good old days

Chapter 348 Why is the ghost still lingering?

This weekend, everyone in the same dormitory went to the library to study hard early in the morning. Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi first went to the film studio to give melons to Jiang Yuzhu.

Jiang Yuzhu had a rare rest today and was reviewing in the dormitory to prepare for the college entrance examination in July.

Picking up the fragrant cantaloupe and smelling it, Jiang Yuzhu thought that when Zhou Qi came to find her, she would ask him to take some of these things back to his grandma.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi did not delay her review and took the bus to see the small house in the courtyard that Xu Lei introduced last week.

Having heard Chen Yi say it once, Jiang Xinyu still couldn't help but feel disappointed when she saw the appearance of this room with her own eyes.

"Do you two live here or not? If not, I will let my granddaughter live here. Her house is very crowded."

The uncle spoke with an authentic capital accent and was holding a bird cage in his hand. There was a blackbird in it. He looked like he was going out for a bird walk.

There were signs of someone sleeping on the bed in the hut, and it seemed like the room had never been empty.

Jiang Xinyu was in trouble. The location of the New South Campus was very good, close to the school, and the conditions seemed much better than here. At least the temperature in the house could be maintained in winter. Unlike here, it was just a A drafty house.

"Uncle, this house won't cause any problems if it freezes in the winter, right?"

The uncle shook his head and said: "Whatever you said, everyone in my family is living well. When the weather gets cold, I will put a layer of yellow mud on you, hang a thick curtain at the door, and burn coal inside." , The cold won’t hurt anyone!”

There was no soundproofing in the courtyard, so Chen Yi lowered his voice and said, "This house is for my mother to live in. When the baby is born, they will help us take care of the baby. We are not from the capital, and we can't get briquettes. Do you have any solution for this?"

Winter in the capital is very cold. On the coldest days, it is impossible to survive without burning coal.But every household in the capital has a limited amount of briquettes. No matter where they rent a house, briquettes are indispensable.

If the briquettes couldn't be solved here, he would have to find a solution from the brigade.But there are still several months until winter, so there is no need to rush now.

The uncle was in trouble, but he still said: "I have a nephew who works in a coal factory. Every year I can ask him to give more broken pieces. If you can afford the money, I will go and tell Mr. Liao in our compound. Ask him to help get some back. If it's not enough, then don't have any fever during the day, and just go into our house to warm yourself with the baby in your arms. We won't say anything, and the cold months will pass quickly."

Jiang Xinyu has a good impression of this old man. Compared with the troublesome family of the old couple in New South Hospital and the evil-minded Jiang Baoqin, this old man seems cheerful and warm-hearted.

When looking for a house, you have to look at the landlord, right?
She and Chen Yi looked at each other, blinked, and he understood her thoughts instantly, "Okay, Uncle Fang, you can keep this house for us. My mother will not come from my hometown until a month later."

Uncle Fang nodded, "Okay, I'll keep the house for you. My youngest will continue to live here for this month, but when people come, we will definitely take advantage of the house for you, and then we will pay the rent." ."

After a brief discussion, Uncle Fang went out carrying the bird cage while humming a tune.

The aunt greeted the two of them into the house to drink some water, and asked about their situation. It took about ten minutes for the two of them to leave the compound.

Jiang Xinyu felt unhappy.

The Dazayuan and Nanluoguxiang here are just two streets away. It takes two buses to get to Huaqing, which is not convenient, nor is it particularly far. The good thing is that this landlord looks good.

Seeing that her brows were slightly furrowed, he comforted her: "Don't worry, we'll look for other places later."

He was not satisfied with this house either, but it was hard to find a house in the capital, and he was about to give birth in more than a month, so he had to find a place to stay first.

Because the current allocation of housing units is based on the factory's welfare policy and the current planned economic system.

Compared to a few decades ago when no one knew each other upstairs or downstairs, now everyone in the same area lives in the same unit. When everyone meets each other, they all look familiar.

In this large courtyard, employees and their families of Beijing No. 23, No. [-], and No. [-] cotton factories live. They are co-workers in the factory, and they are old neighbors who have lived here for more than [-] years at home.

As for the school that the next generation attends, it is also closely related to the workplace of their parents.Therefore, children growing up in compounds in different areas will not have much interaction with children from other compounds.This can be regarded as a disguised form of delimiting everyone's friendship range, and in fact it has created class stratification.

Ever since Feng Man learned about the relationship between Chen Yi and Wang Sumei, she had been feeling uneasy and had trouble sleeping at night.

She wanted Chen Qiuhua to change his workplace, but he was very satisfied with the job. She also heard about a Huaqing student who had a wife in the countryside and was dating other lesbians, and she also had bad thoughts.

If Chen Yi is expelled from school for having sex between men and women, will he be able to return to his hometown?
But Feng Man could only think about it. Which lesbian these days would sacrifice her own reputation to slander an unrelated person?

However, seeing that the semester was almost over, Chen Yi had no intention of asking his father to recognize him, and the bubbles at the corners of Feng Man's mouth subsided.

It's best not to find her, and it's best not to recognize her father forever, so that her family will be safe.

As soon as Feng Man walked out of the alley, she saw Jiang Xinyu with a bulging belly, and Chen Yi, who was tall and tall and tall, walking beside her.

Feng Man's eyes widened subconsciously, and her heart beat uncontrollably and forcefully!

Why is the ghost still lingering?
Even though this was Wang Sumei's son, Feng Man had to admit that Chen Yi was not only good-looking but also an excellent person. If he wasn't excellent, he wouldn't be able to get into Huaqing, right?But why didn't God give her a son like Chen Yi?

The two young couples in front of her gave Feng Man a rather evil feeling.

They are obviously from a small rural area, but they look more like city dwellers than city dwellers. She has secretly been to Huaqing a few times and met many students. These two people also look outstanding when walking in the school. .

How could a pig farmer raise such a son?Or is Chen Jinhua’s genes just that good?

Both Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi saw Feng Man. When they were far away, Jiang Xinyu muttered: "Every time she sees you, it's like she's seen a ghost."

Chen Yi was speechless and said softly: "Don't worry about her."

Anyway, irrelevant people.

The two of them felt that they had nothing to do with each other, but Feng Man didn't think so.

Because Chen Jinhua's fifth brother Chen Dehua's family is in this compound.

Chen Jinhua has many brothers and sisters. Some are well-educated and work as teachers in universities, while others are ordinary workers in factories.

Chen Jinhua is the most promising member of the Chen family, while Chen Dehua is considered the worst offender. Chen Jinhua asked someone to help Chen Dehua find the job in the Beijing Cotton Factory.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, Chen Jinhua makes his mark, and arranges all the people from his hometown into the capital one after another.

The old lady in the Chen family has many sons, but she dislikes living in Chen Jinhua's house because she can't get along with the old lady there.

Her favorite is Chen Dehua's compound. Everyone in the compound knows that her promising son is the leader of the military region. On weekdays, everyone speaks highly of her. She is naturally happy to live here. .

Feng Man has been nervous recently, fearing that Chen Yi and the Chen family would recognize each other without her knowledge.

But there was nothing unusual about them at Chen Dehua's house before?

Feng Man wanted to find out the purpose of these two people coming here, so she turned her steps and turned to the right.

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