good old days

Chapter 353: It’s not about embarrassment

Chapter 353: It’s not about embarrassment

There are more than 200 kilograms of grain in Ding Changhai's house. Widow Wang kept some at home, as well as a bunch of eggs, salted duck eggs, chili sauce, pickles and other trivial things.

There are so many things that I really can’t carry them. The food is so heavy that I can’t just send it all from the post office like the bedding, otherwise the postage would be a huge sum.

Early in the morning, he went to the county without stopping to find He Pengfei.

Unfortunately, He Pengfei didn't have a day off, so he had to ask He Yong for help.

Time was too urgent, so he sent [-] kilograms of grain to He Yong's house that afternoon, and forced to leave five yuan as a thank you fee.

In the future, He Pengfei will have to worry about transporting things. Only after giving him money can he feel at ease and ask for help.

He Pengfei's route only reached half of the distance, but he had agreed in advance with the people who would take over that these things would not be lost.

After disposing of two hundred kilograms, there were still a lot of bits and pieces left, but it was no problem for the mother and son to take them on the train.

Chen Yi was thinking about things and rode his bicycle back to the brigade. As soon as he entered the village, he was surrounded by commune members.

Everyone talked a lot, some asked what the capital was like, some asked if Jiang Xinyu had given birth to a boy or a girl...

Chen Yi didn't feel that he was afraid of society, but he was surrounded by aunts and uncles asking questions. At this time, he wanted to escape.

He couldn't help but think that if Jiang Xinyu was here, she would have talked happily about school life.

Chen Xiuyun rescued her son-in-law from the crowd, but when he returned to the courtyard, he was reluctant to leave until Widow Wang came to chase them away.

"I'm frying frogs. Don't cook it tonight. You can come over and eat."

Widow Wang responded, "I still have to go to the captain's house. I'll come over for dinner later."

Chen Xiuyun asked Chen Yi something and sent Xiaochuan out to play.

First he asked about Jiang Xinyu's situation, and then asked: "What's the situation between Yuzhu and her partner now?"

As a mother, how can you not worry about your daughter being wronged outside?Although Zhou Qi's family is not ordinary, her daughter can also be admitted to college. Let her say that the conditions are not bad.

"She is going to be admitted to the film school. This time the film school is recruiting students, and she has probably passed the exam." Chen Yi really didn't know much about Jiang Yuzhu and Zhou Qi, but he knew that the two were in a relationship now, and their relationship was okay.

Jiang Yuzhu, who was discussed by the two, had indeed finished the exam a few days ago.

She has been reviewing during her spare time at work, and she was able to pass the exam last time. This time, she is more confident about her results in the cultural class.

Recently, "Thunderstorm" happened to be shown in the cinema. Zhou Qi's family members played it in their workplace, and even his grandma watched it.

It has to be said that Jiang Yuzhu's performance was delicate and moving. Even though they had seen this face in real life, they didn't feel out of place when watching the movie.

Although the storyline breaks through the public's psychological defenses, there are no out-of-the-ordinary scenes in the movie, and it is not difficult to accept.

On this day, Zhou Qi returned home after having dinner with Jiang Yuzhu in the film studio.

Zhang Tongzhi said dissatisfied: "You still know how to go home?"

Ever since Sun Zhaohui last heard that Zhou Qi had taken Jiang Yuzhu's sister and brother-in-law to a restaurant for dinner, and the mother and son had a quarrel, Zhou Qi would go home at most once a month, making Zhang Tongzhi very angry.

Zhang Tongzhi felt that Zhou Qi was lying when he said that Jiang Yuzhu and his brother-in-law paid for the meal that day. Zhou Qi felt that her mother was unreasonable. Is it necessary for him to lie about one meal?
Her son's attitude hurt Zhang Tongzhi's heart. She felt that her son would go against the family for Jiang Yuzhu, and she couldn't bear such a daughter-in-law.

But my son refuses to listen to advice when he is older, and he is reluctant to blame his son. What else can he do?

Zhou Qi's father changed the subject to avoid another quarrel, "How did she do in the exam?" Zhou Qi nodded proudly, "As long as no one at the film school stops causing trouble, she will definitely pass the exam."

Grandma Zhou Qi glanced at her daughter-in-law, "Is the factory still busy? If not, let her come to the house for dinner."

Zhang Tongzhi curled his lips, turned away and said nothing.

Zhou Qi happily showed his big white teeth and said eagerly: "Grandma, just talking about a partner without getting married is just a hooligan. When will you go to Wuliqiao Brigade with me?"

It is common for young people to talk about their relationship and go to the point of cuddling, hugging and kissing each other. Zhou Qi is a normal man and wants to get married as soon as possible to exercise his legitimate rights as a couple.

Besides, he and Jiang Yuzhu still had a two-year agreement, so he naturally had to hurry up and get married.

Years later, his family was a little unhappy because Jiang Yuzhu didn't go to medical school. After such a long time, the anger should have subsided, so he took advantage of the situation and brought it up.

Despite the careless look on his face, he was actually relieved in his heart.

Zhang Tongzhi was unhappy and went back to the house to lie down on the pretext of having a headache.

She knew that her mother-in-law cared about her grandson, and she felt that Jiang Yuzhu was an excellent person. At least she could tell that he was very motivated and independent.

Although this idea goes against her family's wishes, such a person is more pleasing to the eye than a submissive person who only knows how to sit around the stove.

Zhou Qi's father Zhou Ping said: "If she can ask for leave from the factory, I will take you two back in a few days."

Zhou Qi was so excited that he couldn't wait to take Jiang Yuzhu home for dinner at noon the next day.

Zhang Tongzhi's attitude was lukewarm. Jiang Yuzhu was still a little frightened, but her face was still tense and she greeted her normally.

Zhang Tongzhi felt unhappy, feeling that Jiang Yuzhu was despising her, her future mother-in-law.

After finishing the meal, Zhang Tongzhi called Jiang Yuzhu into the kitchen to clean up the mess together.

"Do you think Zhou Qi will be able to rely on you now that you have control over him?"

Jiang Yuzhu stopped washing the dishes. Although she did have this thought in her heart, she would not admit it.

"Auntie, what are you talking about? Before I came here, Zhou Qi told me several times not to make you angry or wink at me. I was afraid that you would be unhappy." Jiang Yuzhu's face was pure and sincere.

Zhang Tongzhi felt a little better and felt that Zhou Qi still had some conscience, but he still said: "Really? Why didn't I see how you were so good?"

Jiang Yuzhu smiled softly and said: "Grandma, uncles and aunts are all very particular about people. I come from a small place and I have a lot of shortcomings. But I thought that auntie would not like Zhou Qi's partner to be petty, so I wanted to imitate him." Your indifference to humiliation must be because you haven't learned the essence yet, which makes you angry."

Compared with before, Jiang Yuzhu is now very good at speaking openly.

Zhang Tongzhi glanced at her and snorted softly.

She thought that was indeed the case.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the future daughter-in-law is so petty that she can't even show her face when she goes out?

After one glance, Zhang Tongzhi looked at Jiang Yuzhu several times.

Her son was really good-looking, and he had no country air about him. He was gentle and quiet, and he seemed to be that way. It would not be embarrassing to take him out.

 I'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I'll update once I'm settled. I swear I'll get up.

(End of this chapter)

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