good old days

Chapter 309 Is it retribution?

After dinner, Chen Xiuyun took Xiaochuan back. Widow Wang was cleaning up in the kitchen, and Jiang Xinyu went in with a bracelet.

Widow Wang said: "You go back and have a rest. You are not needed for this. Your hands are all for pens, and gold is precious."

Jiang Xinyu asked back: "It's so expensive that you can't even touch the bowl?"

Widow Wang was very happy. With two college students in her family, everyone in the village would envy her!If your daughter-in-law and son are so good, why should they do kitchen work?
She waved her hand and said: "Come out quickly, I will heat hot water for you. You are pregnant with the child, so don't touch cold water in the future."

Jiang Xinyu picked up the bracelet and waved it in front of her eyes, "Mom, what is this?"

Widow Wang was stunned, feeling a little guilty, and said with erratic eyes: "This is a bracelet made from ground peach shells. If you like it, wear it."

Jiang Xinyu said calmly: "I heard from Brother Li San that this string cost two yuan and he could still give birth to a son."

Widow Wang became more and more uncomfortable, and said awkwardly and cautiously: "It cost two yuan, but it is guaranteed to give birth to a son, so it is worth it, right?"

"I'll charge you two yuan for grinding a few peach shells and stringing them together. This is obviously a lie to you!"

Widow Wang waved her hand, "This is not a lie. Li Lei's wife gave birth to a big fat boy, and it was thanks to the luck of the bead."

Jiang Xinyu was speechless: "Mom, what if the baby I'm carrying is actually a son, and you use this lucky bead to exchange it for a daughter for me?"

Widow Wang was stunned for a moment, and then she stamped her feet regretfully, "Oh my god, why did I forget this! You should have asked the doctor to check your gender before buying this thing!"

Jiang Xinyu continued: "So this thing is fake and deceptive. Don't spend this wasted money in the future. Those two yuan can buy more than two kilograms of meat."

Widow Wang is now a little worried. What if her daughter-in-law originally had a son in her belly, but this lucky bead turns her into a daughter?

"Mom, Chen Yi and I are planning to have this one. If it's a girl, wouldn't you like it? Are you going to let me divorce Chen Yi and find a woman for her to have a son?"

Widow Wang was frightened by what she asked.

"What are you talking about, girl? Even if I give birth to a daughter, I will still like her. How can I let you two divorce? A daughter is just a daughter."

The daughter-in-law talks without any taboos, and Widow Wang shakes her head like a rattle.

Granddaughter and grandson Although she wants a grandson more, if it is a granddaughter, she doesn’t say it won’t hurt!If her son and daughter-in-law plan to have one child, she must think it is better to have a grandson at once.

"You two are both educated people. It was your mother's fault before. It doesn't matter whether the child is a boy or a girl. When you give birth next year, your mother will take good care of you and the little one and won't delay your schooling."

Jiang Xinyu nodded and shook the skewer in her hand, "Mom, then don't do this anymore. It will be a waste of money. Also, if you have something on your mind in the future, I hope you can tell me directly."

Widow Wang nodded guiltily and responded: "Okay, okay, you can put this in my room, go back and rest, and soak your feet in hot water for a while."

As soon as Jiang Xinyu lay back on the bed, her stomach moved, and she stood up in excitement.

"My stomach is moving."

Chen Yi put down the tea bottle and came closer, placing his hand on her belly.

As soon as he came, my stomach became quiet.

The two of them looked at each other and waited for a long time, feeling extremely peaceful in their stomachs.

Jiang Xinyu took his hand away, "She might not like you."

As soon as he took his hand away, his stomach moved again. Jiang Xinyu confirmed again that the child in her stomach might really not like him, hahaha.

The first time she felt fetal movement, Jiang Xinyu felt it was really magical, but she didn't feel anything else. She felt that she might not like the child very much.

When the two of them finished washing and lay in bed, he gently placed his hand on her belly and felt it.

Jiang Xinyu was a little annoyed. She had swung down several times, but he still caught up with her. "If you keep doing this, I'll scratch you."

Chen Yi reluctantly took back his hand.He was about to become a father, and his mentality had also changed. It was impossible not to have expectations for the child in her belly.

Jiang Xinyu didn't know that after she fell asleep, he secretly put his hand on her again.

While half asleep, his hand suddenly moved. He opened his eyes and carefully poked her belly.

Jiang Xinyu turned around and muttered: "It's itchy, I'm so annoyed."

He didn't dare to move in the darkness, but he pulled his lips and smiled.

Early the next morning, after dinner, the two of them went to the commune and took a bus. When they arrived in the county, it was still early, so they went to the house rented by Jiang Zhenzhen's family.

Zhang Hua and Jiang Zhenzhen were not there, and the landlady said with a smile: "You two came late today. They went home at midnight yesterday. They both passed the physical examination line and went home to announce the good news."

When the landlord and his family heard that the young couple had also passed the exam, they were even more polite.

The landlady invited the two of them to drink brown sugar water. The two sat in the room and talked for a while before going to the county hospital.

It doesn’t matter if I don’t see anyone. Anyway, I know that both Jiang Zhenzhen and Jiang Zhenzhen have passed the physical examination. Regardless of whether they are technical secondary school, junior college or undergraduate, they are considered to have passed the exam!That's a great thing!

In addition to the physical examination, Jiang Xinyu also had a prenatal check-up.

There is nothing wrong with her now except being a little thin.The doctor asked her to eat a little more, but not too much.

It is said that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. A good thing like being admitted to the provincial champion exam is not something that can't be left behind. The leaders of the commune alone have spread the good news to everyone.

As soon as they returned to the commune and met someone they knew, the two of them were so blocked that they couldn't walk.

The news that the provincial champion came from their commune has spread throughout the country. Chen Yi is now a celebrity in the commune. There were many people who knew him during the movie.

Ding Changhai and his two brothers put their hands on Chen Yi's shoulders and went to a state-owned hotel to treat guests, so they asked the couple to go there in the afternoon.

Chen Yixiao said: "Don't waste that money. When the notice comes out in a few days, our family will set up a few tables in the team and everyone will have to come."

Ding Changhai: "Not only will I go by myself, but I also have to bring my son with me. To benefit from your college students, he will also be able to come back as a college student for me!"

"Please leave it to your family. What we invite is ours. We can't mix it up. You and your wife will be rewarded."

Ding Changhai graduated from junior high school and knew how much he weighed. He had no intention and could not go to college. He and Chen Yi had known each other for a long time. Later, they got along well because of their business dealings, so they went to college. , then the future can only be better, and if we contact each other now, there will only be benefits.

Xu Nan and the others also laughed and said, "Brother Hai is right. We didn't let you and your wife treat you, so you can just have fun. This time we treat you. Congratulations to both of you and your wife for going to college."

Having said that, how could we not go?If you refuse again, you will lose face.

Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan, who had just experienced the pain of losing their daughter, had just returned from the county after reading the list of physical examination notices. Hearing the excitement here, Song Minghan didn't say anything. Jiang Baoqin snorted: "The notice hasn't come out yet, why are you so proud!"

Song Minghan knew that she was jealous, so he didn't even look at her and walked back with his head sullenly.

If he had never held his daughter, if his daughter had never existed, he would not be so uncomfortable these days.

It was hard for him not to think of Jiang Baoqin's accusation that Chen Zhengyu bullied Li Da Nier in March.

At that time, Chen Zhengyu said viciously that she was not afraid of retribution on her child if she had done something wrong. However, half a year later, his daughter died of pneumonia when she was only a few months old.

Does this count as retribution?

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