good old days

Chapter 352 Go to the Village

Chapter 352 Back to the Village
Chen Yi sat on a hard seat for two days. Sleeping in a seat without a window was torture. When he got off the bus, his eyes were black and blue.

When he returned to the commune, he first went to find Ding Changhai.

Under the dark sky, Ding Changhai's family was eating in the courtyard. When he saw the figure standing at the door of the courtyard, Ding Changhai hurriedly got up.

"Brother, are you back?"

Chen Yi smiled and said, "I will come to see you first as soon as I come back."

Ding Changhai was quite honored. Zhao Ying hurriedly said: "You haven't eaten yet. Come over and eat first. Where are your brothers and sisters?"

"She was about to give birth and she didn't come back."

Chen Yi had been chewing dry biscuits on the train for two days, and he really wanted to eat some hot rice. With his friendship with Ding Changhai, there was really no need to be polite.

After sitting down, Ding Changhai whispered: "I have saved all the grain for you. There are only thirty kilograms of white flour, and the rest is whole grains, a total of 240 kilograms."

An adult's monthly ration is 35 kilograms of grain, which is enough for more than half a year.

"I sent malted milk and milk powder to your mother before. Your mother should mail them to you. If you need milk powder later, I will find a way for you, but milk powder is too difficult to get, so you have to wait."

Chen Yi was sincerely grateful, "If you find anything useful in the future, just open your mouth."

Ding Changhai laughed, "You're welcome, it's not like I'm confiscating the money. But I'll remember what you said."

After talking and eating, Chen Yi took out the comic books he brought back from his bag and handed them to Ding Changhai's son.

Ding Changhai's son flipped through the comic strips and shouted happily, "Is this a comic strip from the capital?"

After getting the exact answer, the child happily jumped back into the house with the book, and the brothers and sisters who provoked him also chased him in.

Zhao Ying said with a smile: "What are you buying them for? It's a waste of money."

Chen Yi smiled and said nothing, then took out a wide hairband and a colorful towel from his bag and handed it to Zhao Ying, "Xinyu gave it to you."

There were too few free items in the department store. Jiang Xinyu didn't have any tickets herself, so she had to buy free items like hairbands when buying things to give away.

The color of the hairband was purple, not bright but it looked beautiful. Zhao Ying fell in love with it at first sight and smiled from ear to ear, "Why are my brothers and sisters so polite?"

Ding Changhai scratched his head and asked slightly expectantly: "Are there any good things for me?"

No matter how much it is worth, things seem to be different if they are brought back from the capital.

Zhao Ying glared at him, "What do you want from a grown man?"

Chen Yi was slightly embarrassed, "If I see something suitable for you during the next holiday, I will bring it to you."

He went to great lengths to help me get milk powder, just because of my past friendship, so giving him something can be regarded as reciprocating the favor.

When returning to the commune, Ding Changhai also lent his bicycle to Chen Yi to ride on.

The sky was already completely dark, but the stars and moon were very bright. The clear light illuminated the road under my feet. The moon in the river was like a glowing egg yolk.

There are also children in the village catching frogs outside, and the sound of playing can be heard far away.

Passing by the entrance of the village, Chen Yi turned into the door of Jiang Xinyu's mother's house. Seeing that the courtyard door was closed, she didn't go in to disturb her and went home first.

Before I even reached the door of my house, I heard the aunt next door, Liu Caifeng, scolding me at the door for being inappropriate.

As the bike got closer, Liu Caifeng raised her neck and cursed in the direction of his courtyard door. "Have you scolded enough?"

When she heard Chen Yi's voice, Liu Caifeng was startled. She took a closer look, who was it if it wasn't Widow Wang's son?

Liu Caifeng stuttered, "Why are you back?"

Chen Yixian glanced at her and was about to speak when Widow Wang opened the courtyard door and came out.

She glared at Liu Caifeng fiercely and cursed: "I'll tear your mouth apart if I curse again."

He looked like he would start shaking when his son came back and someone would support him.

Liu Caifeng's eyes widened and she returned to her courtyard.

Chen Yi was speechless.

After entering the hospital, without waiting for his mother to speak, he asked: "I'm not at home, so you let her bully you like this?"

It's not her style not to talk back when she's scolded.Does he need his presence to stimulate her vigor?It can't be.

There are enthusiastic and good people in the village, and there are also harmful people who hate others and laugh at others. Liu Caifeng, who lives next door, is the most harmful person among them.

Widow Wang shook her head: "It's not what you think. A while ago, someone in the surrounding villages was bitten by wild dogs. The village organized dog hunting, and all the dogs running outside were beaten to death. Xinyu's mother was not in the village, so I took the little Hei Lian came back, but Liu Caifeng came in with a stick while I was not home and beat Hei to death. In a fit of anger, I knocked her two egg-laying hens to death. These days, she scolded me at the courtyard door from time to time. Even if I scolded and beat him, she would come back again in two days. She must be so distressed every time she thinks about those two chickens that she can’t live anymore.”

"She scolded her, and I was tired of scolding her, so I just let her go."

Chen Yi was speechless after hearing this and remained silent for a long time. He was also quite uncomfortable with Xiao Hei's experience. If Jiang Xinyu knew about it, it would definitely be even more uncomfortable.

Entering the house, Widow Wang showed off the more than 30 eggs she had exchanged for the past few days. Including her own eggs, there must be more than 60 eggs. They were all placed in straw baskets. They looked quite spectacular.

"It's hot now, so it won't last long. If you save so much, it will all go bad by then."

Widow Wang rolled her eyes at him, "You know what? After Xinyu gives birth, she will have at least one bowl of egg custard a day, which will require at least three eggs. These eggs will be eaten in a short time."

"In addition to eggs, I also went to the river to pick up some wild duck eggs, pickled them, and brought them to her."

Widow Wang has been very busy recently, making a lot of things that can be eaten and stored.

Some of the peppers in the private plot were red, some were not red, and some were not strong enough. She picked them all and chopped them to make fresh pepper sauce.

"Are you hungry? I don't know if you come back today and there will be no food in the pot."

In fact, Widow Wang ate very little at home. She saved all the food. She thought that when she went to the capital and had no food connections, she would have to be nervous about eating. In order to reduce the burden on her son and daughter-in-law, she would rather eat less food and eat more on her own land. The food in it.

Chen Yi ate it and shook his head.

"The ticket I bought is for the day after tomorrow. Have you made arrangements for the pig pen and private plot?"

Chen Yi was very tired from the car ride, so he took firewood to boil a pot of water for a bath.

Widow Wang nodded, "I have already made an agreement with the captain. The pig pen has been arranged for a long time, and I have almost taken care of the people. As for the private land, let the Chun Fu family help look after it, and give them all the potential in it. In exchange, his family has to plant vegetables such as cabbage and radishes in the fall, so that we don’t have to eat when we come back during the New Year. As for the two hens at home, we can only sell them quickly. "

Chen Yi also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his mother had arranged things in an orderly manner.

He had only been back for a few days, but he had a lot of things to deal with. When he was lying on the bed after taking a bath, he was thinking about how Jiang Xinyu was doing alone in school now.

(End of this chapter)

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