good old days

Chapter 326 Catch the Thief

Chapter 326 Catch the Thief

It has been raining lightly today, and the surface of the sack is covered with rainwater. Chen Yi is picking up the rags.

After a while, the conductor came to check the ticket.

Coincidentally, the conductor in this carriage was an acquaintance, He Yong's second son, He Pengfei.

"What a coincidence."

He Pengfei took the notebook and pen used to record work and exchanged a few words with the two of them.

"You guys pack up. I'll come and chat with you after I finish checking the carriage."

After they left, Jiang Xinyu sorted out her daily necessities, and finally took out "The Rising Sun by the River" that she had not finished yet.

The train was clanging, and looking out the window, the wheat seedlings in the fields in the distance were glowing green.

Chen Yi came back with a teapot and boiled water, and then used a teapot to make malted milk.

As soon as Jiang Xinyu took out the bacon buns, He Pengfei came in, "I know you two brought food, but it must be cold. Give me the food you want to heat. I'll go to the dining car and ask the chef to heat it up for free. You can do it yourself. If you send it away, you have to charge a dime.”

Chen Yi took out two apples from his bag and handed them to him, "Thank you very much. These are the ones our family kept in the cellar during the winter. They are still edible."

Although the apples are a little wrinkled and the texture is not as good as last year, they are still edible.

He Pengfei took one intentionally, stuffed it into his mouth and gnawed, "You're welcome, today there are roast pork with potatoes, bean sprouts, and fish in the dining car. It tastes pretty good. The vegetarian version costs [-] cents a portion, and the meat version costs [-] cents. If necessary, Yes, the staff will come with the dining cart soon, buy one while it’s hot, no tickets are required.”

He would tell the two of them this because he knew that the two of them and their family were secretly doing business. Speculation may be risky, but speculation can actually make money. If you have money in your hands, why would you not be willing to spend the money for food?

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi are not people who would wrong themselves. He Pengfei said that the food on the train tasted good. When the dining car came, they ordered one meat and one vegetarian. When they ate it, they tasted really good.

The stir-fried mung bean sprouts are all delicious, and the braised fish cubes have a rich sauce, which is especially delicious when mixed with rice.

He Pengfei also came over with his work meal to eat with the two of them.

He has worked in the railway department for several years, and what he knows best is what happens on trains.

"Do you two know why the food on the train tastes so good?"

Chen Yidao: "Because most of the people in the hard sleeper and soft sleeper carriages are cadres."

Ordinary people cannot buy sleeper tickets. For state officials who are on business trips, most of the meals on the train are for them.

He Pengfei glanced at him appreciatively, "That's why, when I first followed the train, I ate the food on the train. It was much more delicious than what my mother cooked. I didn't like going home anymore. I felt like I was working very nice!"

Jiang Xinyu laughed and said, "Did your mother scold you when she found out?"

He Pengfei laughed and said, "That must be scolding."

He was scolded, but he felt relieved knowing that he was working well and eating well, even if he was no longer at home.

Jiang Xinyu ate a bacon bun and only half of the rice and vegetables in the lunch box. Chen Yi saw her put down her chopsticks and took her lunch box in front of her and licked it clean.

He was already very good at handling her leftovers.

The train was very noisy, and it was so noisy that I didn’t know how to fall asleep.

He Pengfei came to talk to the two of them when he had time. He had been following the car for several years and had seen a lot of things. The conversation was quite interesting and he was not bored along the way.

The train swayed forward, and a few people got on and off along the way. He Pengfei also got off halfway, and only the two of them stayed in the sleeper berth for more than two days.

The train pulled into the Capital Station. Chen Yi carried two bags alone. Jiang Xinyu carried the half bag and followed the flow of people out.

She was wearing a military coat, and Chen Yi was wearing a gray and black coat. No matter how outstanding their looks were, they were lost in the crowd.Sensing something strange in the pocket of her coat, Jiang Xinyu lowered her head and saw that a hand had just come out of her pocket.

She was shocked and shouted, "There is a thief!"

Chen Yiben was walking on her right side. Hearing this, he took a big step with his left leg and kicked the man.

The thief staggered, steadied himself and was about to run away. Then a sack fell from the sky and he was hit hard.

Regardless of the era, pickpockets near train stations are unstoppable.

The train station has a lot of people, and a lot of people have been robbed. At a glance, they are all people. Where can I catch the thief?I can only admit that I am unlucky.

Many people have been robbed, and many people have called the police. There are also police officers here at the train station.

Jiang Xinyu was guarding the three packages while Chen Yi sent them to the Railway Public Security Department.

Jiang Yuzhu and Zhou Qi waited anxiously at the exit. Seeing that the wave of people had almost left, they had not yet come out, so they simply went in to look for someone.

Jiang Yuzhu, who was all the way away, saw Jiang Xinyu sitting on a sack and wearing a military coat.

She trotted over, "Little sister, where is my brother-in-law, why are you here by yourself?"

Take a train and there is no room for a big living person?

Jiang Xinyu stood up and told them about the incident with the thief.

I haven't seen Jiang Yuzhu in almost a year, and she looks more fashionable and beautiful than before.

Her eyebrows were specially shaped, and although her face was not painted with makeup, it did not look like it had the rustic atmosphere in the countryside. Her skin looked much fairer, and the goose-yellow jacket on her body made her skin even brighter. .

As they were talking, Chen Yi came with the police. As a party involved, Jiang Xinyu also wanted to take notes.

Jiang Xinyu didn't have any money in her pocket. The money was in the inner pocket of her coat. This pocket was specially sewn for her by Widow Wang to prevent her from being stolen.

As soon as the coat was taken off, the inside was unfolded, and the pockets were floating around. It looked nondescript, but it was more than useful. What thief could be so skilled that she couldn't even notice it when he reached into the coat to steal something?
After another twenty minutes of tossing, the few of them walked back.

Zhou Qi helped carry a bag and took the two of them to the bus.

Jiang Xinyu, who was light-hearted, held Jiang Yuzhu's arm and said, "Sister, who is this? You won't introduce him to us."

There was a smile on Zhou Qi's face, "Comrade Xiao Jiang, let's not pretend to be confused because we understand."

He still remembered how he and Jiang Yuzhu were so shy that they wanted to kiss when they were interrupted by Comrade Xiao Jiang next to the reed marsh in Wuliqiao Brigade.

Jiang Yuzhu also smiled, "This is my partner Zhou Qi. You both have met him before, so I won't introduce him further."

"I'll send you two to school to get settled first, and then I'll take you two to a restaurant for a meal in the evening. It's not only to celebrate you two being admitted to college, but also to thank you for the hospitality you received in the team."

Jiang Xinyu said deliberately: "This should obviously be two meals, oh, no, it is three meals. You are so calculating, just think of it and solve it in one meal."

There is another meal, which is naturally what Zhou Qi should invite after the two of them fall in love.

Regardless of whether the two of them will become friends in the future, they are in a relationship now. Isn't this how they get along as young people?

Zhou Qi said "Ouch", "Okay, okay, it's three meals. I owe the next two meals first."


(End of this chapter)

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