good old days

Chapter 422 Song Minghan in a trance

Song Minghan turned around and left in anger, and Jiang Laosan's family began to complain.

Jiang Zhifei's wife: "Two hundred yuan is a bit low. Let him add another two hundred yuan, otherwise he will be in trouble and lose a cent."

Jiang Zhifei: "I think it's better not to ask for money and let them arrange work for us."

Jiang Yuehua: "Aren't we here to pick up the little girl? Let him get the little girl out."

Jiang Laosan and the others didn't pick up on him at all.

Jiang Laosan smoked a cigarette and said: "I want the yard and work in the capital. If he doesn't give it, I can give him 1000 yuan! Anything less will not work!"

Jiang Yuehua: "Why should he give us money?"

Jiang Zhifei was too lazy to pay attention to this brother who was pretending to be stupid. If he wasn't here to ask for benefits, could they come together as a family?Everyone is here, and they have spent a lot on accommodation. How can they go back empty-handed?
"If he wants face, he has to give us money! He is the one who harmed my little sister, and he should compensate us."

"Dad, we can't put it off any longer. If we delay it for one more day, we will have to pay for one more day's accommodation. We don't have a ticket to eat out here. We can't bear to just eat dry pancakes. In two days, the pancakes will all spoil. .”

Jiang Zhifei's wife asked her husband: "The police comrades have said that we can't make trouble in front of the university, otherwise they will arrest us all."

If you want money, you want money, but you can't get into oranges.

Jiang Zhifei looked at Jiang Yuehua and said, "Go to the school gate and cry. Song Minghan must return the treasure to us properly." It was also a warning to Song Minghan.

He didn't believe that after warning him, he could still sit steadily in school.

Jiang Yuehua knew that he went to the school gate to cry in an effort to bring his little sister back, so he went there immediately.

There are people walking around the entrance of the Electric Power College at noon. Students mostly eat in the cafeteria. Only teachers and school staff go home to cook, but there are also many students who need to go out of school to do errands.

"Sister, you are pitiful. At first, your family advised you not to marry an educated youth, but you didn't listen. Now it's better. You followed Song Minghan to the capital, and the normal person suddenly turned into a psychopath..."

Jiang Yuehua spoke passionately, tears welling up in his eyes, and then was interrupted.

The person who asked the question was a teacher from the School of Electric Power, "Who are you? What are you talking about here? This is the entrance to the university, not the entrance to the market. Don't affect the normal classes of teachers and students."

Jiang Zhifei said at the side: "What? No one is allowed to cry at the entrance of the university? We are already pitiful enough. If you can't stand it, give us the decision! Call Song Minghan from your school. We need to ask him carefully. How is our family? How come his sister became a psychopath within a few months of following him to the capital!"

After listening, the teacher automatically took the seat.

The incident of the girl's suicide in the school caused an uproar, and Song Minghan also became the target of public criticism.Later, I heard that Song Minghan's wife made a female student from Huaqing so angry that she gave birth prematurely. In the end, Jiang Baoqin was diagnosed with mental illness and was sent to a mental hospital.

Now it's Song Minghan's wife and family who are here to demand an explanation.

Jiang Yuehua: "My girl used to be a normal person, but how come she became a psychopath within a few months of arriving in the capital? Teacher, can you understand us?"

The teacher felt complicated, "Okay, stop crying here, tell me what you have to say, what's the use of making a fuss here?"

It's pitiful, but this behavior is annoying.

Jiang Zhifei's wife: "We asked him to give an explanation just now, but he just turned away and left. What can we do? We don't want to cry here. Although we are from the countryside, we still know it is embarrassing."

The teacher saw that these people were ragged, honest, and had sad faces, and was really deceived by their appearances. "Okay, you guys wait here while I ask someone to call someone. This matter should be resolved at his home. What's the use of crying in front of the school? Can it solve the problem?"

When Song Minghan came out again, his face was dark and his fists were clenched.

He wanted to dry them out and force them to accept the 200 yuan and never owe each other any more. From now on, they would have nothing to do with each other, but he didn't expect that within 10 minutes, these stinky pieces of shit would appear. This ability led to him being called out by the teacher.

When he saw the people watching the excitement at the school gate, his face darkened even more.

The teacher earnestly advised Song Minghan, "If something happens, resolve it as soon as possible, be positive, communicate well, don't spend too much energy on these things, concentrate on your studies, and let a failed marriage go." "

It’s not that Song Minghan is usually motivated in studies, has good grades, and is familiar with him, so the teacher wouldn’t give him so many suggestions.

Jiang Xinyu could talk about the shameless things done by Jiang Laosan's family in public without any scruples, but Song Minghan had some scruples.

He didn't think he could win when he fought with the Jiang family in public. He knew very well the virtues of the Jiang Baoqin family.Even if he was on the right side, Jiang Laosan could still slander him and spread rumors all over the school.

When they arrived at a deserted place, Song Minghan verbally added another 100 yuan and asked them to quickly return to the group.

Jiang Laosan felt he had a handle on him, and felt proud, "I said, either a yard in the capital and two jobs, or 1000 yuan."

If they are given money, they can buy jobs when they return home. When they move to the county, they will no longer have contact with the people in the village. Who knows about their family affairs?Yuehua can also marry a wife, and he can also find another one. Isn't that a happy life?

Song Minghan looked at his greedy face and clenched his fingers tightly, "I'll go back and think about it. I don't have that much money on hand now."

Jiang Laosan nodded with satisfaction, "Good son-in-law, we have to stay in the capital for one night today, so it will be your trouble to pay for the apartment."

Even now, he is still calling his son-in-law, saying that he is troublesome, but there is no trace of embarrassment on his face.

Song Minghan had never seen such a shameless person.

After all, he was a person who grew up under the red flag. Unlike Huang Wei, who was born with deviant thoughts, he could not do anything illegal and could only be led by Jiang Laosan.

Growing up, the most outrageous thing he ever did was breaking the bottom line with Jiang Baoqin in the cornfield, and then he married her responsibly. The only thing he did later that made his conscience uneasy was to take advantage of Jiang Xinyu Angry Jiang Baoqin, these two things are related to Jiang Baoqin.

If he could start his life over again, he would never want to know her again and would hide away from her when he saw her.

Being secretly targeted by his stepmother at home, suffering enough from farm work after going to the countryside, suffering from Jiang Baoqin's unreasonable troubles after getting married, and now seeing the shamelessness of Jiang Baoqin's family, Song Minghan was trapped in his own emotions.

If you are weak, you will be bullied, if you are careless, you will be bullied, and if you are kind-hearted, you will be bullied.

Song Minghan was not pure and kind. He was forced to have a lot of malice by Jiang Baoqin and his family, but in the end he could not make up his mind to do something that broke the bottom line of the law.Things that he thought he could solve with 100 yuan were out of his control, making him doubt his life.

After being given a unity card, Song Minghan went back to school in a daze to ask for leave, and then rode his bicycle to Huaqing to find his grandfather.

On the way, he didn't pay attention to the bricks on the road. The wheel of the car tilted, and the man in a daze fell directly from the car.

Like a dream, he and Jiang Xinyu rode bicycles through the streets of the capital in the falling snow. The weather was so cold, but he didn't feel it at all. The smile on her face made him feel warm when he saw it.

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