good old days

Chapter 314 Yuzhu meets the parents

Chapter 314 Yuzhu meets the parents

Jiang Xinyu smelled the smell of smoke while eating roasted peanuts, and turned around to see Old Man Jiang coming in smoking a dry cigarette.

"Master, go out and smoke. I can't smell the smoke."

Old Man Jiang scolded her for being too busy, but he still put out the cigarette honestly, took out the money from his pocket, and gave fifty cents to each of the three prospective college students in the room.

"You have also given face to our old Jiang parents. If you take this money, you will always have something to use it in the future."

Logically speaking, fifty cents was a lot, but Jiang Xinyu didn't want to accept the money he gave her.

"Take it back and buy some wine. It's not easy for you to save this one and a half yuan."

Jiang Xinyu knows Old Man Jiang's virtues. He likes to use 500 cents to do big things worth [-] yuan. In the past, he would bring frogs to the door, which was also asking for help.

Old Man Jiang smiled cheerfully, "Take them all, but don't be too little. I can't take out more than this."

Old Jiang forced it on the three of them, but they couldn't refuse, so they had to accept it. Jiang Xinyu said deliberately: "I haven't forgotten my Chen Yi's share, right?"

Old Man Jiang scolded her for being a traitor in his heart. He didn't want to give Chen Yi any fifty cents. He didn't want to give his wife's mother-in-law a good movie screening job, so he gave it to the boy from the secretary's family. For this reason, he didn't want to recognize this grandson-in-law. .

The arrangement in my mind didn't show on my face, and I nodded happily, "How can I forget him? I will make up for it when he comes back."

"I'm talking about Zhang Hua, how do you handle the work in the factory? Who do you think Zhifei or Yuehua can take over your shift? Both of them can do it. I will definitely not embarrass you if you join the factory."

Jiang Xinyu and Jiang Yuzhu looked at each other and said nothing.

The honest man Zhang Hua felt that the fifty cents in his hand were a bit hot.

Without saying a word, Jiang Zhenzhen took the one and a half yuan in her hand and returned it to Old Man Jiang, "Please take the money back, he has already found a replacement in the factory where he works, and we can't help him."

Before Old Man Jiang took it, Jiang Xinyu took the money back and said, "Sister, what are you doing? Are you that kind of person? I just gave you this money because I'm happy that we all have potential. We can't think of what I think." It’s so utilitarian, isn’t it? Master, you’re just happy for us because you think we’ve earned face for Lao Jiang’s family, so you gave us the money, right?”

Old Man Jiang felt bitter and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, Xinyu said yes, I'm just happy, just keep the money."

He was so happy that he just wanted his grandson to have a job in the county. Why was it so difficult?They are all a bunch of people with their elbows turned outward. The granddaughter is really bad. She doesn’t know how to help the family even if she becomes successful.

Old Man Jiang left, Jiang Zhenzhen took the money and smiled, "You are really thoughtful!"

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "My mind is not as good as ours. If I don't let him suffer, he will never have a long memory."

After the crowd in the courtyard dispersed, Chen Xiuyun rolled his eyes after hearing what the two girls said, "We don't have to be polite if he gives money or brings things over in the future."

Just collecting things without doing anything makes him feel bad. If you come here a few more times, he will definitely not do this again in the future.

He asked her to help Zhang Fengmei's family, but he opened his mouth.

Jiang Laosan looks like a good person on the surface, but is actually evil in his heart. As for their daughter Jiang Baoqin, she is nothing. Jiang Zhifei is also heartless, and Jiang Yuehua is the only one in their family who is pretty much the same.

Chen Xiuyun prepared braised pork and stewed cured fish. Jiang Xinyu and Widow Wang will eat here today.

"I left some for Chen Yi. You can take it back after eating later. I don't know when he will come back."

Jiang Xinyu nodded in agreement.

Chen Xiuyun continued: "We also have two pigs this year. One pig will be handed over, and we will kill the other pig. We will sell half of it to the villagers, and we will keep the other half for ourselves. Zhenzhen, you will also take some of it back to your parents' family."

Zhang Hua quickly thanked him.Chen Xiuyun said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you. From now on, when you two go to college, your parents will have to look after the child."

"I just don't know what's going on with Yuzhu. Will she come back to celebrate the New Year this year? It's been a month since the college entrance examination, and she hasn't even sent back a letter."

Widow Wang said: "Maybe she is busy with work."

Jiang Yuzhu, who has been talked about by everyone, has been hesitant recently.

Her score passed the physical examination cut-off. Although the college entrance examination did not publish the score, Zhou Qi tried his best to help her find out her score.

She scored 291 points, and the admission score for universities in the capital is 260 points. She was admitted to the school she applied for and received an admission notice, but she was a little hesitant about whether to go.

Her original intention of signing up was to prove herself to Zhou Qi's family, but when she got the notice, she didn't want to go.

She had just started working in movies and dramas, and now she was somewhat famous. If she went to college, her film career would be over.She is more interested in filming and acting than studying other subjects, but the Capital Film Academy did not enroll students this time.

After waiting for a while in the studio wrapped in a scarf, Zhou Qi arrived wearing a fur hat and riding a bicycle.

"Grandma heard that you were admitted to college and asked me to take you back for dinner today. My parents are also here today."

Jiang Yuzhu was stunned.

Zhou Qi said with a smile: "Don't be afraid. You have already entered college. My mother can't say anything unpleasant today. If she says anything unpleasant, I will take you away and let's go out to a restaurant!"

His mother is in the Ministry of Education, and he knows how difficult it is to get into college this time. He used to be dissatisfied that Yuzhu was an actor, but this time for the sake of her getting into college, he is willing to let her go home for dinner and meet her.After all, compared to "actors", college students can still get their reputation.

Zhou Qi felt that Jiang Yuzhu's efforts were really not in vain.

Having been at odds with my family for several months, I finally saw the light of day.

Jiang Yuzhu temporarily suppressed the hesitation in her heart. When she thought about meeting Zhou Qi's parents soon, her palms broke out in a cold sweat.

Now that hope is right in front of her, she will not back down.

Most citizens of the capital live in crowded courtyards in alleys. Each household is only twenty or thirty square meters, and it is very common for three or four generations to live under one roof.

Jiang Yuzhu also made several friends in the factory. She went to their homes and knew how crowded their family's housing environment was.

However, Grandma Zhou Qi's house occupies a courtyard. It is spacious to the naked eye. The wooden furniture looks ordinary, but at a glance, it is well-organized.

After carrying the fruit into the house, Jiang Yuzhu felt slightly tense in the face of the large family looking at her, but tried her best to stay calm on her face.

After being watched and filmed for so long, it's not like she hasn't made any progress at all.

"Grandma, dad, mom, second uncle, sister, this is my partner Jiang Yuzhu, the one you have seen in the movie."

Jiang Yuzhu smiled politely and put down the fruit she bought halfway, and then politely called someone according to Zhou Qi's title.

At first glance, Zhou Qi's grandma was smiling; Zhou Qi's father and second uncle were dressed like ordinary cadres, and their sitting postures were relatively relaxed. They seemed easy-going, but their relaxation was completely different from that of the villagers. Different; and his sister Zhou Jin, although she was looking at her, there was no malice in her eyes.

As for Zhou Qi's mother, she has short hair that reaches her ears, a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her clothes are navy blue. She looks quite rigid at first glance, and she is not an easy-to-get-together female cadre.

Jiang Yuzhu heard from Zhou Qi on the road that his second uncle and aunt were both here today, but why didn't his second aunt sit here?

(End of this chapter)

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