."

"Auntie, we don't have much work left. I can finish the rest in a while. You can go home first." The secretary's daughter-in-law said sensibly.

Such a great thing, of course I want to go home and be happy.

Widow Wang wiped away her tears: "Yes, yes, go back and have a delicious celebration."

Widow Wang was already thinking about how many tables she would open in the village when the university notice came.

"Which school did you two go to?"

At first, the two of them decided to apply for school by themselves. Widow Wang didn't dare to apply with high hopes, and she didn't ask which school she applied to.As far as the grades of my son and daughter-in-law are concerned, they should be randomly chosen by all schools.

Chen Yi said: "Three choices, the first two schools are from the capital, and the last one is from Shanghai. The two of us are most likely to go to the capital."

Widow Wang was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "That's great, you've made a difference, you guys really make me look good, Mom is so happy..."

Widow Wang was so happy that she couldn't help but say, "It's a pity that there is no meat at home, otherwise I would have made dumplings."

Jiang Xinyu suggested: "Make that dried rabbit."

Widow Wang shook her head: "You can't eat it! I'll go to Lao Li's house to buy a rooster. Let's stew the chicken for dinner at night. Call your mother and Xiaochuan too."

Jiang Xinyu was convinced, but the rabbit had been hanging in the kitchen for more than a month. No matter what, her mother-in-law refused to let her eat it, which made her greedy.

The two of them hadn't been back for two weeks. When they opened the house, it was a bit cold inside, but it looked clean.

When the door closed, Jiang Xinyu turned around and jumped up and hung on him.

Chen Yi didn't expect her to come suddenly, so he hurriedly supported her, looked at her bright and smiling eyes, and swallowed back his words of blame.

"So happy?"

"Aren't you happy? We are admitted to the same school! We will leave here soon."

It's not that it's not bad here, it's just that she prefers life in the city.

Her emotions infected him, and his mood soared.

Jiang Xinyu turned her head casually and saw the string of beads made of apricot shells on the table beside the bed.

"What is that? Did your mother make it for me? Although it's not pretty, it can still be worn on your hand and played with."

Jiang Xinyu jumped off him, put the bracelet on her wrist, stretched out her wrist and shook it at him, "Does it look good?"

He nodded, "Okay."

Her wrists are slender and her skin is fair. She looks beautiful even if she wears a rough peach shell bracelet casually.

The voice of the captain's wife came outside. The mother-in-law had gone to buy chickens, and the two opened the door and went out.

"Auntie, my mother just went out." The captain's wife was also smiling, "I heard that you two have been admitted to college, and Chen Yi is still the provincial champion. This is really a good thing. Auntie, there is a piece of cloth here, and he is the third child in my family. What I bring back is not enough to make clothes for adults, but it is enough to make a small outfit for a child."

The captain's wife handed the blue cloth to Jiang Xinyu. When she saw the bracelet on Jiang Xinyu's hand, she smiled and said, "This transfer bead will definitely be useful. My third daughter-in-law just gave birth to a fat boy. It's the result of this transfer bead." .”

Jiang Xinyu was stunned, raised her wrist and asked: "Is this a lucky bead? What kind of luck is it?"

The captain's wife was also stunned, how dare Jiang Xinyu put it on without even knowing?Widow Wang didn't even tell her?However, she thought this was not a bad thing, so she simply got closer and whispered: "This string can guarantee that you will have a son. Look, my third daughter-in-law gave birth to a son with her first child. If you wear it close to your body, it should be more useful. This But your mother-in-law bought it for two yuan."

Jiang Xinyu's expression remained unchanged and she even nodded with a smile on her face. She chatted with the captain's wife for a while. After a while, Widow Wang came back with an old hen.

Widow Wang and the captain's wife were talking, and soon other villagers came.

Jiang Xinyu entered the main room, took off her bracelet and handed it to Chen Yi, "Put it away, it's two yuan."

Chen Yi was also helpless with his mother. Last time, his mother agreed verbally but secretly made trouble.

"I'll tell her tonight."

As soon as he took the bracelet, she took it back again, "Forget it, I'll tell her myself after dinner tonight!"

Jiang Xinyu felt that it was necessary to talk to her mother-in-law about the issue of having a boy or girl.

The belly is hers, and she has no control over whether it will be a boy or a girl, but it is up to her to decide how many to have!A daughter and a son are the same to her, and no one would want to let her continue to have children because she has no son.

The yard was lively. Widow Wang was killing a chicken and talking to the big guy, smiling from ear to ear.

More than half an hour later, Chen Xiuyun, who was after school, heard the news and rushed over, making the courtyard even more lively.

The aroma of potato stewed chicken spread far and wide, and the people around me were no longer greedy for this bite, but envious that other people would have college students in their homes.

They are all from the same village. They are watching other people's children's achievements. In addition to being envious, they all tell their own children that they must study hard and strive to get into college and be as promising as Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu.

In the main room of Chen Yi's house, several people gathered together to eat.

If it were not allowed now, Widow Wang would have to light incense and bow before meals to thank God for blessing.

The potatoes had soaked up the soup and were soft and delicious, but Jiang Xinyu had no desire for them. She hated cabbage and potatoes the most. Even if she had sucked up the broth, she didn't want to eat a bite.

The smoked fish was stewed with dried beans and mushrooms that had been dried and stored in the summer. Chen Xiuyun saw that she loved mushrooms, so he gave her a lot of them.

"Tomorrow you two will go to the county for a physical examination. I just want to ask your eldest sister and Zhang Hua whether they have passed the physical examination line."

Chen Xiuyun naturally hopes that both her daughter and son-in-law will pass the exam. She turned to Xiaochuan who was immersed in eating and said: "Look at your third sister and third brother-in-law, one is the top scorer in science in the province and the other is No. 3. Study hard in the future, but you can't give it to your sister. They are a disgrace.”

Ogawa nodded "hmm".

Jiang Xinyu looked at Chen Xiuyun, "You must have read the knowledge I summarized for you before. When my notice comes, I will go to Director Liu and ask her to give you a chance to take the assessment."

Chen Xiuyun nodded, "I've watched it, but I'm still afraid that I won't be able to pass it. Is it a bit misleading for my level to teach junior high school students?"

If the college entrance examination had not resumed, she would still have the confidence to give it a try, but once the college entrance examination resumed, it was self-evident how important the knowledge in junior high school was, and she was really worried that her level was not enough.

Jiang Xinyu said hesitantly: "I'll talk to Director Liu first and try the exam first. If it doesn't work, I'll go to the commune to teach primary school. Anyway, it's better than teaching in the village."

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