good old days

Chapter 510 God opens his eyes

Chapter 510 God opens his eyes

"What's she doing here again? She wants a child?" Jiang Xinyu was holding the child's buttocks to eat in the courtyard, feeling surprised.

Is it possible that we didn't solve it last time?

Grandma Zhang lowered her voice and said, "She came to borrow money. Her man is dead."

Wang Sumei in the room came out when she heard this, and Chen Yi also cast a glance.

"How did he die? Did she beat him to death?"

Grandma Zhang shook her head: "If she had the courage, she wouldn't have been beaten for several years. She was said to have been bitten to death by a donkey."

"What is a donkey?"

Grandma Zhang gestured: "They are long worms and snakes! There are several kinds of venomous snakes in the surrounding mountains, including Xiangshan. The donkey has a thin head and tail, and a very thick body. It crawls slowly and can straighten up and run when it encounters people. They bite people. There are not only this kind of poisonous long worms in the mountains, but there are several others. I have been into the mountains before, but I cannot go into deep places."

"Her man must be retribution for beating his wife too many times. Otherwise, how could the donkey come into his yard and bite him to death?"

When Wang Sumei heard what Chen Yi said about Liu Fengxi, she couldn't sympathize with her, but she was relieved that Jin Shun was dead!

"It's an eye-opener for God. He died well. There is no use for such a man alive. Mom Dodo's life will be easier in the future."

Grandma Zhang shook her head and said, "What's better? When she came today, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. She was so skinny that she looked pitiful."

Jiang Xinyu asked: "What is she doing here today?"

Grandma Zhang: "I came to borrow money and said that I couldn't survive anymore. Her father-in-law's family wanted to kick her out and scolded her for killing her man. If the captain and the villagers hadn't stopped her, she would have lost her family."

Wang Sumei said: "Doesn't she have two sons? For this reason, her father-in-law will not really drive her away."

From what she heard about Jin Shun's family, she didn't think Jin Shun's father would drive Liu Fengxi away. He was willing to raise the two children, but Jin Shun's brother couldn't agree either.

Grandma Zhang nodded, "That's right!"

"She doesn't have a penny on hand now, and she still has to open up wasteland for her family. She says that she can't live in the future. If the man dies, the sky will fall. She wishes she could die with him!"

"I thought she was really pitiful, so I gave her 50 cents!"

Speaking of this, Grandma Zhang covered her heart.

How much money has she given Liu Fengxi in vain? She was reluctant to spend the money she had saved by working part-time jobs, so she gave it away in vain! It really makes me sad just thinking about it!

What happened to Liu Fengxi is really sad.

But Jiang Xinyu still thinks it’s better for Jin Shun’er to die! God is really smart this time.

Don't say that it can't be done without a man in the family. What's the use of a man like Jin Shuner? Death is the end of the world, and he no longer needs to be beaten. Everything he does is for himself and his children. No matter how hard it is, it feels a lot easier for Liu Fengxi.

The few of them chatted about Liu Fengxi for a while, and Grandma Zhang held it in for a long time before she said, "I see there is a recruitment notice posted at the door of your shop. My granddaughter has returned to the city and is out of work. Can she give it a try?"

"Now that a large number of educated youths have returned to the city, the Educated Youth Office has trouble arranging work. Her former classmates have all gone to sweep the streets, and they are still temporary workers. The monthly salary is pitiful. I see her going to the Educated Youth Office every day to inquire about the situation, and even sending gifts I received a lot of gifts, but there is no letter. There are too many people waiting to arrange work, and I can’t get through..."

Grandma Zhang’s worried eyes had deep wrinkles.

Wang Sumei is really in a bit of a dilemma. She recruits a junior from an acquaintance into the store. If she does well, she will be successful. But if she doesn't do well, how can she let her go? How will we communicate in the future? The relationship between Aunt Zhang and Uncle Luo is like that again. Chen Yi saw her embarrassment and politely refused: "We have..."

Song Yahui is a person who knows everything. He can even do the work in the brick and tile factory, so they naturally feel more at ease with him. As for the other salesperson, they wanted to pick someone with no connections so that it would be easier to manage. From now on, we can supervise each other even when our mothers are not in the store.

Before Chen Yi could finish his words, Wang Sumei said quickly: "Okay, you can bring this person over one day to have a look. He must be able to settle accounts and be sharp-tongued. He must not have a bad temper or be lazy and not work hard. First, he must be able to settle accounts. Let’s see, if you are successful, you can try it out first.”

Wang Sumei was struggling for a moment just now, thinking that Mrs. Zhang was a nice person, and her granddaughter should not be much different. They were already so familiar with each other, so if they opened their mouths, let's meet her first.

Grandma Zhang was very happy, "She graduated from high school and will definitely be able to settle accounts. Zhou Zheng, who is good-looking, can also talk well. She used to be a diligent person at home. After going to the countryside for several years to train in the countryside, she is definitely not a lazy person. You guys first Let’s meet and use her if you think it’s suitable. If you’re not satisfied, return it to me.”

Wang Sumei nodded, "Okay, can anyone come over before ten o'clock tomorrow?"

Grandma Zhang nodded, "I'll call her and she will definitely come over."

Grandma Zhang walked away happily, and Wang Sumei closed the door.

After entering the room, she whispered: "You two have an opinion? I thought she was a nice person. Can she help or help a bunch? It's not easy for anyone. Anyway, I haven't picked the right person recently."

Wang Sumei felt that choosing a salesperson would be a good match for her. Anyway, the business hours were not long recently, and her grandson was in trouble, so she and Song Yahui were busy, so they took their time in choosing the salesperson.

Chen Yi shook his head, "Let's look at the person first before talking."

The family of three talked for a long time. Wang Sumei knew that if he went abroad, he would have to leave in more than a month, and said to Jiang Xinyu: "If he goes abroad, don't blame him for not caring about the family. I will take care of everything at home. Just concentrate on your studies."

The truth of her attitude surprised the couple.

Jiang Xinyu felt that her mother-in-law was so reasonable that she could achieve great things. The only time she had a temper with her after she got married was when she broke their plan and got pregnant with Jiang Yan before the college entrance examination.

"Don't worry, Mom, I won't blame him. Don't miss him when he's gone."

The atmosphere was so harmonious that Chen Yi felt that he was not important, but that was fine. Compared to crying and crying, this kind of family atmosphere did make people physically and mentally healthy.

On Sunday morning, Song Yahui went to the store alone. A family of three waited in the courtyard for Grandma Zhang to bring her granddaughter. As a result, they waited for Grandma Zhang but did not see her granddaughter.

Grandma Zhang said slightly embarrassed: "This stinky girl is stubborn and insists on waiting for the Educated Youth Office to arrange work. I can't call her. Sumei, I'm sorry for delaying your work."

Jiang Xinyu understood it as soon as she thought about it.

Nowadays, self-employed people are not respected by people. They feel it is dishonorable and embarrassing. Unless the family really needs subsidies, I am afraid that even if the policy is relaxed, there will not be many stalls on the streets.

Working for her shop is like working for a self-employed person, which is not really a good place to be compared to a regular employer.

It is understandable that people are concerned about the work assigned by the Educated Youth Office.

Wang Sumei felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't show it on her face. She waved her hands and said, "It's okay. I'll just find someone else."

 Today’s update, I feel confident asking for votes (=^^=

  (End of this chapter)

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