good old days

Chapter 325

Chen Yi took the grain and went to the grain management office with the certificate and letter of introduction to exchange for national grain stamps.

The school will definitely give out food stamps, but they should all be rationed. If they want to eat enough, they have to exchange for some national food stamps.

However, the National Food Stamps exchanged at the Grain Management Office are also limited, so there is no way to exchange for more.

While Chen Xiuyun was moving things to the school dormitory, she went to the post and telecommunications office to call the Capital Film Studio and asked the person in the communication room to tell Jiang Yuzhu the time when their tickets would arrive so that she could pick them up.

Everything is ready, just wait for the time to take the train.

The night before departure, Widow Wang cooked a table of dishes and called Chen Xiuyun and Xiaochuan over.

Later, Chen Xiuyun went to the commune to teach junior high school, and Xiaochuan also went to the commune to study in elementary school. One lived in the teacher's dormitory and the other lived in the student dormitory.They will not return to the team until the weekend is off.As for Xiao Hei in the courtyard, I will have to ask Chen Yima to help feed him in the future.

Feeling a little tired of eating meat, Jiang Xinyu made a cup of sour plum powder. When Chen Xiuyun winked at her, she followed him out.

In Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi's hut, Chen Xiuyun took out 50 yuan and said, "Put this money away."

Jiang Xinyu waved her hand away, "Chen Yi and I have money, you can keep it for yourself."

Chen Xiuyun insisted and stuffed it into her pocket, "Just take it if I tell you to. This is your private money. You may not know what it will be used for in the future."

"Your second sister sent me 60 yuan last time, and I kept it. When you go, tell her that you don't have to send money home in the future. My monthly salary will be more in the future, and I will have no problem supporting Xiaochuan." , don’t wrong yourselves outside..."

After Chen Xiuyun stuffed the money and left, Widow Wang called the two of them over and took out a wrapped cloth from under the mattress.

It was wrapped in layers of cloth, and inside was a large amount of money and bits and pieces of money. It didn’t look like it was young or old.

Chen Yi raised his head and said, "Mom, keep the flowers for yourself. We have enough money."

Widow Wang glanced at him with disapproval in her eyes.

Why can a widow like her build three houses in the village?Just because she has the skills to raise pigs, she has been raising pigs in the village for many years, and she has raised the pigs in the village well, and her own pigs are also well-oiled.

While other people are poor and reluctant to feed piglets for fear of wasting food, she is not afraid.

She would rather eat less herself so that her son and the pigs can be full and strong. Why are pigs so important to her?That's because she knows how much a pig will sell for at the end of the year.

Excluding the coarse grains fed to the pigs every year, the family still makes money.

A pig is purchased by the state, and a pig is sold to the villagers. After so many years, the family actually has a lot of wealth.In addition to the 100 yuan gift money given to Chen Xiuyun's family, the family still has some left.

Widow Wang counted out six big unity cards and handed them to Jiang Xinyu, "I have some left here. You can take the money."

Jiang Xinyu didn't want it. She had a lot of money in her pocket. What she lacked now were various bills. After all, she couldn't buy anything without bills.

After some rejection, Jiang Xinyu pinched the money.

When she returned to her room, she put 60 yuan on the bed.

"We are going to college, not to plunder our family's belongings."

The money given by her mother-in-law was probably something she had saved for many years, and it was hot to hold.

Chen Yi took off his watch and said, "I'll try to put the money back before I get on the train tomorrow."

There is no reason for them to go to college and leave their family destitute.

Chen Yi took off his watch and took out 30 yuan from his pocket, "This is the private money my mother gave me. Keep it."

Jiang Xinyu sat up straight in disbelief, "Your mother also gave you private money, why didn't she give it to me? She gave me the sixty in front of both of us, and you also know how much it is."

Chen Yi paused, "So what do you mind? Didn't your mother give you money when she talked to you in this room before?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head decisively and said with a guilty conscience: "My mother is not your mother. She is not so partial." It's not that she doesn't want to take out the money, but she will take out the money again. It shows that she is not so upright and can't be more fair in her accusations. he.

Chen Yi saw the guilt in her eyes and did not expose her: "She just gave me thirty and you sixty, isn't that enough?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head and said righteously: "Don't confuse the concepts, this is different!"

Knowing that she was getting messy again, he said speechlessly: "I will give you one point if you have one, thirty if you have thirty, and I will give you as much as you have. Why am I not satisfied?"

She snorted, feeling quite proud, and pretended to say: "Keep it up from now on."

Who would have thought that he would be so successful in this era.

She felt so happy that she turned her body to his chest and fell asleep with her mouth curled up.

She imagined the days when she would go to the capital to study in the future, and there would be absolutely no farm work during those days.

It started raining in the middle of the night, and it was still raining in the morning. The sky was gray and looked gloomy.

Widow Wang had already prepared breakfast, packed bacon buns and hard-boiled eggs for the two of them to eat on the train.

There were so many things that two bicycles were used. It was raining all the time, and the sacks were not very waterproof. Jiang Xinyu seriously suspected that even the bedding was still damp at school.

No matter how many things there were, Jiang Xinyu didn't need to exert any effort. When she arrived at the train station, there was still more than half an hour before departure.

The train at this time can be delivered to the platform.

When the train whistle sounded, everyone rushed that way, and Jiang Xinyu was lucky enough not to be squeezed out.

The hard-seat carriage has the most people, and there are not many people checking tickets at the entrance of the sleeper carriage.

Chen Xiuyun and Widow Wang put their things on them and hurriedly got out of the car.

Amid the crowds, Jiang Xinyu waved to the two of them from the window.

"It's still raining, go back quickly."

Chen Yi leaned out of the window and shouted to the two of them.

Widow Wang was reluctant to leave. Her son had never left her side for so many years.After leaving, we couldn't see each other for several months.

It wasn't until the train whistle sounded, the crowd outside the train was retreating, and the two of them could no longer be seen that Jiang Xinyu looked away.

The train left only dark shadows, and Widow Wang and Chen Xiuyun walked back.

Seeing Widow Wang with tears in her eyes, Chen Xiuyun said with a smile: "Why are you crying? This is a good thing. It is a good thing that others can't ask for. It's not like we will never see her again."

Widow Wang wiped her eyes and said sheepishly: "I just thought that I would be the only one in the house from now on, and it wouldn't be fun to eat."

She has spent so many years with her son alone. It can be said that Chen Yi is the other half of her life. Now that her son is gone, she feels sad and wants to cry.

"Why don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Widow Wang took some tissue paper from her pocket to wipe her nose, but she found six big unity sheets, "Hey, these two kids!"

When Chen Xiuyun saw this, he subconsciously took out his coat pocket and suspected that he found money wrapped in cloth?

The two of them looked at each other, feeling helpless and confused.


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