good old days

Chapter 329

Chapter 329
Jiang Baoqin was flattered by Lu Peilin's attitude.

In Song Minghan's words, his stepmother was petty and selfish, and she was used to showing off. However, he did not expect that after coming to the capital, Lu Peilin was the only one in the entire Song family who was willing to talk to her, and she was treated even better than her own mother-in-law. good!
Jiang Baoqin's originally confused and anxious heart was soothed by Lu Peilin's attitude.

In a family like Song Minghan's, she didn't have to worry about having a hard time.

"There is nothing we can do about losing the child. We must seize the time to get another one. Minghan will go to college in the future, and his horizons will only be higher after graduation. Baoqin, don't think auntie is direct in speaking. Auntie, this is for your own good. If you have a child, your family relationship will be stronger."

Jiang Baoqin agreed very much, "I know Auntie is doing it for my own good, so I will hurry up."

Lu Peilin nodded with satisfaction, "Minghan's grandpa's yard is spacious. Now the elderly at home can't accept it for a while. I want you to live with his grandpa because he doesn't want you to continue to irritate them. Besides, it's also close to Minghan School. This Please talk to Minghan properly. If you need help in the future, just come back and ask me for help."

Old Yu is a stubborn man. He has been sent to the countryside for many years, but his temper is still the same as before. He looks down on the Song family and has a bad relationship with the Song family. If Song Minghan takes Jiang Baoqin to live there, the family will only treat Song Minghan more. disappointment.

Lu Peilin had not had a good night's sleep since she heard that Song Minghan had returned to the city after taking the exam. After learning about the situation of Jiang Baoqin's family, she felt relieved.

At this time, the "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" were really happy.

Jiang Baoqin felt that Lu Peilin was gentle and considerate, and he really treated her as an elder. He never thought that Lu Peilin's gentle mask was not well-intentioned.

She has already been to the old man's old courtyard house. Although it is a bit dilapidated and there are still a few residents in it, she knows how valuable a house in the capital will be in the future.

Old Man Yu is a close descendant of Song Minghan. In the future, the yard must belong to Song Minghan?That's hers too!
Although Song Minghan's family is dissatisfied with her, it doesn't matter. She is legal and Song Minghan can't get rid of her. Who can do anything to her?

Jiang Xinyu entered the largest department store in the district. After shopping around, she found that there were more types of goods than in their county or city, but they all required tickets. The ones that didn't require tickets were commonly used daily necessities such as matchboxes, salt, and kerosene. .

She didn't buy anything, so she just walked around and had fun.

After leaving the mall, I ate a popsicle on a cold day and looked at the scenery of the old capital. I recalled the bustling street scene of the capital decades later, and suddenly felt that it was not that bad in this era.

You must study hard when you are admitted to university, participate in building socialism after graduation, and jointly witness the prosperity and development of the motherland.

When Jiang Xinyu had these realizations, Chen Yi had already applied for a library card at school and was sitting upright in the library, reading books.

Huaqing's library has more books than any Xinhua bookstore outside, especially in professional fields.

Although the major Chen Yi applied for was not completely unfamiliar to him, it was the difference between starting from scratch or starting from the beginning. His advantage over others was that he knew the development of science and technology in later generations.College entrance examination scores don't mean everything. If you want to succeed in your studies, you have to work hard in private.

The sun rarely came out today, and the sparse and cool sunlight fell on the books spread out on the table. I stared at the books for a long time, my eyes were a little blurry, and my neck was a little stiff. I moved my neck, raised my head, closed the notebook, and looked at it. The weather was getting dark, and it was time to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

Before he could stand up, a rather old man and a woman in her thirties walked sideways.

"Professor Yu, our current problem is how to connect so many Chinese characters with the letters on the keyboard. If Chinese cannot be typed on the computer, we will not be able to communicate with foreign countries through computer technology. We will always lag behind foreign countries. We have studied several times In [-], there was progress, but with so many small keyboards, it takes a long time to find letters to type a line. How can we be efficient? Foreigners still don’t laugh at us when they see this?”

Professor Yu's clothes are much more respectable than when he was in the brigade, and his spirit seems much stronger than before. His intellectual temperament is very obvious.

But what hasn't changed is that his face is as smelly as it was in the Wuliqiao Brigade. The wrinkles on his face tell the story of the years and hardships he has experienced, and also indicate that he is inhumane.

A woman can also get close to him like a student to a teacher. This courage alone makes people look up to her. "Everything has a process. As long as we continue to explore, I believe it can be solved. If the country wants to make progress, it depends on everyone's unremitting efforts."

Yu Xiling himself was not talented in that field, but his past students still regarded him as a close teacher and talked to him about the current progress and difficulties of the laboratory. He felt friendly in his heart, but his face was still tense.

After living in the countryside for many years without people or ghosts, it was not only his body that suffered a loss, but his mind was also severely damaged.

But even so, he still hopes that the country will become stronger and stronger.Now that he is back at work, he will use his spare energy to see the country rise in his lifetime.

Yu Xiling turned his head and saw the familiar face on the other side of the window. Thinking of the past years, he nodded lightly to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi came up to say hello. Ye Feng looked at him and asked, "Which department are you from?"

"I'm a freshman in the digital engineering department."

Yu Xiling nodded happily, "Not bad."

It is really good to be admitted to a top university in the country from the countryside.

"Where's Teacher Xiao Jiang?"

Yu Xiling still remembers the scorching sun that year. During the grain distribution, they, the old guys in the bullpen, stood under the tree beside the grain drying field and listened to Jiang Xinyu telling the team members how important reading was.

For him, who has spent the first half of his life studying academics, reading wisely and rationally, and the more he understands, the broader his vision, is absolutely useful for the construction, development and progress of the country.

He would not comment on the conflict between Jiang Xinyu and Jiang Baoqin’s family. Teacher Xiao Jiang’s consciousness was still enough!
She keeps saying that studying is useful, and she teaches junior high school students at school. Could it be that she didn't even pass the technical secondary school entrance examination?

Chen Yi smiled slightly and said, "Both of us were admitted to Huaqing, and she went to play with her sister."

Yu Xiling's tight lips also showed a smile.

Although he has never taught these two people, he can be considered a "fellow townsman" with the young couple. Teacher Xiao Jiang and her mother often give things to old guys like them. He was also happy to hear that they both passed the exam. of.

Yu Xiling and Chen Yi knew each other, so Ye Feng naturally asked a few more questions. What a coincidence, she would also teach students in the Department of Digital Engineering in the future.

After leaving, Chen Yi took his notebook and books out of the library.

Regarding the questions Ye Feng raised before, he had some thoughts in his mind, but they still needed to be sorted out systematically.

Unlike a few decades later, there are various input methods, and everyone can use whichever one is convenient.

At the current stage, if the input method is not solved, how can computers be popularized?

Walking on the campus of Huaqing, he recalled his previous experiences studying abroad and joining a group. They were also full of challenges, but he was full of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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