good old days

Chapter 324 Preparation

"Why did you give up on him?"

Jiang Baoqin stared at Jiang Xinyu, not letting go of any expression on her face.

It took Jiang Xinyu a moment to react before she knew who "him" Jiang Baoqin was talking about. She was too lazy to answer her and just said: "No wonder you are not having a good life. Does it make sense for you to stare at me?"

She was about to leave, but she held out her hand to stop her.

Jiang Xinyu pushed hard, "Did I give you face?"

She pushed someone, her back pressed against the wall of someone else's yard, and she rubbed her belly in defense.

Hearing the sound of someone opening the door in the courtyard, Jiang Baoqin took a step back and said, "I will live a better life than you!"

She had broken away from her family because of Song Minghan, and Song Minghan had to be responsible for her future. He couldn't get rid of her!
After the child was gone, he had no intention of spending time with her.

Jiang Baoqin knew all this and had always been on guard against it.

Preparing for him to divorce her when he returned to the capital after taking the exam, she taught his father how to remind him that "he can't get rid of her." She came up with the idea and stood up with Song Minghan after her father asked for money. She doesn't accept her father's words of severing ties.

In this way, on the surface, she only has him in the future.

She knew that he was a responsible person and she would be a responsibility that he could not get rid of.

Jiang Xinyu didn't take Jiang Baoqin seriously, otherwise she would really be disgusted by her.

Chen Yi went to the educated youth center to explain to the educated youths, while Jiang Xinyu trained Chen Xiuyun at home.

Jiang Xinyu believes that according to the content taught by commune junior high school teachers and high school teachers, compared with the teaching quality decades later, it is not up to standard.

She didn't know what the teaching level was like in the city. Anyway, it would definitely not be easy for their students to get into college.

Chemistry and physics are both related to agriculture. How can students use these things they learn to answer the questions on the paper?Those contents deviate from the direction on the college entrance examination paper.

What Chen Xiuyun wants to teach is Chinese, politics, etc. It is not impossible to follow the textbook, but it is also necessary to understand all these knowledge in order to do a good job as a teacher.

On the sixth day of the sixth grade, the school assessment began.

This is still the Chinese New Year period, but school will start in a few days, and we really can’t wait.

The college entrance examination has resumed, and the level of school teachers cannot be what it used to be.

The junior high school was fine, and the teachers who took the college entrance examination this time were not ashamed if they failed, but the high school teachers were not embarrassed if they failed.

Who asks the students they teach to take the college entrance examination in the future?If these teachers themselves can't pass the exam, what do the students think?
There are five people taking part in the assessment today. They all came to apply for the job after hearing that the school was short of teachers.

Chen Xiuyun has read the junior high school textbooks and the knowledge points summarized by Jiang Xinyu on and off in the past two years at school, so she doesn't feel panicked.

This time, like last time, two education officers and two teachers from the high school department served as evaluators.

Before Director Liu spoke, another director who took Jia Hui's class saw Chen Yi and Jiang Xinyu and said with a smile: "Our level is definitely not as good as the two future Huaqing college students. Why don't we let them go in together and listen?" ?”

Chen Yi is famous even when walking in the commune. He is famous as the provincial champion. Secretary Wang talks about it all day long. He used to show movies, so few people don't know him. This leads to the fact that he can be found wherever he goes. Meet an "acquaintance".

Chen Yi said modestly: "Director Li is joking. My mother-in-law is also participating in the assessment today. It would be unfair to let us in. Besides, you have rich experience in selecting teachers and can take into account all aspects. If we go in, it will only add chaos."

When they come in, they are overshadowing the guests, and they cannot be taken seriously just by being polite.

Besides, whether the two of them can get in or not, they will be a bonus to Comrade Chen Xiuyun.After talking and laughing for a while, the group entered the classroom.

It's still the old rules, doing papers in the morning and giving lectures in the afternoon, which takes a lot of time.

There is nothing to be afraid of when doing test papers. What I am afraid of is that I will be short of breath when I go to the podium.

Among the few people who came to "apply", not everyone had experience of giving lectures on stage. Chen Xiuyun was used to speaking to the children in various teams. Although she was nervous for a while after taking the stage, she became more and more stable.

Jiang Xinyu did not stay at school, but went to the winery to find Feng Xiaohua. She was about to go to the capital. When she came to the commune, she just said goodbye to her old friends.

I returned to the commune in the middle of the afternoon. The assessment had come to an end. Director Liu was drinking hot water in the office.

The door was open. Jiang Xinyu knocked on the door frame and went in after getting permission.

Jiang Xinyu was obviously here to inquire about the situation, so Officer Liu took the initiative and said, "Your mother did a good job on the paper and her talk is good. This matter can basically be settled."

Jiang Xinyu beamed, "Thank you for taking care of me."

Officer Liu waved his hand, "I didn't take care of anything, so you don't have to be polite."

The college entrance examination has been resumed, and schools will definitely have to pay attention to student performance in the future. Chen Xiuyun's admission to the commune junior high school can be regarded as a sign. When introducing her, she can say: the provincial number one in the college entrance examination in 77 is her son-in-law, and the number three is her daughter.

And as far as he knew, Chen Xiuyun's other daughters and son-in-law had all passed the exam this year.

Why can her children pass the exam but other people's children can't? It must be because they know how to educate their children!No one would be dissatisfied with such a person becoming a teacher in a school!

"I have three food stamps that are universal across the country. I would like to exchange them with you for some of the wine that Xiao Chen sent me last time. Is it convenient for you?"

Jiang Xinyu waved her hand, "Take back the food stamps. I still have wine at home. I will send it to you tomorrow."

Director Liu insisted on giving it. The wine he drank had a sweet taste, and there must be sugar in it. Sugar is a precious and precious thing, so how could he get it for free.

"You have to leave too. Keep these food stamps carefully so that you can use them later. When you come back from vacation next time, don't forget to come and see me."


Comrade Chen Xiuyun's matter was almost done, and Jiang Xinyu returned home and continued to pack her luggage.

The notice sent by Huaqing stated what new students need to bring when enrolling.

In addition to the necessary cash and national food stamps, you must also bring your own daily necessities such as thermos bottles, lunch boxes, cups, washbasins, and bedding.

The two of them will have to live on campus from now on, so everything will have to be duplicated.

One mattress and one quilt take up more than half of the sack. Two copies, you can imagine the size.

In addition to bedding, there are also clothes and other things. In addition to the two people, there are also things for the children.

No matter how I packed it, I felt like there were a lot of things. I packed two and a half sacks of large and small bags.

Widow Wang looked at these things and was worried, "How do you two lift them up? How do you get them after you get out of the car? Otherwise, you have to take off all the children's clothes and everything."

This posture is no different from moving house.

Jiang Xinyu inserted her waist: "The child's clothes don't have many clothes, and they don't take up much space. They are just two sets of quilts. Just keep them like this. Won't you give them to us when we leave? Send them to us directly to the train, and we will talk about it after we get off the train. It’s about getting off the train!”

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