good old days

Chapter 321 Another New Year’s Eve

After drinking a teacup of hot water, Jiang Xinyu felt a little warmer.

Sitting on the bicycle with his face wrapped in a scarf, Chen Yi asked: "Why did you agree so quickly?"

Jiang Xinyu held his waist and said bluntly: "Because the ketchup technology is not valuable. Anyone can make it. If you strike while the iron is hot, you can still sell some money for traveling back."

Things like ketchup, chili sauce, and sauerkraut, aren’t they all things that the people came up with and made themselves?Just to enrich the taste in winter when there are few vegetables.

Tomato paste made at home is easy to spoil, but other manufacturers also make canned fruits and canned braised pork, and the technology to prevent spoilage and preserve quality is much better than their small family workshops.

That is to say, they don’t understand how to make ketchup now. When they learn how to make ketchup, they will definitely say “it’s too easy”!
They are not cheating other manufacturers, but they are providing another channel for the manufacturers to make money.

Tomatoes are not valuable in the summer. The tomatoes in the private plot will go bad if they are not eaten up. The tomatoes in the factory are harvested in the summer, and they can be sold at a high price after being made into sauce.

For people in the city, they are not afraid of plentiful supplies, but they are afraid of being in short supply and not being able to spend even if they have money and tickets.This thing is not like large items such as sewing machines and bicycles. The food produced now is not unsalable.

Ding Changhai asked for a position as a worker. Jiang Xinyu and the others could make some money here, and everyone was happy.

Back in the village, Chen Yi rode his bicycle and turned into the road in front of Jiang Xinyu's mother's house, passing by to take a look.

Xiaochuan was playing with Jiang Zhenzhen's eldest son in the courtyard, and both of them had snot dripping from their mouths.

When the car stopped, Jiang Xinyu got out and said, "Go back to the house quickly."

It's okay for a half-grown boy like Ogawa to run outside, but a two-year-old baby can easily get sick.

"Sister, you are back."

Jiang Zhenzhen came back to report. She was admitted to the undergraduate program, and Zhang Hua was admitted to the junior college. Although the three schools they applied for at the time were the same, they were admitted to different schools and were not in the same city.

In order to be close to home and be able to come back to see their children during the holidays, they both enrolled in universities in the province.

Because she had a bachelor's degree and was better than Zhang Hua, her mother-in-law even said nonsense about asking her to stay at home to take care of the children. Fortunately, her father-in-law was a sensible person and immediately pushed her mother-in-law back, so she was saved. A quarrel between her and her mother-in-law.

If someone from other families gets admitted to college, it's like smoke rising from the ancestral grave. Just because she has a bachelor's degree and is better than Zhang Hua, the mother-in-law doesn't want her to go to college. She also says that if the couple is not together for a long time, the family will sooner or later Something is going to go wrong.

In front of Zhang Hua, Jiang Zhenzhen saved face for him and did not say those words. After going to Chen Yi's house with Jiang Xinyu, she told him everything like pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

Widow Wang listened at the side and couldn't help but said: "What your mother-in-law said actually makes sense. If a husband and wife are not together for a long time, it is easy for the relationship to have problems. But what she did was wrong. Since she has passed the exam, she has to go to school. , Zhang Hua’s school is not as good as yours, why doesn’t she let him take care of the children at home?”

Jiang Zhenzhen laughed out loud when she heard this, "Zhang Hua is her biological child. In her heart, I am an outsider. How could she not let him go? In his heart, neither Zhang Hua nor I can be better than her third son." .”

She finally understood her mother-in-law's thoughts.

The mother-in-law hopes that her family will be well, but for Zhang Hua and her, she hopes that both of them will be well, but they cannot be better than her third son!
She couldn't figure out why her mother-in-law was like this. Anyway, she would go to college. After graduating from college, no one could take away her job. When she returned to her mother-in-law's house, she could straighten her waist.

After talking for a while, Widow Wang stood up and said: "The noodles I made in the morning should be ready, and the bacon, mushroom and vermicelli fillings are ready. Zhenzhen will steam the buns and bring the children over to eat. You can bring some back tomorrow."

People who cook like to hear others say that her cooking is delicious. Widow Wang knows that Jiang Zhenzhen loves to eat the bacon buns she makes, so she is naturally very generous.Jiang Xinyu ate a candy corner when she was hungry. It was so sweet that she drank three glasses of water.

This snack is just like a bag of candy, so sweet.

On the 27th, my family received another item from Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Both of her daughters were admitted to college, so Chen Xiuyun naturally wanted to tell her parents about this great news.

The letter sent back by Uncle Jiang Xinyu said that Chen Zhengyu had been admitted to a school in Guangzhou. The letter scolded him for not knowing how to apply for the school near home and that he only wanted to run away.

In addition to Chen Zhengyu from Uncle Chen’s family, the daughter of Second Aunt Chen’s family and the son of Fourth Uncle Chen’s family were also admitted. The son of Fourth Uncle Chen’s family was admitted to the school in front of their home in Shanghai, and the daughter of Second Aunt Chen’s family was admitted. Admitted to the foreign language college in the capital.

As for Chen Wujiu's family, the children are still young and have not taken the college entrance examination.

Today, in addition to snacks like Tiao Tou Cake, there is also a small bag of dried shrimps, two pounds of dried giant squid and two yellow croakers.

When Chen Xiuyun came with something, Jiang Xinyu was shocked.

Except for the river shrimp in the village, this was the first time she saw seafood. She usually ate seafood in her dreams.

"This is a seafood gift specially sent by my mother-in-law to celebrate their passing into college. It's not much, just a taste."

There weren't many dried shrimps sent, just enough for a meal, so Chen Xiuyun brought them all. As for the squid and yellow croaker, he took half of them, and the rest had to wait until Jiang Zhenzhen, who was in the third year of junior high school, returned to her parents' house to eat the rest.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't be too happy, this year's New Year's Eve dinner would finally be a little different.

On the night of the [-]th, the soaked yellow croaker was stewed with tomatoes by Widow Wang.

Widow Wang has never cooked yellow croaker, but it is still fish. How can the cooking method be different?
As for the dried squid, it is also soaked and stir-fried with chili pepper and fungus.

Although these are not the flavors Jiang Xinyu expected, they are not unpleasant to eat overall.

After dinner, Widow Wang took out two dollars and gave one dollar to each of them.

It’s not much, and there’s nothing you can’t pick up.

"You two will have to leave in a few days. Mom will prepare travel expenses for you then."

Even before they left, Widow Wang already felt that the house was empty, which was strange when she thought about it.

Jiang Xinyu said: "Mom doesn't need to prepare travel expenses for us. You can keep the money for yourself. We have enough money. The school will also provide monthly subsidies."

Widow Wang shook her head, "How about that? What do I need money for? All food and accommodation are in the village, and you can't spend it with money. If you two encounter any difficulties outside, you can still deal with the emergency."

Her expenses for a year are very small. She doesn't need to buy new clothes, and she can't eat much by herself. The things she grows in her own land in the summer and the food distributed by the team are enough for her to live on. What does she need money for? ?It's of no use at all.

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