good old days

Chapter 323

On New Year's Eve, after Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi returned to the house, she took out her bankbook and counted all the little bits and pieces of their money.

There are a total of 500 yuan in the bankbook, and there are still more than 120 yuan in bits and pieces on hand.

Thinking of the gold bars kept by Chen Xiuyun, Jiang Xinyu felt more confident.

"When can we get a house in the capital?"

She lay crookedly on the bed holding her bankbook.

Chen Yidao: "Let's wait for the work assignment."

Even reform and opening up did not happen overnight.He didn't plan to start a business as soon as he graduated.

Everything is uncertain now, and it is too early to mention going into the sea.

As for a house, if you come across one with clear property rights and you have enough money, you can buy it in advance.If you can't find one, you can only wait to rent a house or wait for an apartment to be allocated.

The child in her belly was moving her arms and legs. Jiang Xinyu gently poked her belly and said, "Be quiet."

The little thing inside was very active. She didn't feel any pain, but her belly was itchy and unsettling.

She poked it like this, and her stomach became more active. Chen Yi put his hand on it and felt the movement underneath, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Xinyu pushed his hand away, "Don't smile like that. Seeing your fatherly look makes me panic."

Chen Yi was confused and panicked?Why?
Jiang Xinyu snorted, "I didn't plan to become a mother so early, but I don't want to smell like a mother early. You smell like a father too much. I suggest you go out and take a walk."

This strange theory made him stunned on the spot. After reacting, he turned around and sat on the side of the bed, falling into autistic isolation.

This was more or less a loss of face for him.

If it hadn't been for his mother's hand, she wouldn't be pregnant now.

His mood suddenly sank. Jiang Xinyu glanced sideways and sighed deliberately: "I go to school with a big belly. When I get to school, I don't know what the teachers and classmates think of me. When the time comes, others will criticize me." What should I do if I give you some advice?”

Chen Yi didn't care about the face he had just lost in her mouth, grabbed her hand and said, "Whoever points fingers at you, I will point fingers back."

She lay on her stomach, blinked and held her chin, and said, "Are you going to be a tongue-tied woman?"

He gritted his teeth calmly: "It's not impossible."

She laughed so hard that her belly became more active. She pointed at her belly and said, "Don't make trouble for me. I'll come out and take care of you!"

Chen Yi finally saw clearly that Jiang Xinyu seemed to be soft-tempered, but she would probably be a strict mother in the future.

On the first and second day of the first lunar month, every household was visiting relatives, and Jiang Xinyu's mother-in-law's family was as deserted as her natal family.

In the third year of junior high school, Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua came back. It was cold, so they didn't take the children with them.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi also went back with snacks and fruits, and even took Widow Wang over for lunch.

In the middle of the afternoon, Ding Changhai came and said that he had secured a good relationship and could buy a sleeper ticket with the certificate.

Chen Yi took the things and hurriedly followed him.

Ding Changhai said halfway: "I talked to the director before. The canned food factory thing needs to be slowed down. After all, the persimmon jam can only be made in the summer, but there should be a way to give a worker a quota."

Chen Yi nodded, "My mother can make this sauce. You can learn from my mother when the time comes. As for the money, just leave it to her."

Ding Changhai nodded, made a sign of two, and asked, "Does this count make sense?" Ding Changhai felt a little guilty. He knew how popular the tomato sauce was. He sold several large jars of tomato paste for 200 yuan.But if he was given more, he felt that the job was not worth [-] yuan, so he might as well just buy a job.

But it was troublesome to get a job in the city. No one from the factory said hello, and he had to make many trips just to make connections.

Chen Yi nodded, "According to what you said, it won't matter if it works or not. But after Jiang Xinyu and I leave, you can help me take care of my mother and my mother-in-law's house."

Ding Changhai agreed wholeheartedly, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry!"

I left in the middle of the afternoon and didn't come back until after nine o'clock.Two hard-seat tickets were refunded, and I bought two sleeper tickets for 16 yuan.

Just after dinner the next day, Wen Guili came to the door carrying a bag of biscuits.

The quarrel between Wen Guili and the Li family was so ugly that she moved to live in an educated youth camp. The Li family even went to see her a few times. Every time they couldn't say a few words, they started to quarrel. He wanted to hit someone, but he was forced to live in the educated youth camp. The person held him back.

People in the educated youth area are quite united when facing people in the village.

The college entrance examination has resumed. Although we don’t know when the next time will be, anyone who dares to prevent them from taking the college entrance examination is a class-level enemy!What he did to Wen Guili was outrageous.

For so many days, Wen Guili didn't go back even once. People in the village accused her of being cruel and crazy, and even gave up her own children.

"Sister Guili, what's wrong with you? Come as soon as you come, what kind of gift do you need?"

Widow Wang made a cup of brown sugar water for Wen Guili, "Sit down and say, eat some peanuts and melon seeds."

Wen Guili thanked her and put the biscuits on the table, "I don't have money to buy biscuits. These biscuits were bought jointly by our educated youth group. Thank you for the review materials you provided before. Don't dislike it."

After talking for a while, Wen Guili explained the purpose of her visit: "It's like this. In some of the examples in the review materials, there are some steps that I want you to analyze, but none of us can understand them."

If you can't understand one step, you can't even understand the following steps.

They all dream of returning to the city, so they naturally want to seize the opportunity to take the college entrance examination!

"Before you leave, we would like to ask you to give us some tutoring. We can give you all the eggs laid by the hens in our educated youth spots."

Jiang Xinyu's mouth twitched.

The reward of eggs is so unpretentious.

She had calculated the village's accounts and found that very few of the educated youths in the educated youth area could make a surplus of 20 yuan a year. Many of them still owed money to their team members, and most of them would not be able to make much money by the end of the year. One or two would not be able to receive subsidies from their families. , life is indeed difficult.

Although she doesn't like the reward of eggs from educated youths, it is indeed not easy for them.

Chen Yi took over the conversation, "She is pregnant now. I will give you tutoring every day."

Anyway, they can't make up for a few days. It's up to them to learn how much they can.

Wen Guili nodded excitedly, whichever one of the two could be invited over would only be kind to them.

Jiang Xinyu was bored, so she went home to train Comrade Chen Xiuyun. There were only a few days until the assessment, so she had to prepare well.

On the way home, I met Jiang Baoqin, who looked like a late wife.

She is obviously not very old, but she looks like she is 30 years old.

She had nothing to say to Jiang Baoqin, so he glanced at her, and she walked away expressionlessly, but she was called back to ask an old question.

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