good old days

Chapter 315 The Zhou Family's Attitude

Chapter 315 The Zhou Family's Attitude
Grandma Zhou Qi greeted Jiang Yuzhu with a smile, "It must be cold coming here on a bicycle. Sit down and drink some hot water."

Jiang Yuzhu was pulled to sit down by her, and Zhou Qi's mother Zhang Tongzhi spoke: "I heard from Xiao Qi that you were admitted to college. Which school were you admitted to?"

Jiang Yuzhu replied seriously: "It's the medical school."

Zhang Tongzhi nodded, "It's good to study medicine."

Jiang Yuzhu's mouth was bitter. She wanted to make movies more than study medicine, but at this juncture, she couldn't open her mouth.

In the past, Zhang Tongzhi's impression of Jiang Yuzhu was that of a country girl seducing her son with her face. Now that she sees the real person and knows that she has been admitted to college, her senses are much better.

She couldn't defeat her own son, and the college student studying medicine could barely get into her home.

"I heard from Xiao Qi that your mother is a primary school teacher. No wonder you were able to get into college." Zhou Qi's father, Zhou Ping, said casually.

Jiang Yuzhu nodded, "My mother is an educated youth who went to the countryside from Shanghai. Even if my family didn't agree, my sister and I all graduated from high school at my mother's insistence. It was also a coincidence that I graduated from high school less than two years ago. During the year, I also read books on weekdays, and I haven’t forgotten the knowledge I learned before, so I have some advantages over others.”

Zhang Tongzhi asked again: "Did your sister and your younger sister take the college entrance examination this year?"

Zhang Tongzhi's questions were serious, and Jiang Yuzhu felt like she was under investigation.

Jiang Yuzhu received the good news letter from Jiang Xinyu just a few days ago. At this time, she said with a little pride: "My younger sister has good grades. She ranked third in the province in science. My brother-in-law is even better. He is the top scorer in science in the province. Everyone has applied to Huaqing, and my eldest sister and brother-in-law have both passed the physical examination, but I don’t know which school they will be admitted to.”

At this statement, everyone sitting in the room was shocked.How can one not be surprised when a whole family is admitted to college?

Zhou Qi and his second uncle Zhou Guofeng sat up straight and asked, "Is your brother-in-law's name Chen Yi?"

There are so many provinces in the country, and Zhou Guofeng knows the score of the top scorer in the college entrance examination in each province. Although the test papers of each province are different, there are very few people like Chen Yi who can answer all the additional questions correctly, and the total score is unparalleled.

The college entrance examination resumed suddenly, and with just two months of preparation time, Chen Yi's results were among the best in the country.

To others, the college entrance examination results were confidential, but to Zhou Guofeng, they were all transparent to him.The top universities in the capital select talents based on their grades, and even those who pass the cutoff will be classified as high or low.

Jiang Yuzhu nodded, "It's him."

Hearing this, Guan Tongzhi's attitude improved a lot. She was an educator, and intellectuals could look up to her at any time.

This group of college students will graduate and go out into society to build socialism. It is no exaggeration to say that they are preparatory cadres.

Zhou Qi's jaw dropped in shock, "Chen Yi is not the film projectionist of your team? Can he still be admitted to the top scorer in science in the province?"

Zhou Guofeng slapped him on the shoulder, "You don't have much education yourself, and you still look down on others! What's wrong with the movie projectionist? You were just a movie maker before."

Zhou Qi was unable to fight back against his second uncle. He was recommended to go to the university and had a diploma, but compared to those who entered the university based on their grades, it was really a bit empty.

Zhou Qi and his grandmother nodded, pulled Jiang Yuzhu and said, "Your mother can teach children, and all three of your family will be successful in the future."

The rest of the Zhou family thought so too.

Zhang Tongzhi asked: "It's not long before the Chinese New Year. Will you go back this year?"

If he didn't agree, Zhang Tongzhi wouldn't bother to ask this question.

Jiang Yuzhu took a sip of hot water and shook her head, "The movie I'm filming hasn't finished yet. It will be released for three days during the Chinese New Year. I might not be able to go back."

Grandma Zhou Qi said: "Then come home during the Chinese New Year and have dinner at home."

Grandma Zhou Qi was so enthusiastic, Zhang Tongzhi did not object, and added: "If your sister and brother-in-law are admitted to a school in the capital, they will definitely come to the school to report in a few months. If you need help, don't bother Zhou Qi. "

Zhang Tongzhi's words can be regarded as acknowledging Jiang Yuzhu's identity as Zhou Qi's partner.

Zhou Qi was overjoyed and said to Jiang Yuzhu, "My mother is actually a warm-hearted person. Do you believe me now?" Jiang Yuzhu smiled shyly and nodded.

Zhang Tongzhi also had a slight smile on his face.

Zhou Guofeng's daughter-in-law was busy in the kitchen, and when she was almost done cooking, she came to call for dinner.

Guan Tongzhi glanced at her second younger brother and sister with disdain.

The purpose of being attentive to the old man all day long is to arrange a job for the nephew of the mother-in-law. The whole family is useless and they still want to have a good job, and they don't look down on ordinary ones. They are really shameless.

She has never been able to see Zhou Guofeng's daughter-in-law, and she is also afraid that her son Zhou Qi, like Zhou Guofeng, will marry someone who will be sucked by her mother's family.

It is okay to help, but it must be done in a certain way, and people must be self-aware and know how much their own family weighs.

Her second younger sibling was so careless that her man was so tormented that he no longer wanted to talk to her. She looked down upon her behavior.

As for Jiang Yuzhu, she now reluctantly admits that although her family is not as good as Chen Jiajia's family, at least the sisters will all be college students in the future and have a bright future, so this family relationship is not a shame.

After finishing the meal, Grandma Zhou Qi gave Jiang Yuzhu a box of snacks for her to take back and eat.

After they left, Grandma Zhou Qi looked at her eldest daughter-in-law, "How are you? Are you satisfied?"

Zhang Tongzhi said with a solemn face: "It doesn't matter whether I am satisfied or not. My son is happy, but I can't defeat him. What I say is not in vain."

However, the situation at Jiang Yuzhu's family was much higher than she expected, and she had nothing to say.

If Jiang Yuzhu only had a pretty face and her family were all weak-kneed, then she would never agree to anything between her and Zhou Qi.

Otherwise, if someone comes in, they will have to be like her second brother and sister, and they will have to control Jiang Yuzhu's mother-in-law in the future?With a family like this, it would be a joke even if you tell them about it.

Zhou Jin said: "Mom, the person Zhou Qi is looking for is not bad. I think she is better than Chen Jiajia. She also took the college entrance examination, but she did not get into college this year."

In the past, Zhou Jin would have had to say a few words for Chen Jiajia.

Chen Jiajia's elegant demeanor and family background made her the target of many young people's pursuit. She used to like her, but since she and Zhou Qi broke up, when they met on the street again, the girl would just roll her eyes at her.

Zhou Jin was quite convinced. Even if she and Zhou Qi couldn't make it, there was no need to lose face to her, right?She doesn't owe her anything.

From this incident, you can see the character of that girl.

Zhou Qi's father also said: "Her whole family of sisters are well-educated, which shows that the family education is not bad. Don't be picky. Zhou Qi is quite the eldest child."

Zhang Tongzhi pouted, "What else should I choose? Did your son let me choose?"

Zhou Ping put down the newspaper and said: "Since we don't want to pick anything anymore, when will we go to their place to settle the matter between the two of them? Zhou Qi is not young anymore, so he has to get it done quickly."

Zhang Tongzhi shook his head, "Why are you so anxious? Doesn't she still want to go to college? Anyway, I won't be able to hold my grandson for a while. We can continue to understand each other."

Grandma Zhou Qi shook her head, "Do you think I don't know you? If the two of us break up, and your precious son finds someone you don't like, are you still ready to beat him up?"

Zhang Tongzhi blushed, and the old lady revealed her true face sharply.

She had to give in and said, "Let's wait for the summer vacation. It's too late now."

If the relationship between the two of them had been so good these past few months, then she wouldn't have said anything. If they broke up, it wouldn't be up to her.

Who makes young people's love follow the trend?

(End of this chapter)

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