good old days

Chapter 334

Jiang Xinyu didn't know how to talk, but somehow she got to the point of competing with classmates she didn't know.

Although she felt childish, she believed that she was not bad and there was no reason to show weakness.

What's more, she didn't plan to fool around after getting into college. She really wanted to study hard and perform well in Huaqing and get a good job after graduation.

"Tell me how you want to compare. Finish it quickly, otherwise it will delay my husband and I from going to dinner."

Jiang Xinyu said this on purpose. If she didn't make this inexplicable girl angry, she would lose.

The girl adjusted her glasses and said, "My name is Liu Wen, and I am a freshman in the second class of the Department of Medicine. Although we are in different departments, we can still compare our grades, and we will compare our grade rankings in the future."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Okay, if you win at the end of this year, you have to apologize to me. My name is Jiang Xinyu, a freshman in Class [-] of the Department of International Politics."

Liu Wen said simply: "I can apologize for my behavior just now. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were husband and wife."

"This is this time. By the end of the semester, whoever wins will agree to the other's request, okay?"

This girl's attitude made Jiang Xinyu choke. She was very opinionated at first glance, and she felt uncomfortable being led around by others.

Jiang Xinyu smiled and nodded, "Of course you can, but please don't accuse others without knowing the situation in the future. This kind of behavior is very impolite."

Even if Liu Wen apologized, she still felt uncomfortable because her apology was clearly superior.

The two agreed, and when Liu Wen left, she snorted again.

No matter who Jiang Xinyu hums to, Chen Yi likes to hear it, "I hum when people are gone. Why don't you hum in front of others?"

Jiang Xinyu rolled her eyes at him, looking crazy, "Am I stupid? I roll my eyes, snort, and make small talk all behind my back."

She made it clear that her little thoughts were not straightforward and strong!
Being interrupted by Liu Wen, she indeed forgot to settle the score with Chen Yi.

The food in the cafeteria was like that. Today, the cabbage was fried with meat. Jiang Xinyu didn't want to eat a bunch of cabbage just for a few pieces of meat, so she simply made white rice and asked for a hard-boiled egg, and went back to prepare the mix. Eat with hot sauce.

Chen Yi walked her to the door of the dormitory. Jiang Xinyu took the book and said, "The Jiang family rules are that you have to check in with me at least once every three days. Is that okay?"

Logically speaking, she should report to school every day, but she felt that college life could be rich and colorful without him, and he was still a bit of a hindrance.

In the past, Jiang Xinyu had had enough of meeting each other every day. Compared with when he was away from home every day when she got married for the first time, she found that it was just like that when they were tired of being together every day.

Although she was thinking this in her heart, she didn't know how happy she looked when she entered the dormitory.

There was a cabbage and potato party going on in the dormitory. Zhao Xiaohan ate like a cat. He had to pull half of it for Guo Hong before eating, otherwise there would always be leftovers.

Liu Lili gnawed on the pancake and asked, "What did Liu Wen say when he stopped you before?"

Liu Lili is a native of the capital and speaks with a pure Beijing accent.

Jiang Xinyu mixed the rice happily, "You know her, she stopped Chen Yi and me and said that we should cherish the hard-won opportunity to enter college and not talk about partners in school."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the dormitory laughed.

He stopped a couple and told them not to talk about their partner, regardless of whether they were a couple or not. Why should Liu Wenwen be meddling in other people's business?
Liu Lili said with a smile: "It's something she can do. She used to be in the same class as me, and she was also a study committee member. She liked to take care of everything." Jiang Xinyu nodded: "I think she has the aura of a dean who is not to be trifled with." .”

Liu Lili picked up a carrot stick and said: "Most of her family are medical workers. Her grandfather is the director of the Central Hospital and a professor of the medical school. He is very famous in the medical field. She has had strict tutoring since she was a child. You should be strict with yourself as you are with others. Because of my personality, I haven’t had many friends since I was a child..."

Jiang Xinyu listened and felt that she would not be able to relax in the future.The competition is over, and it sounds like Liu Wen is a person who strives to make progress every day and refuses to admit defeat, so she has to be energetic.

Liu Wen felt that the girls in his class who formed a group to visit the capital were not doing their jobs properly. In fact, those who could get into Huaqing did not take their studies seriously.

The textbooks were handed out, and everyone stopped running around and playing. That afternoon, they all read books in the dormitory.

When the only sounds in the dormitory were the rustling of books and taking notes, the door was pushed open and the last two girls in their dormitory arrived at the same time.

A girl was wearing a fashionable woolen coat and small leather shoes, followed by her parents and grandma, looking very impressive.

Another girl was similar to Guo Hong. Her face was red and dark, and she spoke broken Mandarin when greeting them.

"Okay, okay, you all can go back. I told you that I can do it myself. I don't need so many of you to accompany me."

The girl couldn't stand the attention of everyone in the dormitory. When she came to school to report, her classmates must have thought that she hadn't yet weaned herself.

The girl's parents glanced at the two lower bunks by the window, then looked away, took out snacks from their bags, and gave some to each roommate in the dormitory.

"My Xinxin will need you to take more care of me from now on. You're welcome, just accept them all."

Everyone has it, and if you can't refuse it, you have to accept it.

Seeing that everyone had accepted her, Yao Xin's mother said, "Which of you can give Xinxin a lower bunk, preferably one by the window."

Jiang Xinyu glanced at the fragrant lard ointment placed on the table, but had no intention of speaking.

Her bed is the best in the lower bunk. In winter, when the door is opened, the bed next to the door will get cold. Looking in from the outside, the innermost bed by the window on the left side of the room is also exposed.

She was the first to come, and her sister and Chen Yi also cleaned the entire dormitory. It was right for her to occupy this bed.

Yao Xin didn't want to climb onto the bunk, so she didn't say anything.

The dark-skinned girl who came with me had already climbed onto the upper bunk and started cleaning up.

Zhao Xiaohan said with kindness: "Give up my bed, we will have bunk beds from now on."

Yao Xin and her family were not satisfied with the bed, and they cast their faint eyes on Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu took the initiative, touched her belly and said apologetically: "It's a pity that I'm pregnant. It's not safe to climb up to the bunk every day. Otherwise, I would have to accommodate my new roommate."

When she touched her belly, Yao Xin and the others noticed that her belly was bulging.

Yao Xin took a look at her roommates as soon as she walked in. Everyone in the dormitory had their own characteristics, and Jiang Xinyu's appearance and temperament were undoubtedly the best among them.

They are both beautiful girls, so comparisons are inevitable in their hearts. Knowing that she was pregnant, she smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, your body is important."

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