good old days

Chapter 350

The Huaqing area will definitely not be a suburb of the capital in a few decades, but in the capital of this era, it is a proper suburb.

Chen Yi bought a second-hand bicycle and searched for a house for a few days. He asked about a bungalow in a residential area more than ten miles west of the school.

This residential area is a rice field, and residents in the suburbs are working in the fields during this season.

Unlike in the city, people living in various residential areas have work units. There are work units here, but all they do is farm work.

Riding a bicycle from Huaqing to that residential area took about thirty minutes, and the distance was neither close nor far.

One of the families who had a house to spare worked in a factory in the city and lived in the dormitory of the work unit on weekdays. They came back once or twice a month. When Grandma Tian heard that Chen Yi wanted to rent a house, she was immediately moved.

Finally, we negotiated a price as cheap as two yuan a month.

Chen Yi went to find a house, and Jiang Xinyu didn't have any time. There were locals from the capital in their dormitory. After Liu Lili mentioned it, Liu Wen actually found a place for Jiang Xinyu. It was his grandfather's house in Shitou Hutong. side.

It has entered exam week, and Jiang Xinyu and Liu Wen have made an appointment to go to Shitou Hutong after the exam is over.

She felt that this little girl Liu Wen seemed hard to get close to. She usually looked like she was alone when everyone was drunk, but to her surprise, she was still very warm-hearted.

Chen Yi told her again that he had found a house in the western suburbs, so she could have a good sleep.

In the past, I was not in a hurry, I just thought that I would have enough time and I could always find a house before the holidays. Who would have thought that something might happen if something happened.

After the last exam, Jiang Xinyu gave Professor Yu the translation of "Pride and Prejudice" that she usually translated.

She has only translated less than one-fifth of the entire book, and she completed it during her studies. The content still needs to be corrected by the professor.

Professor Yu didn't expect that she could translate so much. After browsing through it roughly, he asked, "Have you found the house yet?"

Even if Jiang Xinyu didn't find it well, she had to say that she had found it. Anyway, she would not rent a house that was related to Jiang Baoqin.

Yu Xiling expressed some concern because he had received help from Chen Xiuyun in the brigade in the past. He also had some small thoughts. He wanted Jiang Baoqin to interact with Jiang Xinyu more and improve his thinking.

But one cannot force a cow to drink water, and even a professor cannot talk about mother-in-law and mother-in-law every day. There are some words that Jiang Xinyu has never spoken about.

The relationship between the grandson and his daughter-in-law is tense. The Song family is also in a state of turmoil caused by Jiang Baoqin, and it looks like it will not last long.

Professor Yu has already begun to regret his decision to stay in the countryside.

Jiang Baoqin is really not a good match for her grandson.He wanted to find someone to persuade Jiang Baoqin, but he knew that Jiang Xinyu would definitely not be willing, so he held back the words that came to his throat.

Jiang Baoqin's natal family is also unique. Her grandson wrote a letter back to the Wuliqiao Brigade, but it seemed that they had not received it.

Seeing Professor Yu's mouth opening and closing, as if he was hesitant to speak, Jiang Xinyu pretended not to notice.

If it was an academic problem, he would have told it long ago and wouldn't have acted like this.Since I can't open my mouth, it must have nothing to do with my studies.

Jiang Xinyu simply said: "You pick the fault first, and I will come to you next Tuesday to get it. When you are free, you can give me guidance."

After leaving the office, he met Chen Yi and Liu Wen who were standing in front of the teaching building.

The sun was shining brightly at the moment. Jiang Xinyu wore loose short-sleeved upper body and dark trousers with elastic waist.

After walking for a while, the pants absorbed heat and became very hot, and my legs were burning.

Liu Wen glanced at her belly, which was not small, and then at her beautiful face with a smooth forehead.

No girl doesn't care about her appearance. Girls like Liu Wen also tidy themselves up when they go out.

She has seen a lot of pregnant women, and there are not many like Jiang Xinyu who only have a big belly and other parts that look unchanged.

From the back, she looks like a little girl.Passing by the supply and marketing cooperative, Jiang Xinyu raised her head and said to Chen Yi, "I want to eat popsicles, and bring one to classmate Liu."

Liu Wen refused: "The more popsicles you eat, the more thirsty you will become."

Jiang Xinyu blinked: "But it's a relief from the heat!"

Chen Yi went to buy popsicles, and Jiang Xinyu looked at Liu Wen with a smile.

"Classmate Liu, I misunderstood you before. That time you made trouble for me. I thought you were out of your mind."

Liu Wen was a little embarrassed when he mentioned that incident.

She is not sociable and social, and does not like to waste things on useless things.However, seeing Jiang Xinyu studying hard at school and spending the longest time in the library in the girls' dormitory, she felt both a sense of crisis and appreciation, so after hearing what Liu Lili said this time, she went back and mentioned the matter to her grandfather. .

Liu Wen changed the topic, "How did you do in the exam?"

Jiang Xinyu said modestly: "It's okay to be so-so, but I was thinking about renting a house before, which still has some impact on my review."

Liu Wen's face was stern, "Don't make excuses for your failures. If you study hard on weekdays, you won't be far behind in the final exam. Don't believe in improvising."

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

The dean's energy suddenly rose.

"I was being humble and humble just now. Don't take it seriously. In fact, I thought I did well in the exam, but I was afraid of offending you, so I was more tactful."

This is a bit arrogant.

Liu Wen turned around and hummed: "Hypocrisy!"

Jiang Xinyu laughed and was not angry with her.

This kind of strict and serious person is quite interesting, at least such a person will never do anything sarcastic.

Jiang Xinyu took the popsicle and handed it to her, "Here, let's bring down the fire."

I also changed to two buses, got off the bus and walked for another seven or eight minutes before turning into an alley.

Chen Yi looked at his watch. It took 37 minutes. He didn't know how much time could be shortened if he took a shortcut by bicycle.

"My grandma passed away a few years ago, and my uncle doesn't live with my grandpa anymore, so she and my little cousin live in the house all year round. However, there is a grandma next door who has a good relationship with my grandpa and will visit often."

Jiang Xinyu already knew the situation. Liu Wen told Chen Yi this.

After walking in the alley for a few minutes, the two of them followed Liu Wen and turned into a courtyard gate.

In the courtyard of more than ten square meters, there was a little girl making gestures on the ground with branches. Liu Wen's grandfather was lying on a shady bench under the tree and taking a nap, looking very comfortable.

"Grandpa, my classmate is here."

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi both greeted the old man.

Grandpa Liu Wen nodded and pointed to the room in the courtyard, "Go and have a look."

Liu Wen had already told the situation between the two of them and Chen Yima. Grandpa Liu Wen didn’t have anything to ask. After all, he still knew what kind of person his granddaughter was. She couldn’t send unreliable people to her. Get it at home.

Jiang Xinyu took a look. From the outside, this house looked much better than the one in the previous courtyard. At least the walls were made of bricks and the roof didn't seem to leak. The stove would definitely keep it warm in winter.

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