good old days

Chapter 322

When mentioning the capital, Widow Wang inevitably thinks of Chen Jinhua.

He should be a high-ranking officer in the army now. His son and daughter-in-law are going to college. They stay in school all day and they should be out of reach.Even if you meet them, you don't recognize them.

Thinking of this, she felt a little at ease.

But then she thought about it and felt something was wrong. She was not the one who did the wrong thing. How could she be the one with a guilty conscience?
Jiang Xinyu's belly felt itchy, and she reached out to touch it, "Mom, my delivery will probably be in mid-to-late July. You have to ask the team to issue a certificate in advance. I don't plan to come back to give birth. The hospitals in the capital are better than here. Pu, I’ll have to trouble you to go there when the time comes.”

Chen Yidao: "We will definitely be able to rent a house before the holidays this semester. I will come back to pick up my mother during the holidays."

The young couple did not have Chen Jinhua in their minds at all. After all, even if this person passed by them, they did not know him and did not want to know him.

Widow Wang hesitated and nodded, "The secretary's daughter-in-law has been raising pigs with me for two years. It should be fine if I leave the pig pen to her."

"But if I go to the capital, the food relationship will still be here, and eating and everything else will be a problem."

Chen Yidao: "Don't worry about so much. We will take care of the food. Just keep an eye on the children while we are in class."

Widow Wang nodded repeatedly, "I understand."

After the family of three made it clear, Widow Wang asked the two of them to go out and play.

They didn't want to go to bed so early on New Year's Eve, so the three of them had nothing to say.

The two of them returned to Jiang Xinyu's mother's house smelling the smell of New Year's Eve dinners in every household in the village.

To Jiang Xinyu's surprise, Old Man Jiang and his second uncle and second aunt were standing talking in the courtyard.

After saying hello, Jiang Xinyu deliberately asked Old Man Jiang, "Master, don't we have any new year's money today?"

Old Jiang, who was smoking, paused for a moment, cursing her grandma in his heart!

Why are you so embarrassed to ask for money when you open your mouth? Nowadays, the younger ones give money to the elders. Not to mention that both the granddaughter and the grandson-in-law are rich. They really don’t know how to respect the elders!
"Boss is not young anymore. He is going to have a child soon, so why should he be younger? It's your young people's turn to respect us."

Jiang Xinyu smiled: "Chen Yi and I will still have a lot of money to spend in the future. We will honor you when he and I are both successful. Now we still have to rely on you."

When she and Chen Yi graduate and start working, they won't be filial to this old man!
Second uncle felt embarrassed and took out a dollar from his pocket, "Second uncle's family has no skills. You can use this money to buy tickets."

Ma Meili also started to dig into her pockets. Chen Xiuyun's daughter and son-in-law were definitely both promising. If they didn't try to win over them now, they would not be able to have any relationship with them in the future.

"If one piece is enough, I'll add another piece."

Old Man Jiang didn't want to pay, so he pursed his lips and said, "Daughter Xiuyun is still good at talking. It's not like the third child. My daughter and son-in-law are also going to the capital. The third child didn't forget to ask Song Zhiqing for some money."

Chen Xiuyun exclaimed, "It's okay if he doesn't give me some extra money for traveling expenses. How can he reach out and ask the two of them for money?"

One code comes down to the other, Jiang Baoqin's girl is not a thing, but Jiang Laosan asking his daughter and son-in-law who is leaving for money is not something worth talking about and showing off.

Old Man Jiang said proudly: "I heard the third child say that Song Zhiqing's family members are all officials in the capital, and he can be regarded as the son of a senior cadre! Baoqin is about to leave his hometown with him, shouldn't he give him this money? San Yao is right, I can't say enough about that girl Bao Qin in the future, so asking for money is also a way of repaying their kindness in raising her."

Chen Xiuyun: "What's the difference between this and selling his daughter? After giving this money, he stopped contacting her?"

Ma Meili couldn't hold it back and revealed the inside story in a low voice, "That's what the third brother thinks. If you don't give me money, you can cause trouble so that the two of them can't leave. Xiao Song wanted a divorce, but the third brother said that if he dared to leave him, he would leave." His family is making trouble in the capital.”

Originally, Song Zhiqing wanted to buy a ticket and leave, and he didn't say that he would not take Jiang Baoqin with him. However, Jiang Laosan struggled for money for a while. Later, Song Zhiqing made a fuss about getting a divorce. This quarrel lasted for half a month and he couldn't even buy the ticket.

At this point, Jiang Baoqin wanted to sever the relationship with Jiang Laosan. Song Zhiqing had no choice but to give Jiang Laosan a sum of money and was now waiting to leave by train.Jiang Xinyu had never paid special attention to Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan. After listening to what several elders talked about, she shook her head in her heart.

Jiang Baoqin will still be like this after following Song Minghan to the capital, and life will definitely not be easy.

Song Minghan's family is a cadre family. If she brings the ways of the countryside to the capital, even if she is known as the "Wife of Chaos" at first, people who know her virtues will no longer side with her.

The most important thing is that Jiang Baoqin's mother is a "murderer"!At this point, she couldn't hold her head high at Song Minghan's house.

With such a conservative atmosphere these days, how could a murderer's daughter not be discriminated against?Even Song Minghan himself had to be asked if he was blind?
Everyone here was chattering away, and soon Xiaochuan Jiang Zhenwu came running back.

Chen Yi took out two dipped pens from his pocket and handed them to the two of them as lucky money for them.

Jiang Xinyu said from the side: "Study hard in the future, get into college, and bring honor to your second uncle and second aunt!"

Jiang Zhenwu sniffed, took the pen and responded loudly.

Ma Meili and Jiang Youfu on the side smiled when they saw this scene.

Capital, inside the dormitory of the studio.

Jiang Yuzhu was eating dumplings brought back from the cafeteria when there was a knock on the door, and Zhou Qi was outside carrying a food box.

"Why are you here now?"

Jiang Yuzhu's other roommate went to her partner's house to celebrate the New Year, and she was alone in the dormitory at the moment.

Zhou Qi took off his scarf and placed it on her bed. "If I don't come, will you just eat dumplings here by yourself?"

Jiang Yuzhu said with a smile: "It's stuffed with cabbage and meat. The one made in the factory canteen is quite delicious."

Apart from the fact that no one spoke, she didn't feel pitiful at all.But she was still happy that he was coming.

The food box was opened, and in addition to fish and braised pork, there was also a dish of fried beef. Most people don't have beef during the Chinese New Year, so the standard of this food is not low.

The dumplings and chopsticks are served in duplicate, and the two sit opposite each other.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yuzhu asked, "You didn't eat either?"

Zhou Qi said: "Bring it over to eat with you. Grandma prepared this for us."

Jiang Yuzhu paused.

She had decided to make a movie while preparing to take the film school exam next time, and she also talked to Zhou Qi's family, and his mother was angry at that time.

After going to Zhou Qi's house for the first time, she went there again. The last time was quite unpleasant. She didn't expect that Zhou Qi's grandma would prepare food for her on New Year's Day.

Zhou Qi gave her a piece of fish belly and said, "It's Chinese New Year, don't think so much. I'll take you skating tomorrow and let's have a good day."

She nodded and heard him say again: "Yuzhu, Happy New Year. I hope we can be together every New Year in the future."

Her eyes were a little moist and she nodded vigorously.

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