good old days

Chapter 316 Can you afford to wait?

When Zhang Tongzhi and Zhou Ping discussed Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu, Zhou Qi's second aunt Sun Zhaohui sat silently and listened.

Sun Zhaohui knew that she was not treated well by her capable sister-in-law because her natal family was not good enough and she had to rely on the Zhou family to make a living.

Originally, she heard that Zhou Qi had found a film studio to make movies, and she was a little gloating about it. But now that she heard it again, she felt sad again. Not only did she go to college, but her sisters and brothers-in-law also got there. If you can get into college, you will be secure in the future. It is really not a shame to tell this family.

Sun Zhaohui was in a panic. Chen Jiajia's condition was so good that Zhou Qi didn't like her, and her natal nephew was not bad in appearance. If he wanted to talk to Chen Jiajia, he wouldn't even look away.

Several people were talking happily, and Sun Zhaohui interjected: "Most rural people are not well educated. If the people in Xiao Jiang's family know that she has climbed up to our house, will they not be allowed to climb up in the future? Let me see, they still have to find it for Zhou Qi. That well-matched, long and beautiful one, sister-in-law, don’t you think so?”

Sun Zhaohui said this because she wanted to please Zhang Tongzhi, but at the same time she wanted to disgust her. It was also very contradictory.

Zhang Tongzhi's face immediately dropped after hearing this. Her younger siblings had a habit of being disgusting. They were usually gentle, weak, virtuous and capable, but in fact they had a hundred tricks in their words.

"My family Zhou Qi is not the kind of shallow-minded person. Although Jiang Yuzhu's family is from a rural area, she is educated and can go to college. Without our family's help, the country will have to arrange work in the future. On this point, I have nothing to say. "

Grandma Zhou Qi glanced at Sun Zhaohui and said, "If you are admitted to university, the country will arrange your place. Second daughter-in-law, several of your nephews and nephews also went to high school. They did not pass the exam this year. They will take the exam next time. Once you have a diploma, you can go anywhere." Okay, no one else can say anything unpleasant."

Sun Zhaohui mentally scolded her natal nephew for not living up to expectations, and was unhappy with her mother-in-law's attitude. Before the college entrance examination was resumed, her family could recommend Zhou Qi to go to college, so why not help her natal family?

She smiled understandingly and said, "Mom is right. I will talk to them carefully when I return to my parents' home next time and let them continue to work hard and take the exam."

Zhou Guofeng was sitting aside drinking tea, pretending not to hear a few lesbians at home having sex.

Zhang Tongzhi rolled his eyes inwardly, feeling that there was something wrong with Sun Zhaohui's brain. His daughter didn't worry about it on weekdays, but she was quite energetic in trying to win over her mother's family every day.

Let Zhang Tongzhi say that it is not enough for a woman to be just beautiful. She despises a woman who stays at home to take care of her husband and raise children when she is married. With her own career, she will not be like Sun Zhaohui, who is busy at home every day thinking about this and that.

After leaving home, Zhou Qi pushed his bicycle and Jiang Yuzhu on the streets of the capital.

It's been a cold time in the capital recently, and the cold wind is blowing. After being outside for a long time, your face will be freezing.

Zhou Qi was filled with joy. When he reached a deserted corner, he stopped his bicycle, hugged Jiang Yuzhu's waist and spun it around a few times, "Yuzhu, my mother approves of you. It won't be long before we get married."

Jiang Yuzhu was happy but unhappy. After she stood firm, she said: "Zhou Qi, I don't want to go to medicine. I want to go to film school and continue to make movies in the future."

People's hearts are really greedy. When she proved herself through the college entrance examination, she began to worry about her ideals again.

Her mother's biggest objection to her was making movies. If she mentioned it to her mother, it was very likely that things between the two of them would become dirty again.

Zhou Qi himself wanted to make a movie, so he followed his home to the radio and television department. He felt regretful. After listening to Jiang Yuzhu's words, his excitement suddenly stopped on his face.

"what is it now?"

Jiang Yuzhu sighed, "I don't want to hear you ask me what to do. This reminds me of my elder brother-in-law who has no opinion."

Zhou Qi was amused by her expression, "Does your brother-in-law know that you are orchestrating this behind his back?"

Jiang Yuzhu also laughed out loud, "He definitely doesn't know, but my little sister and I made arrangements for him before under the covers. My brother-in-law doesn't have any opinions, but he is better at being obedient, but I don't like him like that. I I hope you can give me some advice when I'm in trouble." Which man doesn't want to be relied on by the woman he likes? Jiang Yuzhu's words hit Zhou Qi. He thought for a long time and felt that this matter was indeed difficult to handle.

His mother's attitude changed because Jiang Yuzhu was admitted to college. If Jiang Yuzhu was admitted to college and did not go to college, her mother's attitude towards her would be even worse.

The most important thing is that the film school is not recruiting students this time. If she doesn't go to medical school, won't her admission be in vain?

Also, her mother just doesn't like the role of a movie actor. If Jiang Yuzhu returns to her old career in the future, she may object again.

"Let's go find my uncle and ask him for some advice, okay?"

Jiang Yuzhu nodded, "Thank you for not rejecting my idea immediately."

Zhou Qi rubbed the back of his head, "Why are you so polite to me?"

Jiang Yuzhu got on the bicycle, feeling a little confused.

She thought that if Zhou Qi and Chen Jiajia were good, then Zhou Qi's family would not dislike Chen Jiajia as a film maker. Being from this field would be enough to offset their dissatisfaction with their career.

Maybe she should just accept it as soon as she can. Since Zhou Qi's family no longer opposes them, she should go to medical school honestly instead of using her scheming skills to get Zhou Qi to help her get into film school.

She knew that the film school did not recruit students for this college entrance examination, but this did not mean that the film school did not recruit any students.

Her grades were enough to get into college, and she filmed two more films this year, including "Sunny Day," which was just released at the beginning of the year. Her college entrance examination scores and works were enough for her to enter the film school.

When the two found Fang Shibin, Fang Shibin was reading in his office.

"I heard that you received a notice from the medical school and are here to resign?"

Zhou Qi quickly explained Jiang Yuzhu's hesitation, and Fang Shibin was a little surprised after hearing this.

The two young men were in love. Fang Shibin knew that Zhou Qi's mother didn't like making movies. It was quite risky for Jiang Yuzhu to think about making movies when she was admitted to college. But with this courage, he Still appreciate it.

"Why do you want to continue making movies?" Fang Shibin asked casually.

Jiang Yuzhu said sternly: "I like the feeling when playing a role. It's like experiencing another life. I am more interested in making movies than studying medicine."

Fang Shibin nodded, "Then you are not afraid that the Zhou Qi family will not be happy?"

Jiang Yuzhu pursed her lips and said nothing. Zhou Qi answered, "So aren't you here to ask for help, uncle?"

Fang Shibin shook his head and said angrily: "You will embarrass me!"

"It's useless for you to find me. The last time you tried to find a relationship, you failed. It's not like you don't know."

Jiang Yuzhu was disappointed. Just when she was about to say something, she heard Fang Shibin say again: "But if you really want to go to film school, there is nothing you can do. I heard from Director Wu that the film school may resume undergraduate admissions for the college entrance examination. But it won’t work this time, and I’m not sure when it will recover. We have to discuss it before reporting it to the ministry for a decision. The key is, can you afford to wait?”

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