good old days

Chapter 310 Wen Guili gets divorced

Chapter 310 Wen Guili gets divorced
After making an appointment with Ding Changhai and others to have dinner at a state-owned hotel in the afternoon, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi parted ways.

The school will be on winter vacation until next Thursday. Jiang Xinyu has to stand up for the last shift, and she also has to go to Director Liu to mention giving her mother a chance to take an assessment.

As for Chen Yi's film screening work, he also wants the commune to recruit people quickly. After recruiting people, he has to teach the new people, instead of just giving up the job now.

Jiang Xinyu returned to school and went directly to Director Liu's office.

After knocking on the door and entering, she was greeted by Director Liu's smiling face.

"Have you finished your physical examination?"

Director Liu already knew that teacher Xiao Jiang in their school was ranked third in science in the province, and her husband Xiao Chen was the number one in science in the province. This was also a very shameless thing for a commune school.

Jiang Xinyu smiled and nodded, "The physical examination is over. I have something to ask Uncle Liu for a chance."

Director Liu stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down and say, if it doesn't violate discipline, I will definitely give you the chance you can. You tell me first and I'll listen."

Jiang Xinyu cleared her throat: "That's it. Aren't there four teachers in our school who will all go to college? Then the school will have to recruit new teachers. My mother is an educated youth who has been in the countryside for many years. She has been in the central primary school of our brigade these years. Teaching, I want you to give her a chance to be a junior high school teacher.”

Officer Liu frowned slightly, "Xiao Jiang, now that the college entrance examination has resumed, the requirements for national team teachers must be higher than in the past. Your mother can teach elementary school, but she may not be qualified to teach junior high school."

Four teachers in the school have been admitted to college, which means that the school has to recruit at least four more teachers. Recently, some people have come to him to accommodate.In the past, teachers' status was not high, and they were scolded as old and nine, but things are different now. Intellectuals are about to stand up.

Jiang Xinyu said with a smile: "I tutor my mother, and she also reviews junior high school knowledge on weekdays. You just need to give her a chance. If she performs well, she can use it. If she performs poorly, she can go back and continue teaching elementary school."

Officer Liu nodded hesitantly: "That's okay. If she is not qualified to teach in junior high school, I can make the decision and let her come to the commune to teach elementary school."

When Jiang Xinyu achieved her goal, she naturally had to say some flattering words.

The two talked for a while, and Director Liu changed his voice and said: "You and Xiao Chen have such good grades, what kind of review method do you use? I have a nephew who has been reviewing for two months but he didn't even pass the physical examination line."

Jiang Xinyu said politely: "I have some summarized review materials. There are also questions and detailed explanations given by Chen Yi. I will sort them out and send them to you. You must first thoroughly understand the content in the textbook and lay a good foundation before doing it. Difficult questions."

Officer Liu smiled: "Thank you very much."

Jiang Xinyu happily left the office and returned to the collective office of the teachers.

The results of being number one in science and third in the province were so explosive that the teachers were even sore and could only congratulate him.

After school in the afternoon, at the invitation of Ding Changhai and others, everyone had a lively meal at the state-owned hotel.

Not counting the married Jiang Zhenzhen, there were only three candidates from the Wuliqiao brigade who passed the physical examination for the college entrance examination, namely Chen Yi, Jiang Xinyu and Song Minghan from the educated youth spot.

But the scores of only three people who passed the exam were enough to show off in the commune. After all, there were less than ten people in the entire commune who passed the exam.

At Wen Guili's house, her mother-in-law glared at Wen Guili, who had lost a lot of weight, and said sarcastically: "You think you can pass the college entrance examination if you pass it? Only one educated youth from Song Dynasty passed the exam. We Even if I ask you to take the exam, you won’t be able to pass it, so why waste your efforts!”

There was resentment in Wen Guili's chest, and she was extremely rude when she spoke, "Did you let me take the exam? It's not up to you whether I pass or not!"

Li Qiang was also very irritated by Wen Guili's troubles. He smashed the bowl in his hand, "Is your mother's daily troubles over?" Wen Guili yelled: "It's not over! It's not over! Divorce ! I want a divorce! Anyway, we just set up a table of wine, and I will go back to the educated youth point right away!"

She didn't believe it. Is this the only time the college entrance examination will be resumed?She wasn’t ready this time anyway!But before the next college entrance examination comes, she must prepare well and pass the college entrance examination and return to the city!

It was like a fire was burning in her heart.

If Li Qiang and her mother-in-law's family beat her up and lock her up again next time she takes the college entrance examination, how will she face such a situation?Just thinking about it, she had the urge to light her house on fire!
Li Qiang was also furious. He raised his fist and wanted to hit someone, but he endured it.He held his breath and said, "Divorce? You don't want the child?"

Wen Guili was afraid that he would do something, so she had already walked to the courtyard gate to avoid him. She said very bachelorly: "I just want to take the college entrance examination. We will talk about the child later."

Li Qiang's mother cursed: "Divorce! Okay, you can go back to the educated youth center now, and don't enter my house in the future. The child has nothing to do with you."


Li Qiang looked at his mother dissatisfied and shouted pleadingly.

He didn't want his family to break up. He wanted Wen Guili to live happily with him, but he didn't want to force her away.

Wen Guili glanced at the two of them with hatred and walked out of the courtyard directly.

She will never forget the despair and pain she felt when she was beaten to the point where she could not get up and was locked in the room without being able to take a step out.

She didn't know whether she would pass the college entrance examination, but she didn't want to lose the chance to take the college entrance examination.

Listening to the child crying and calling her mother, she didn't look back and went straight to the captain's house to talk about divorce and returning to live as an educated youth.

In the public house, Jiang Xinyu is helping Accountant Zhao calculate the wages of the members.The captain, secretary, and other team leaders were all sitting around chatting.

Jiang Xinyu knew that they called her here seemingly to do work, but actually they came to talk.After all, the name of college student really carries an aura!
This year's harvest is not much different from last year. Her husband's family can get more than 80 yuan, and her mother's family can get more than 50 yuan.

"Xinyu, can my Xiang Bao learn to play movies? If he can't learn, he will be embarrassed by Chen Yi."

After Jiang Xinyu calculated the abacus, she circled a number and said, "I'm sure you can do it. Brother Xiang Bao may not be as good at writing articles as Chen Yi, but it's not that difficult to put on a movie. He must have enough knowledge after graduating from junior high school."

Chen Yi recommended Yu Xiangbao to the commune as his successor, and is showing movies with him these days.

Secretary Yu was smiling cheerfully when he was interrupted by Wen Guili's loud voice.

"Captain, Secretary, I want to divorce Li Qiang. Please be a witness. I will also go back to the educated youth camp in the future. I hope you can quickly arrange a bed for me."

Wen Guili's loud voice was mixed with anger.

Jiang Xinyu looked up at her and found that Wen Guili was almost as thin as the last time she saw her, and there was a bruise on her face that had not gone away.

"Let's talk it over. We already have children, so why get divorced? I'll ask Li Qiang to come over and admit your mistake, go back and live a good life, and stop making trouble." The captain said disapprovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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