good old days

Chapter 311

People in the village naturally tend to help the villagers. Even if Li Qiang's father, Li Yiping, is sent to the frontier for reform, the captain and secretary will still take care of Li Qiang, a villager.

In essence, the captain spoke for men and did not take Wen Guili's appeal into consideration.

In their opinion, Wen Guili was already married, so why bother taking the college entrance examination?If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. Since she married Li Qiang, she will have to live a good life with him from now on.

Wen Guili clenched her fists, "I didn't get a marriage certificate with him, and I just informed you of the divorce. If someone from your brigade bullies me, an educated youth, I will report him to the educated youth center!"

The secretary advised: "You think you are so good at the college entrance examination? Didn't you get a Song educated youth in the educated youth area? Even if you take the college entrance examination, there is a high chance that you will not pass. What are you messing around with? Go back and live a good life, we will remind Li Qiang Damn it, if they beat someone in the future, we will make the decision for you!"

Wen Guili's mind was extremely clear, "I'm not here to listen to your persuasion. I was willing to get married at the beginning. Now that I can't live with my life, I can't get divorced? It's me who has the final say whether to take the college entrance examination. Why can they control it?" My life?"

Jiang Xinyu's face turned red and her neck was thick when she saw what she was saying. She couldn't help but help: "Uncle Li, Uncle Yu, I heard from the villagers that Sister Guili and her husband's family beat her and locked her in the house, not letting her go out. They imprisoned her body." , this is illegal, even a family cannot do this."

Captain Li defended Li Qiang: "Li Qiang and the others just didn't want her to take the college entrance examination. They didn't do anything else."

Jiang Xinyu frowned: "Why don't they let Sister Guili take the college entrance examination? After getting married, we become a family, but Sister Guili didn't sell it to their family. This worthless man is afraid that his wife will turn into a phoenix and fly away. , you see my family Chen Yi and my mother-in-law, even if I was pregnant, they did not say not to let me take the college entrance examination. It is a good thing for this family no matter who takes the college entrance examination. From a long-term perspective, for Family is nothing but good.”

Wen Guili couldn't agree more with this. At first, she begged Li Qiang to let her register for the college entrance examination, promising that if she passed the exam, she would not abandon him and the children. Whenever there was a chance in the future, she would find a way to reunite the family of three, but he I just don't believe it, and I'm afraid that she will run away if she really succeeds.

It didn't make sense to his family. She simply didn't think about Li Qiang now, so she could do as she pleased.

She just wanted to go to college and return to the city, and then take her children back when conditions allowed. As for this piece of shit Li Qiang, whoever wanted him would want to go. She wanted to stab him now when she took one look at him.

The captain and secretary couldn't accept this. They were the leading cadres in the team, and they couldn't directly say that the educated youth in the city would definitely not want families in the countryside after they were admitted to college.

"You and Chen Yi are both educated people. You can pass the university entrance examination together. Your future is bright. Their situation is different."

Jiang Xinyu felt that there was nothing different. How could a worthless man be happy that his wife was more promising than him?He has to push the person to the ground and lie there, so that he can have a sense of accomplishment as the head of the family.This kind of man will never achieve anything in his life.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Yu, it's not easy for educated young people to leave their hometowns here. Let's compare ourselves. If your own daughter is bullied by her husband's family, don't you have to go back to your parents' home to cry and ask for support? Can educated young people come to you? I also think that you are good cadres in the team and do things fairly. I am a junior and should not speak ill of my elders, but we all know what kind of people the former accountant and Brother Li Qiang of our team are. If it were other juniors, Daughter-in-law, when her father-in-law commits a crime and needs to be reformed, she might get divorced. Regarding Sister Guili, it was Brother Li Qiang and his mother who bullied Sister Guili first, right? Look at how thin she is now. , if you let her go back to live her life, don’t let her commit suicide out of her mind.”

She didn't know what Wen Guili was thinking, nor what the quarrel between Wen Guili and Li Qiang's family was like, but she was sure of two things: a man who was too strong was not sweet; he couldn't have a man who hindered his progress!
Wen Guili said fiercely, "If I go back again, I will set the house on fire."

Not to mention a few secretaries, even Li Qiang's mother and Li Qiang, who had just arrived, were shocked when they heard this. "You crazy bitch, are you crazy because you want to pass the college entrance examination?" Li Qiang regretted: "If I had known, I would not have allowed my son to marry you, and it would have made the family uneasy!"

Wen Guili's mouth was like lighting up firecrackers, leaving no face for Li Qiang's family.

"My troubles have caused unrest in the family? Li Qiang's father has been embarrassed by the entire commune. If Li Qiang marries two years later, see if there are any girls from all over the country who are willing to marry him! My father-in-law is misbehaving, so it's better for you not to restrain him. He went to sue Widow Yuan for his behavior, but the slap was ineffective, Widow Yuan was forced to death, how could the father-in-law still live with shame? Not only did he look bad, he also bullied the stupid girl from his relative's house, You guys have already ruined me, why don’t we get laughed at when we go out? What if I just want to take the college entrance examination and go back to the city? Otherwise, I will be embarrassed here with you for the rest of my life?"

Li Qiang's mother couldn't bear to hear people talking about her man behind her back, not to mention Wen Guili still pointed at her nose and said, she was so angry that she almost had a myocardial infarction.

When Wen Guili mentioned Li Yiping, Li Qiang couldn't help but feel embarrassed.Since his father's accident, who in the village thinks highly of his family?Even if I go out, I will be looked down upon by the villagers.

At this time, he was so angry that he wanted to pull Wen Guili away, "Go back with me!"

Go back and clean her up!
Wen Guili hid quickly, "Go back and light your house on fire. Let's die together, otherwise it will be embarrassing to live!"

Jiang Xinyu took the opportunity to say to the captain and secretary: "Look at how powerful she is, she really might be able to take over the house."

Not to mention, Jiang Xinyu thought Wen Guili was exciting. If it were that honest person who couldn't even beat him to death after being bullied, would he have to die of humiliation?You have to be so powerful and put on a risk-taking attitude to achieve anything!

Wen Guili was very strong-willed, and the captain and the secretary noticed it. Their original intention was to persuade them to make peace, but Wen Guili's willingness to go all out was also scary.

The captain quickly grabbed Li Qiang and said, "Okay, okay, you can't even pee in a pot. Stop messing around here. If she really sets the house on fire, how can you survive in the future?"

Wen Guili won the battle and panted with her hands on her hips, not forgetting to express her relief, "Who the hell can't think of living with him anymore? There is a father who is a criminal and shameful, and there is a mother who doesn't want her son and daughter-in-law to sleep under the same bed. If you beat your wife, who the hell can't think of living with him?"

Li Qiang, a grown man, couldn't hold back his anger and cried "Wow". His body was weak, so he simply lay on the ground and cried loudly.

Li Qiang's mother also sat on the floor wiping her tears, her legs and hands still swinging, "What a misfortune for our family! From now on, my family will never have you as my wife!"


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