good old days

Chapter 328

Chapter 328
The dormitory was tidy. In order to remove all the dust, the three people wiped every bed.

Jiang Xinyu was the first to arrive in the dormitory and chose a lower bunk near the window.

It had rained before, so the quilt had been nestled in a sack for two days. It was indeed a bit damp when I took it out, and the smell was not pleasant.

There wasn't much sunlight outside, so I stretched a rope between the two beds to dry.

Jiang Yuzhu held Jiang Xinyu's hand, and the two sisters said kindly: "The quilt is too damp. Let it dry for two days. You can stay with me for the next few days."

Jiang Xinyu had nothing to disagree with. She had been a village girl for two years, but as soon as she entered the capital, her heart became wild.Regardless of whether you have tickets or not, you can go shopping in the department store first!
All the daily necessities were laid out and everything that should be put in the cabinets was put in. It was almost done here. Chen Yi took the package and went to the boys' dormitory.

Jiang Xinyu also followed and found the way.

By the time everything is sorted out, it's getting late.

The school subsidized the new students with meal tickets and vegetable tickets, which were reserved for future use. The two followed Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu to a restaurant outside.

Jiang Xinyu was excited to stay with Jiang Yuzhu for a few days, but Chen Yi wanted to live directly on campus. The four of them simply had a meal at a state-owned restaurant not far from the school.

After the meal, she abandoned Chen Yi without hesitation, and took the last bus away with Jiang Yuzhu and the others.

Chen Yi said in his heart that he was a little heartless, withdrew his gaze and walked back.

Jiang Yuzhu lived in a dormitory for two people. When the two returned home, the girl was washing clothes in the bathroom.

Jiang Yuzhu whispered in her ear: "She is getting married soon and will move to the husband's house from now on."

Jiang Xinyu soaked her feet and asked, "Sister, have you made up your mind? Are you waiting for admission to the film school?"

Jiang Yuzhu packed up the clothes on the bed and nodded: "When I applied for school and major, I didn't know what to apply for. I was not interested in studying medicine. I want to go to university. It will be more interesting to study if you are interested. Other schools are When it comes to admissions, I can always wait until the day when the film school enrolls students. If I can pass the exam once, I can pass the exam the second time!”

"What about Zhou Qi's family?"

Jiang Yuzhu sat on the bed: "I can't control that much anymore."

If you succeed, forget it.

In fact, Zhou Qi's attitude determines whether the two can get married. No matter how much his family objects, as long as he is willing, no one can stop it.

She had a clear understanding of this, and her pride was causing trouble, so she didn't feel so comfortable.

In the past, the two sisters always liked to whisper under the covers, but now there were others in the same dormitory. They all greeted each other, talked for a while and then went to sleep.

Jiang Xinyu's sleep quality was particularly good, and she slept until Jiang Yuzhu came back with breakfast.

Smelling the weird sour smell, Jiang Xinyu couldn't stop feeling pantothenic acid in her stomach. She vomited for a long time and almost vomited out bile.

She knew that the lunch box contained bean juice, which many locals in the capital loved to drink.

After she washed up and went back, Jiang Yuzhu had already finished the bean juice in a lunch box.

"It's a good thing I didn't take it upon myself to make soybean juice for you. You hurry up and eat it. I have to go to rehearsal and I have to leave quickly. I will take you to the department store when I come back at noon."

When Jiang Yuzhu first came here, she was not used to drinking bean juice. She thought the sour taste was like spoiled soup. However, the most people lined up at the bean juice window in the factory cafeteria every day. Later, she tried it a few more times and found out that it was There is so much delicious food, but I still feel panicked if I don’t get a bowl every now and then.Jiang Xinyu didn't want to be a left-behind child. After eating the regular pancakes, pickles and porridge, she left the film studio and went shopping by herself along the road.

Occasionally a car would pass by on the street. There were not many bicycles in their county, but there were many on the streets of the capital. Bicycles whizzed past.

She doesn't know the way, but she knows how to ask people and can take the bus.

After squeezing the bus for about [-] minutes, we arrived at the so-called department store. From the outside, it looked like a two-story building.

Just as she was about to go in, she bumped into a middle-aged woman carrying a basket and Jiang Baoqin.

It's really crazy to see Jiang Baoqin so soon after arriving in the capital!
Both of them pretended not to know each other, and looked at each other with disgust.

Jiang Xinyu found it quite interesting that Jiang Baoqin's eyes looked proud just now.

"The remaining color of the wool here is not good-looking. When I get off work next time, I will take you to the department store in Wangfujing. It will not be easy for you to follow Minghan who left home. If you have any difficulties in the future, just open your mouth to your family. If he bullies you , just tell me, even though he doesn’t listen to what I say, he will definitely listen to what his father says.”

Although Song Minghan's stepmother Lu Peilin was smiling in her words and on her face, there was contempt deep in her eyes when she looked sideways at Jiang Baoqin.

For such a country girl, if her own son wanted to marry her, she wouldn't be able to let her in even if she broke off the relationship.

It was indeed the right choice to send Song Minghan to the countryside. Although he returned to the capital after passing the exam, he started a family in the countryside. His father checked Song Minghan's files and saw the family situation of Song Minghan's Yue family from the files.

When Song Minghan got married in the countryside, her husband didn't agree, but she was a good person and tried to persuade her, so her family sent him some money and tickets.

Why would she, a stepmother, disagree with such a great thing?
What's even more surprising is that in Song Minghan's file, his mother-in-law, Jiang Baoqin's mother, turned out to be a murderer!

Not to mention Song Minghan's father, his grandparents' blood pressure went up after they found out.

When Song Minghan carried his luggage and took Jiang Baoqin home, although the two of them were allowed in, Song Minghan's grandparents insisted that Song Minghan get divorced as soon as possible, otherwise they would not live back home in the future.

No one in the whole family saw Jiang Baoqin smiling, and they all thought she was unlucky.

They just pinched their noses and admitted it just because they were from the countryside, but her biological mother was a murderer. On this point, they couldn't agree to let her in.

Because of Jiang Baoqin, Song Minghan's grandfather Yu Xiling, who also lived in the countryside and had returned to the city to take up a job, was complained by the Song family.

As Song Minghan's grandfather, he watched Song Minghan marry Jiang Baoqin in the countryside. What was his intention?

Lu Peilin knew that her man was actually a sharp-tongued man with a soft heart. It was true that he was dissatisfied with Jiang Baoqin and it was true that he wanted Song Minghan to get divorced, but it was also true that he still had this son in his heart.

She is a stepmother. If she wants to avoid being criticized by others, she must treat her ex-wife's children equally. Over the years, who in the Song family has not spoken well of her?Except of course Song Minghan.

"Thank you, auntie. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would have done." Jiang Baoqin looked grateful.

Lu Peilin patted her hand, "What's the matter? You're welcome. From now on we are a family. I will speak for you with Minghan's father, but with Minghan, you have to take care of yourself, man? , they all like gentle and carefree people, if you just obey them more, you won’t have to worry about having a bad life."

Only when these two people are together for a long time will the family be more disappointed in Song Minghan and will not provide more help to Song Minghan in the future. In this way, the son born to her stepmother will always be better than Song Minghan!

(End of this chapter)

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