good old days

Chapter 351 Girl

The house looks good on the outside, and it looks okay on the inside.

The floor is paved with red bricks, and the space is not small. It is about ten square meters, and the double bed looks old, but the lighting is not particularly good.

This house is much better than the house in the western suburbs that Chen Yi saw. The house in the western suburbs is the same as the house in the countryside. The floor is made of mud and will be destroyed when it rains.

The two of them were quite satisfied and discussed the rent with the old man.

Liu Wen and his grandfather thought that they were both students and would have to raise children in the future, so he charged the market price of five yuan a month.

His house is big, and even if it costs one or two yuan more, he can still rent it out if he meets someone who needs to rent a house.

"Let me tell you outside that you are a relative of my distant cousin. In addition, I will write another regulation immediately, in duplicate. There are rules in it. From now on, we will all act according to the rules."

The old man's words were reasonable and well-founded, and he seemed to be a man of culture in the past. Naturally, the two of them had nothing to say.

Liu Wen's grandfather's surname was Luo. He was very efficient in doing things. He immediately took out a piece of paper, picked up a pen and started writing rules on it.

The rent is five yuan a month, which must be paid ten days in advance every month, or it can be paid in full for several months at once; in addition, it is not recommended to go out after ten o'clock at night, except for emergencies; furthermore, you cannot bring strangers to stay; and , it is prohibited to do anything illegal and disciplinary, once discovered, the contract will be terminated immediately!

As he talked and wrote, the two of them listened and felt that these conditions were quite reasonable.

Seeing the old man stop writing, the two of them asked: "No more?"

Old Man Luo shook his head and said calmly: "I can only think of so much for now. I'll add more when I think of new conditions."

Jiang Xinyu thinks that this old man seems to be reasonable. Even if regulations are added in the future, it will not be unreasonable.

Chen Yi said seriously: "This cannot only guarantee your rights and interests, we also have to have the guarantee of renting a house."

Old Man Luo thought this was reasonable, nodded and said, "You say it, I'll listen."

"If you no longer want to rent here, you must tell us at least one month in advance so that we can find a house..."

Chen Yi was talking to Liu Wen and her grandfather, and Liu Wen introduced the courtyard to Jiang Xinyu.

"There is no well in the courtyard. The well is at the end of the alley, about fifty meters away from this small courtyard. Someone needs to carry water every day..."

Before Liu Wen finished speaking, an old lady carrying a bowl came in from next door.

"Have you eaten? Come on, Duoduo, I'll give you a bowl of bone soup. The temperature is just right. Come inside and drink."

The little girl and the old lady were very familiar with each other. When they smelled the broth, they got up and came over quickly.

The old lady brought the broth into the room and looked at Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi when she came out.

"Xiaowen, are your relatives here?"

The old lady and Old Man Luo are old neighbors. They know everything about Old Man Luo's family very clearly. They came here just to see what the "tenant" looks like.

Liu Wen also knew that Grandma Zhang next door had a "good" relationship with her grandfather, so he briefly explained the situation.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi also greeted the old lady.

The old lady had a red and black birthmark on her face, just under the corner of her eye, but her eyes looked quite gentle.

The old lady looked at Jiang Xinyu's belly and asked Jiang Xinyu to come forward.

Jiang Xinyu stepped forward inexplicably, and the old lady touched her belly.

Before Jiang Xinyu could say anything, the old lady said, "The fetus is in a straight position. I think she will give birth in less than 20 days. I think she is a girl."

Jiang Xinyu was surprised. What the old lady said was serious, and it seemed like that.The child is now the addition to her life, a daughter is a daughter, and she is not disappointed at all.

Chen Yi turned around and said, "My daughter is good, she is more obedient than my son."

Seeing that his expression was sincere, the old lady nodded and said with a smile, "There aren't many like you."

Jiang Xinyu asked curiously: "Grandma Zhang, were you a doctor before? Can you still determine the gender by looking at the fetal position?"

The lines on Grandma Zhang's face stretched out when she smiled, "I was a midwife when I was young, and most of the women in this alley gave birth to me. I am good at looking at the fetal position, but I don't dare to say anything about the gender. It must be accurate, but you can’t be wrong twice out of ten.”

Jiang Xinyu planned to be hospitalized directly before the due date. She did not want to find a midwife to give birth by herself. She still took her own life very seriously.

After a rough negotiation, Jiang Xinyu first paid 30 yuan for rent, which was half a year's rent, which was considered as a decision on the house.

After leaving the courtyard, Jiang Xinyu said: "Classmate Liu Wen, Chen Yi and I want to treat you to dinner to express our gratitude. Do you want to show your respect?"

Even if Liu Wen is not good at socializing with others, she still knows that students from other places like Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi must be tight on money. She is not short of food, so she doesn't want to take advantage of this.

Even though she refused, Jiang Xinyu still forcibly took her to a nearby restaurant.

"You have helped us a lot, and we are very grateful. You have to eat this meal even if you don't want to. Next semester starts, and when the department rankings come out, if I win, I have one request. I have to eat it back."

Liu Wen nodded seriously, "You can't win."

Jiang Xinyu was choked, "That's not necessarily the case!"

Chen Yi went to pay the bill and Liu Wen whispered: "There is Grandma Zhang next door to my grandpa's house. The neighbors around her don't like to associate with her. In fact, she is quite nice. Don't misunderstand her by listening to other people's words in the future. .”

Jiang Xinyu was surprised, "Wasn't she a midwife before? How could a midwife be so popular?"

She has a good sense for this grandma, but Grandma Zhang looks different from the aunts in the village. She doesn't seem to have the "potential" to act wildly.

Liu Wen pursed his lips, feeling that he shouldn't gossip, because Jiang Xinyu and the others would know where they lived sooner or later, so he still said: "Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the alley to the east was the famous Fireworks Willow Alley, and Grandma Zhang delivered babies to those women. , her daughter has no father.”

Jiang Xinyu understood.

It would have been okay if Grandma Zhang was just a midwife in the past, but when her daughter was born and her biological father was unknown, people around her would always put her in the same category as those other women in the past.

Chen Yi was afraid that Jiang Xinyu would be born early, so he took a hard seat and returned to Henan Province two days after the exam.

Among the eight people in Jiang Xinyu's dormitory, except for Liu Lili, a local, and Zhao Xiaohan, none of them were ready to go home.

Let Guo Hong say, the ticket is so expensive, it is better to save it and send it home.

The school will still provide living allowance during the holidays, and everyone will have no problem eating at school.

The day after Chen Yi left, a package from Widow Wang arrived at the school.

Opening the sack, in addition to the quilt, there were some daily necessities. Inside the quilt were two bags of milk powder, a can of malted milk, and a can of canned brown sugar.

She organized her things and folded the diapers and the children's clothes.

As a pregnant woman, she couldn't carry anything, so Guo Hong took the lead to help her carry it.

They were doing her a favor, so Jiang Xinyu paid for all the bus tickets.

While Jiang Xinyu was busy moving and cleaning up her room, Chen Yi, who had been sitting on a hard seat for two days, finally arrived at Wuliqiao Brigade.

You guys actually fucked more than 50 monthly ticket holders. The author who has never seen the world shivered.

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