good old days

Chapter 349

Chen Dehua's home is in this compound. Although Feng Man has not been here many times throughout the year, there are still a few familiar people there over the years.

After asking around, the enthusiastic person who helped her find Uncle Fang's house in just two days.

According to Uncle Fang, the small house in his family will be lent to a distant relative of the family. Later, a middle-aged female comrade came to help take care of the children of his daughter-in-law who is in college.

I heard this when Feng Man came here again on Thursday to inquire about the situation.

They all understand that although they say they are distant relatives, they are actually tenants.

After all, after living here together for so many years, everyone has already known who has any relatives.But they are all neighbors, and there is no rush to expose others.

Feng Man understood immediately. Jiang Xinyu's big belly looked like she was about to give birth. If she wanted to continue going to school, someone had to take care of the child. As a mother-in-law, Wang Sumei naturally had to take care of the child for her!
The two of them came here to rent a house!
Why are you so good at finding a house?Found it right away!The old lady must have lived here for at least eight months of the year, so maybe she would have met her in the alley!
Feng Man thought no, the house couldn't be rented to Chen Yi and Chen Yi.

When she found Uncle Fang, he was walking in the park watching people playing chess.

The two of them went to a quiet place to talk. As soon as Feng Man explained the reason for their visit, Uncle Fang refused at the time, "No, I will leave that house to my relatives. My relatives will give birth soon, so the house must be given to them." They keep it, and I can’t give it to you if you add more money. This is not about money, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis.”

Uncle Fang looks lazy, but he is actually quite principled.Compared with the cadre-like woman in front of her, Jiang Xinyu, who was obviously pregnant, needed his house more.

It is not easy for college students from Huaqing to leave their hometown to go to school with a bulging belly. If we have made an agreement with them, there is no need to talk about it!

Seeing that the old man was so stubborn, Feng Man left unhappily. She returned to the alley and went to Chen Dehua's house.

The old lady was also puzzled. She felt that she and her second daughter-in-law had disliked each other for so many years. Why did she often come to the fourth daughter-in-law's house carrying things recently?
Feng Man didn't stay at Chen Dehua's house for too long. When she came out again, she finally met her lover, Uncle Fang, who had returned from shopping in the cooperative.

Uncle Fang consciously wanted to be a man of his word, but his lover gave in because Feng Man gave her too much.

Renting that small shabby house for ten yuan a month, where can I find such a good thing?
Feng Man's reason was that her nephew was having conflicts with his family and wanted to run away from home, so she simply found him a house to live outside.

What she said is not a lie. Her mother-in-law does have an incompetent nephew who wanders around outside all day long, "patting wives" with similarly unofficial young people from society, and hangs out with many "circles" all day long. .

The family had no choice but to beat and scold him, but they just couldn't control it.

Feng Man thought that she would let her nephew live here for a few days as a show. She would tell the Fang family here that she was not lying, and she would tell her mother's family over there that they would live separately for a few days and everyone would take it easy.

But you can't stay too long, otherwise the child will still be out of control if he lives outside.

She first rented it for half a year, paying a one-time payment of 60 yuan. During these six months, Chen Yi and his wife should find another place.

Feng Man was afraid of long nights and nightmares, so she paid 60 yuan at that time.

She and Chen Jinhua both work. After so many years, their salary savings are quite generous. 60 yuan is really nothing to her family.

After the people left, Uncle Fang, who returned home from the park carrying the birdcage, saw the 60 yuan in his wife's hand. "Where did it come from?"

"A relative of Chen Dehua's family who lives in No. [-] Courtyard wants to rent a house for his nephew. It costs ten yuan a month. She directly gave it half a year. I have no reason to extrapolate."

Uncle Fang glared, "We have already promised others before! How can we go back on our words and keep our word? Give me the money back!"

Her wife quit, put the money in her pocket, turned around and went back to the house.

She knows the virtues of her man best. He likes to meddle in other people's business on weekdays, and his hot-tempered nature can't be tolerated in his family.

Before I gave my son a job, I lent the money as soon as the wages came.The son from the east family wants money to get married, and the son from the west family wants money to buy a bicycle.Everyone knows that he is easy to talk to, and everyone comes to him to borrow money.What's going on? Is life at home having a hard time?
"If you can get back the 60 yuan you borrowed, I will return the money."

Uncle Fang felt that his wife was making things difficult for him. How could he ask for money when other families were in trouble?
"That person can offer her ten yuan a month to find another place to go!"

She rolled her eyes at him and said, "I have relatives here who can help look after the children! It's just for convenience! I don't care, you have nothing to say to me about this. I have collected all the money, and it is impossible to refund it unless someone pays back the money." ! At least sixty!"

As the proletarian in the family, Uncle Fang was stumped, but he never thought of giving up and asking his wife to refund the money. However, Uncle Fang's wife was determined, and he spent a week without making any progress.

Seeing that the universities in the capital were about to go on summer vacation, he felt that this was not going to work, so he hurriedly went to Xu Lei and asked him to tell Chen Yi and ask him to find another place quickly.

After Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi decided on the house, they called the commune and asked people from the commune to go to school to send a message to Chen Xiuyun, asking his mother to send bedding, sheets and other daily necessities while he packed the house first. .

After he goes back for the holidays, he will carry the food on the train. In this way, there will be less things to carry on the train.

The two of them planned well. They just waited for the things to be sent and then went to clean up the house. They also had to think of ways to add new things quickly.

Exam week is about to enter. We arrived at the library late and there was no place to sit. The two of them were also busy studying. They really raced against time to study on weekdays.

When she went to the cafeteria to eat after school at noon, Jiang Xinyu was blocked by Chen Yi outside the cafeteria, and then she received the news that the house had been blocked by others.

If the house was so easy to find, Zhou Qi, a local, wouldn't have had such a hard time finding it.

There are also houses further away, and Chen Yi has also seen a few places in other places, but it takes an hour to get there by bus, which is not convenient at all.

Jiang Xinyu was annoyed to death. She took a deep breath to calm down her temper: "Let's continue to inquire."

Chen Yi said: "You review carefully, I will go find it."

After school in the afternoon, he was supposed to go to the library to study, and he was supposed to report to the laboratory on the weekend. He simply asked for leave, centered on Huaqing School, radiated to the surrounding residential areas, and asked the old lady sitting on the doorstep to inquire about the situation. , and then actually asked about a room.

Circle, generally refers to female gangsters

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