good old days

Chapter 335

Jiang Xinyu couldn't change the best bed, so Yao Xin did the next best thing and changed Liu Lili's bed.

Liu Lili was reluctant, but because she had been lenient with others before, she had to agree to change bunks when asked.

From then on, Jiang Xinyu's neighbor became fashionable classmate Yao Xin.

In Jiang Xinyu's perception, people in this generation are all dull, but Yao Xin is not. She will draw her eyebrows and apply liquid foundation, and she smells like powder.

They were all in the same dormitory, and it was only when we chatted that we found out that Yao Xin's family had foreign affairs personnel, and her woolen coat and skin care products were brought back from abroad by her family members.

Jiang Xinyu instantly missed her past cloakroom and various skin care products.

At this point, everyone in their dormitory finally arrived.

We all come from all over the world, including the Northeast, Fujian Province and Inner Mongolia. The oldest is 26 and the youngest is [-].

There is a 33-year-old lesbian in their class in the dormitory next door, and there is also a 36-year-old gay man in the class who has been working for many years. The overall age range is quite large.

At the end of February, the school held an orientation meeting.

The school recruited a total of over a thousand new students this time, and the large lecture hall was packed to the brim with a roaring crowd.

The principal spoke from above, and the students below listened carefully.

“…You are a special group, the first batch of college students to enter Huaqing University after the resumption of the college entrance examination. The age of admission ranges from 16 to 40 years old, with an age difference of more than 20 years.

In addition to recent high school graduates, people from various industries such as factories, rural areas, farms, and the military have all experienced going to the countryside and working at the grassroots level. Some of you have slept on earthen beds in rural cottages, and some have operated turning, milling, and grinding in factories. He has raised pigs and herded cattle. He has the enterprising spirit to persist in learning in a special environment and his solid foundation. He was admitted to university in just a few months of review, which is unique in the history of our school.Now, please give yourselves the warmest applause. "

When the principal finished speaking, a wave of warm applause erupted in the auditorium.

"You are an important symbol of the new era and have left a special mark on social progress. Therefore, needless to say, you should cherish this hard-won learning opportunity and study hard with a strong sense of social responsibility and mission. Work diligently and contribute to the construction of socialism...

Huaqing students, study should be based on establishing a destiny for heaven and earth, and establishing a heart for the livelihood of the people. Only with this direction can we learn in a proper way, have a great style of study, and have a spirit of scholarship!

May you study with your heart, build your dreams with your body, harvest your dreams and start your dreams in Huaqing Garden. "

After the principal's powerful last words came out, many people's eyes were red and they applauded enthusiastically.

Jiang Xinyu is full of passion.

The principal's speech at the freshman assembly was like giving the freshmen a shot of blood. Every morning at five o'clock, people went to the classroom to study, and the number of people in the library more than doubled.

Everyone will be driven by the atmosphere. Others are working so hard, but you don't do your job every day?Needless to say, you feel so sorry for yourself that you joined the army.

To Jiang Xinyu's surprise, in addition to studying, the school also attaches great importance to sports. There is even a slogan circulating in the school called "Work for the health of the motherland for 50 years."

The class elected the monitor, art committee member and sports committee member.

The squad leader is responsible for collective tasks such as collecting meal tickets and bathing tickets every month. The art committee is usually useless and organizes everyone to actively participate in school activities. As for the sports committee, everyone is now gathered at five o'clock every afternoon. Exercise at the large playground in the East End.

Jiang Xinyu didn't know if she was the only pregnant woman among the freshmen. Anyway, she was the only pregnant woman among them. She walked with her classmates on the playground at five o'clock every afternoon. Everyone knew about her situation, and the sports committee didn't make things difficult for her.The school year started with a bang. After testing everyone’s English proficiency, freshmen from several departments took English classes together.

Each major has a different direction, but the major courses such as advanced mathematics and English are all the same. Whenever a major class is held, the lecture theater is full of people.

Coincidentally, the teacher of Jiang Xinyu’s department’s two courses, English and the History of Western Political Thought, is Professor Yu Xiling.

Although Jiang Xinyu feels that her English level is good, she does not remember the meaning of all the words. When others are memorizing the words, she is also reading and memorizing them.

Yu Xiling's face looked as bad as when he was in the team before. When he came in with papers in his arms, the students were all silent.

After all, there are only a few people who have learned English. Those who had the conditions to learn foreign languages ​​before, many of them have learned Russian. The people sitting in this classroom have varying levels of English proficiency.

Yu Xiling patted the paper on the podium. His face already stinked when he was expressionless, but it stinked even more when he was deliberately tense.

"There is a lot of room for improvement in the level of most people, and a few people are still good. I won't read the scores for those with poor grades. Come up and get the papers with good grades. The two hundred or so of you will be divided into ten study groups. ,Help each other."

Most people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that they were not interested in those with poor grades.

Jiang Xinyu's English score this time is not to mention unparalleled, but it is also outstanding.

After receiving the papers, she was walking in the aisle and looking at Liu Wen when she heard Professor Yu say: "Don't be proud if you do well in the exam. This test only tests the basics. There is still a long way to go before reaching a high level."

After the prelude, Professor Yu began to teach in earnest.

Midway through, he called people up to read passages.

The man hesitated and did not dare to pronounce the words. Professor Yu softened his expression and said, "It doesn't matter if you read well or not. It is worthy of praise for daring to make a sound now."

When he finally finished reading, Professor Yu corrected his mistakes and asked him to read it again. After he finished, he said: "No matter which language you learn, don't just do written questions. Only when you can open your mouth and speak well can you explain it." If you have learned it well, what is the difference between you and a mute? What is the point of learning this subject?"

The students nodded one after another, thinking that what the teacher said was reasonable!

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Xinyu was called on to read a paragraph.

Jiang Xinyu studied abroad, and her speaking skills are very good due to her hard work and environment.

When reading an excerpt, she not only speaks fluently, but can also add tone according to the context.

Yu Xiling nodded incomprehensibly, "Translate what this paragraph means."

Most people can't even read it, let alone translate it. However, Jiang Xinyu translated this paragraph without spending too much time thinking.

To the students, Jiang Xinyu is very awesome.

But Yu Xiling knew that it was impossible for a beginner to have such a level. Moreover, how did she learn English at such a high level in Wuliqiao Brigade?

You are all so indifferent (˙˙)

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