good old days

Chapter 423 Strange Dreamland

The winter sun was cold, and it quietly shone on the man who fell unconscious on the roadside.

Song Minghan knew which path was closest to Huaqing. Even when he was in a trance, he subconsciously took the path.

For a while, no one passed by here.

The person lying on the ground had a long, sweet and bitter dream composed of fragments.

The clips flashed very quickly, and when he wanted to be immersed in happiness, he entered the next broken chapter.

In the Wuliqiao Brigade, when the college entrance examination came, he and Jiang Xinyu lit up the lights in the cold night to review, and they were admitted to a university in the capital together.

After graduating from college and being assigned jobs, the two got married as a matter of course. Since they were not qualified enough to be assigned a room in the unit, and his uncle's family overseas had returned, he could only go back to live with Jiang Xinyu in a home that did not belong to him.

There were frequent conflicts at home, and the simple happiness between him and Jiang Xinyu turned into frequent conflicts.

He felt that she didn't understand him enough. She felt that he was immature, lacked opinion, and was indecisive.Later, he fell in love with the woman he couldn't name in the dream. She was introverted but very considerate. He fell in love with her gentleness and kindness.

After several quarrels, she resolutely filed for divorce.

When he woke up again, his whole body was hot but his body was shaking. Looking at the falling snowflakes in front of him, he had the illusion that he was still dreaming.

It's obviously not the time it should snow in previous years, but this year's first snow came unusually early.

The sky was blurry and gloomy, and the snowflakes falling like salt particles fell silently.

Song Minghan put on the bicycle chain, got on the bicycle, walked through two streets, and arrived at the flower bed in front of the park.

He sat quietly on it with a thoughtful look on his face, rubbing his head and thinking about his previous dream.

It was a short dream, but it seemed to him that a lifetime had passed, as if it was all real.

In the dream, Jiang Baoqin never appeared at all. She was just an ordinary village girl from the Wuliqiao Brigade. It was Jiang Xinyu who married him, and it was Jiang Xinyu who faced the quarrels between his stepmother and the family with him, and it was Jiang Xinyu who quarreled with him. It was still Jiang Xinyu, but in the end their marriage still ended in failure because he fell in love with someone else.

He originally blamed Jiang Baoqin for his failed marriage. After dreaming of these absurd scenes, he would inevitably doubt his own problems.

As soon as he started to doubt himself, he didn't want to admit the authenticity of the dream he just had.

He left the difficult Jiang family aside and rode to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute.

He walked aimlessly in school, looking forward to meeting the woman whose name he couldn't even name in his dream.

He didn't know what kind of mood he was looking for, whether he hoped that this person would exist, or if he hoped that this person would not exist. Those fragments were just dreams.

After being in a daze for a long time, he went back to his grandfather's house and found his bankbook.

The amount was quite large, so he simply went to the bank again, took out a thousand yuan and deposited it into another passbook.

Jiang Baoqin's family would be satisfied with [-] yuan. It's not that he can't pay for it.

He can now see that if he gives it this time, with the virtue of Jiang Baoqin's family, there will definitely be a next time.

Since he is greedy, don't blame him for being greedy.

Having a fever, Song Minghan returned to school and found a guest house near the school.

When we found the second guest house, we finally found Jiang Laosan and his family.

"This is a 1000 yuan passbook. We will have nothing to do with it in the future. When Jiang Baoqin is released from prison, I will notify you to collect it."

Jiang Laosan was as happy as anything, and felt that 1000 yuan was already less. Since Song Minghan could take out the money so quickly, it meant that 1000 yuan was very easy for him.

Song Minghan himself didn't realize that after having that dream, all his indecision was gone.After Song Minghan left the guest house, he went back home first. He planned to arrest Jiang Laosan and his family and send them back to their hometown to squat in the fence. His father had to help.

When Jiang Laosan got the bankbook, he was so beautiful that he had no idea that a disaster was about to happen.

"Dad, let's play in the capital for two days and then go back. My second aunt also went to the Jinluan Palace and climbed the Great Wall. We've all come here. Wouldn't it be a loss if we didn't go shopping?"

Now that she has money, Jiang Zhifei's wife is thinking about good things.

Jiang Laosan smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's play for two days and then go back."

Jiang Yuehua pursed his lips and drooped his eyebrows without speaking.

Song Minghan's home.

Song Wenxing just came back from get off work and was stunned when he saw his eldest son.

"Don't you have classes tomorrow? Do you have anything to do when you come back?"

Song Minghan glanced at Lu Peilin out of the corner of his eye, thinking of her face in the dream, his face turned cold.

"I have something I want dad to help me with. Let's go to the study and talk about it."

Song Wenxing nodded and stood up.

Lu Peilin was instantly alert, and after the two entered the study, she quietly stood at the door.

After Song Minghan finished his words about arresting Jiang Laosan's family for extortion and sending them back to their hometown to squat on the fence, Song Wenxing felt relieved.

"I'll go say hello at the police station, is there anything else?"

Song Minghan shook his head.

A rare smile appeared on Song Wenxing's face, "You are much more sensible than before."

Song Minghan was sarcastic in his heart, he was not sensible, he just understood his father's style of doing things.

As soon as he left, Lu Peilin, who knew the inside story, started to make inquiries.

After Song Wenxing finished speaking in a few words, he added with a sigh: "His mind is much clearer now than before."

He loved Lu Peilin and her children more, but Song Minghan was his son after all, so it was impossible to ignore them at all.

The thing that made him most angry was that he married a village girl after going to the countryside. There was a murderer in this village girl's family. If the news spread, wouldn't his family be disgraced?Everyone in the family had left him alone.

After that, Song Minghan sent Jiang Baoqin to a mental hospital. He felt that he finally did something right.

This time, Song Wenxing used tricks to send the shameless father-in-law's family to prison again. Song Wenxing did not feel that he was going too far at all.For those who cannot recognize themselves, no lesson can be given too much.

In the past, he felt that this son was not like him. His indecisive and fake kind-hearted temperament was like that of the Yu family, who did not follow him at all. Vaguely, he even felt that his son looked down on him in his heart.But now it seems that it is better to let him go and do things that should not be done by mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

Lu Peilin frowned, "Is this going too far? It's not easy for the Jiang family as well."

In her mind, she was thinking, without the Jiang family holding back, Song Minghan, a cheap son, would not be able to overpower her children in the future?
Song Wenxing: "Poor mountains and harsh waters bring out unruly people. You can't be soft-hearted towards people like them. Your heart is still too soft."

Lu Peilin sighed, "If I hadn't married Jiang Baoqin in the countryside, I wouldn't have been provoked by such a family. They are all named Jiang. Why doesn't this happen to the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family?"

Song Wenxing shook his head, "Who told him not to have eyesight in the first place?"

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