good old days

Chapter 312 Here Comes the Notice

Chapter 312 Here Comes the Notice

Li Qiang and Li Qiang were crying and cursing one after another as if they were singing. A group of idle members gathered around the door of the public house to watch the excitement.

Wen Guili cursed the two of them for being hopeless, feeling happier than drinking cold water in the dog days of summer.

The captain smoked a cigarette and Jiang Xinyu and the others looked at each other and listened to the mother and son crying.

"I'm talking about Li Qiang's wife, how can you still laugh after bullying someone like this? Will your life be miserable in the future? Li Qiang is really unlucky to marry you!"

There was the aunt Liu Caifeng who couldn't stand it, pointing at Wen Guili and scolding her.

Wen Guili retorted: "When I was bullied to the point of death, why didn't I see you, a righteous person, step out to uphold justice? You were not the one who was beaten. Stop standing there and talking without your back hurting!"

Liu Caifeng was so angry that she raised her voice and said: "Captain, such a harmful person should be tied up and locked up in the firewood shed. Once she is imprisoned, she will not dare to act again. Otherwise, she really should be a member of our brigade." Bullying. She was beaten just because she was disobedient in the past. After being beaten a few times, she will know that she was wrong. A woman should serve her man well at home. If she thinks about other things, won't she become wild? "

These words were so flattering to men that some of the men around him couldn't help but nod their heads. Liu Caifeng looked around and straightened her back proudly.

Forget about Wen Guili, Jiang Xinyu couldn't bear it when she heard this. Before she could push back, her mother-in-law, Widow Wang, squeezed through the crowd and came in.

"I'm talking about Liu Caifeng, the reason why you are saying such unreasonable things now is because Feng Dashan has never beaten you. It's not that you haven't been beaten. Otherwise, how could you say such inhuman words!"

"Is it because your daughter didn't dare to resist when she was beaten by a man after she got married? Is it because she didn't take good care of her man? Is it because she was disobedient? Just because a mother like you doesn't dare to support your daughter, no matter how obedient she is, she will still be beaten. life!"

"Feng Dashan, take care of your bitches, it's embarrassing to say such nonsense! It's none of her business to do other people's affairs? She even locks people up in the firewood shed, while your bitches can go to the police station office. But take care of her, and hit her hard if she doesn't obey, otherwise you won't be able to drag her down even if she goes to heaven..."

Widow Wang's crackling output made Liu Caifeng unable to say a word. She wanted to come up and fight Widow Wang, but she was held back by Feng Dashan who felt embarrassed.

The secretary waved his hand, "Okay, okay, let's go home and feed the pigs. In a few days, the people from the purchasing station will come to collect the pigs again. Fattening the pigs and getting a few extra bucks is the serious business."

Widow Wang entered the room and said to Jiang Xinyu angrily: "If this kind of excitement happens again in the future, don't join in the crowd, stay away from me."

"Your eldest sister and brother-in-law are back. There is no one in your natal family. Go back and take a look."

Wen Guili hurriedly stood up and followed Jiang Xinyu and whispered: "Sister Xinyu, thank you very much for today. When I return to the educated youth point and settle down, I will go see you another day."

Jiang Xinyu was surprised, "What else is there?"

The relationship between the two is not bad. If any woman was bullied today, she would help.

Wen Guili was also a little embarrassed, "I heard that you did very well in the exam. I was wondering if you had any review materials that I could lend me a copy of."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Okay, wait until I sort it out for you."

More than one person has asked her to review materials. She started reviewing materials from junior high school. Every knowledge point in each subject was compiled in a notebook. Now there is no copy machine. Anyone who wants to use it has to copy it by hand. She hasn't finished sorting out what Director Liu prepared.

Li Qiang and his mother were still crying. The captain and the secretary couldn't persuade them after a few words, so they simply stopped talking and let the two of them cry. They took Wen Guili to the educated youth spot.

She couldn't even pee in a pot. Wen Guili once again talked about burning the house. The captain and the secretary stopped trying to persuade her. If one day she really burned the house, then something really irreversible would have happened. .Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua came back to announce the good news.

After they knew they had passed the physical examination line, they went home to announce the good news. Because the little one had a cough and fever, they took care of them at home for a few more days and waited until the child was well before coming here.

It was such a cold day that I didn't even bring the child back.As soon as Jiang Xinyu and Widow Wang entered the house, the postman delivering the notice also arrived at the door on his bicycle.

"Is Jiang Xinyu at home? I have your notice!"

The postman originally delivered them directly to the commune film screening team and the school, but after making two trips, he found out that both of them had returned to the brigade.

Jiang Xinyu's natal family was at the entrance of the village. The postman vaguely remembered it, so he simply turned in and asked.

When Jiang Xinyu heard this, she became energetic and hurried to the gate of the hospital, "I'm here, is there any Chen Yi?"

"It's cold, come in and have a drink of hot water."

The postman rummaged through the cloth bag slung in front of him, took out both notices, and said with a smile: "Chen Yi, you two go to the same school, Huaqing. This is the earliest A batch of notices.”

Widow Wang was even more excited than Jiang Xinyu. She couldn't wait to take the notification letter, carefully tore it open, and opened a thin piece of paper inside.

Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua both came over and looked at the simple notice, which contained only a few lines of words and three red stamps.

Widow Wang smiled from ear to ear. After Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua took it, she said, "I don't know which school we can be admitted to. Seeing as the start time here is so urgent. Huaqing will start school at the end of February. Other schools It's probably within a few days, but our notice hasn't arrived yet."

The postman didn't expect that they would all pass the exam, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, they will arrive sooner or later."

The postman was welcomed into the house. Jiang Xinyu poured him a cup of hot water and grabbed a handful of roasted peanuts for him to put in. "It's not easy to run back and forth on a cold day. Hurry up and drink some hot water to keep warm."

The postman smiled and took the peanuts and said, "I have to go to another group to deliver letters, so I can't waste any more time."

After sending the postman away, Chen Xiuyun came back with Xiaochuan after a while.

The primary school in the village had a holiday today. Chen Xiuyun cleaned up the classroom and came back a little late.

She already knew that her eldest daughter and Zhang Hua had also passed the physical examination line. When she came back and saw the notices from her younger daughter and son-in-law, she almost jumped with excitement.

"Zhang Hua and I brought back a pound of meat. Mom, you can braise it in braise later."

Chen Xiuyun naturally did not respond.

Widow Wang was so happy that she couldn't sit still, so she wanted to find someone to challenge her. Although she had known for a long time that her son was the number one scholar in science in the province and her daughter-in-law was the third in the province, she still felt like receiving the university's acceptance letter. no the same.

Within half an hour, a bunch of people gathered in Jiang Xinyu's yard, all to see what the notice looked like.

(End of this chapter)

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