good old days

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

People in the village didn't know what level Huaqing University was in, but they all knew that Chen Yi was the top scorer in science in the province, so Huaqing University was no different.

The captain found a bed for Wen Guili at the educated youth point, and went to Li Qiang's house to talk for a while. He heard from the members that Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu's notices had arrived, and they also came smoking cigarettes.

"You two have such good grades, why didn't you apply to Capital University?"

In the captain's mind, Capital University is the best university in the country. After all, the title is unusual.

"Huaqing is no worse than Capital University. The most important thing is that the majors we both want to study are in Huaqing."

Jiang Xinyu watched her notice being passed back and forth among the uncles and aunts. She turned her back and winked at her mother-in-law, then mouthed "Notice" to her.

It's not that she is careful, there is no room for her to be careless. Now that there is no Internet, you have to read the notice when you go to school to register. If something goes wrong, isn't it troublesome?
Widow Wang understood instantly and stepped forward to take the notice back, "Okay, okay, don't even read it. You don't know a few words anyway, so it will be troublesome for me to touch it."

She caressed the notice and put it in properly.

Everyone didn't like what Widow Wang said, but seeing her acting like this, they couldn't say anything and felt sour in their hearts. Who could let her son and daughter-in-law be so capable?

Chen Xiuyun tried to smooth things over and said, "Don't be jealous, everyone. If you send all the children at home to school, they might be able to pass the exam."

"It's not as easy as you say. If it were easy to get into college, even one educated youth wouldn't be able to get into it. Chen Yi and Xinyu have good brains and can get into prestigious universities. Their sisters-in-law can teach children. Both daughters are good at it. If you pass the exam, you will have a good sense in choosing your son-in-law."

Ma Meili had to accept it. In the past, she and Chen Xiuyun were competing to see whose daughter would marry better and whose son-in-law would be promising.

Her family was not as good as hers in the first place, and she was so upset that she couldn't bear it anymore. Her daughter and son-in-law were admitted to the top prestigious universities in the country, and her son-in-law was a farmer who went to the third grade of elementary school. Apart from a handful of In terms of strength, nothing can compare to Zhang Hua and Chen Yi.

"It's such a big happy event, and this notice has arrived. Widow Wang, your pigs have also become fatter. Don't wait until the end of the year to kill the pigs. Kill a pig, host a few tables, and let everyone in our team feel happy."

Widow Wang's face glowed brightly, and she agreed immediately. Such a great event that honors the ancestors must be celebrated. Even if the family has no money and borrows things from door to door, this wine must be held!

The people haven't dispersed yet, Song Minghan and Jiang Baoqin are looking around outside.

When Jiang Xinyu saw him, she pretended she hadn't seen him. Even Jiang Baoqin, a black-hearted person, didn't even glance at her when he walked on the road.

Song Minghan heard that Jiang Xinyu had received a notice from Huaqing and came to inquire about the situation. His math score was so-so, but his overall score was not much different. The three choices he applied for were all undergraduate colleges in the capital, that is, I don’t know which school I can get admitted to. Has the notice arrived today?

As for Jiang Baoqin, she came purely to keep an eye on Song Minghan.

Seeing that Jiang Xinyu glanced at the two of them and didn't intend to talk to them, her eyebrows became even more gloomy.

Jiang Baoqin just couldn't figure out why it was so easy for Jiang Xinyu to get into Huaqing, and Chen Yi, who died early in his previous life, was also very evil and even got into the province's top science class.

Jiang Xinyu was admitted to a university in the capital in her last life, but her results were far from outstanding in this life.If she suddenly had memories of her previous life like her, then her results would be easy to explain, but what about Chen Yi?Why did she ignore Song Minghan and choose Chen Yi, who had no future at all in her previous life?Can she still predict the future and know that Chen Yi will definitely be successful?
The situation between Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi is extremely confusing to Jiang Baoqin, and the difficulties in her life sometimes make her doubt her choice. But whenever she doubts, she will fiercely remind herself that Song Minghan is the best person she can grasp. Choose to go back to the capital with him, so that she can have a good life in the future.Seeing that Jiang Xinyu ignored him, Song Minghan asked the secretary to ask him for help.

Jiang Xinyu was peeling peanut shells in the room when the secretary came in.

"Xinyu, the postman came today and delivered notices to you and Chen Yi? Is there anyone from Song Zhiqing?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head, "I guess there is not. If there is, the postman should go find him. The time for each school to send out notices is different, so I guess he will have to wait a little longer."

The secretary nodded and went out.

Song Minghan was still a little disappointed when he heard the reply, but he had no choice but to continue waiting.

The people in the courtyard didn't leave for a while, and Chen Xiuyun and Widow Wang were dealing with it outside with glowing faces.

Jiang Xinyu was so cold that she sat in front of the brazier and talked to Jiang Zhenzhen.

"I don't know what's going on with Yuzhu. I don't know if he has passed the exam or not."

Jiang Xinyu said casually: "Don't worry, there is a way out even if she fails the exam."

Zhang Hua nodded, "My little sister is right. What do you think we will do if we get into a technical secondary school?"

Jiang Zhenzhen glanced at him, "What's going on? You have to go to technical secondary school as well. There are so many people who didn't even get into technical secondary school. If we get into technical secondary school, it will be a big deal."

They were not able to pass the exam just because they wanted to. At the beginning of last year, my younger sister said that the college entrance exam might be resumed. Although she didn’t have much time to review before, she was much better than cramming for it in October.

Zhang Hua rubbed his nose in shock. Before the notice for the physical examination came out, he thought every day that he would be able to get into a technical secondary school. Now that his daughter-in-law's younger sister and brother-in-law have both been admitted to a good university in the capital, this technical secondary school will not Like the same thing.

Jiang Xinyu wanted to laugh: "Look at what my brother-in-law said. If you say anything to someone who failed the exam, you will definitely be beaten."

Jiang Zhenzhen snorted, "He just doesn't have enough brains. You don't know how happy his father was when he came home to report the news this time. He drank a lot that night and said that we had a lot of potential. He also said that the child would be left at home in the future. They help with it.”

As for her mother-in-law's displeasure, Jiang Zhenzhen simply ignored her. Who would want to see such a sad face in such a happy mood?But it's convenient to use his mother's expression to brainwash Zhang Hua.

"My little nephew is already weak. School will start in less than two months. Are you going to wean him directly?"

Jiang Zhenzhen nodded, "There's nothing we can do about it. If you pass the exam, you have to take it. We have some savings. Your brother-in-law and I have agreed that part of it must be given to the family."

She wanted to pay the money because she didn't want to get into trouble with her mother-in-law. She knew that her mother-in-law liked her two grandsons, but this was the only way to silence her mother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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