good old days

Chapter 511 Talking about Cao Cao

Chapter 511 Talking about Cao Cao

When the family of three arrived at the store, Song Yahui was already busy. To everyone's surprise, Zhao Xiangling was also there, helping in the shop.

"Girl, stop being busy and come over and drink some water."

Wang Sumei pulled Zhao Xiangling to sit in front of the counter.

Zhao Xiangling said shyly: "It's not in the way, I'm not tired at all."

Jiang Xinyu smiled and said: "We didn't pay you any wages. Next time you come back, just sit here and eat."

Chen Yi said: "I will go to the plastic factory first to ask about the progress of the packaging, and then go to the school."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Please help me find Yao Xin again and ask her if she has Guo Hong's phone number."

Zhao Xiangling has been here for more than half an hour and knows how good the business is here.

While several people were busy, she approached Jiang Xinyu and whispered: "Do you know about your cousin's ex-husband, the comrade named Song from the Electric Power College, and his affair with Chen Jiajia?"

Jiang Xinyu: "?"

"What's going on with them?" It's not what she thought, right?

Can Chen Jiajia like Song Minghan, a married man?

No way.

Zhao Xiangling said: "I have a classmate who grew up in the same military compound as Chen Jiajia. She also went to Sister Yuzhu's wedding. I heard what she said when the semester started. Song Minghan often stayed with Chen Jiajia and the others. He went there before While hunting in Xiangshan, they encountered a herd of wild boars. In their panic and mistake, someone accidentally injured a passerby with a wooden barn."

Jiang Xinyu interrupted her in shock: "Mucang?"

Zhao Xiangling nodded, "Who knows where they got them from."

"What do people in their circle want to do that they can't do? There are not many people like Brother-in-law Zhou Qi who are dedicated to working hard and Chen Yi who is dedicated to studying."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "Chen Yi and them have never been the same person."

"Then, how did Chen Jiajia end up with Song Minghan?"

She is really interested in this.

Didn't Zhao Xiangling and Song Minghan sympathize with him the last time they met for the first time? Her behavior at that time made Jiang Xinyu think that she had a slight affection for him, and it was not impossible to fall in love at first sight.

Zhao Xiangling pushed the hair around her ears and continued: "The wild boars caused chaos. Chen Jiajia accidentally fell down the hillside. It was Song Minghan who found her and carried her down the mountain. This was all during the summer vacation. My classmate said that whenever Chen Jiajia appears after that Song Minghan will be there soon, and he even had a fight with his brother for Chen Jiajia, and now they are always in a couple wherever they go."

After listening to this, Jiang Xinyu found it uninteresting.

However, she thought that after Song Minghan's marriage to Jiang Baoqin, he would have to wait until he graduated from college before considering marriage again. She didn't expect that there would be a new partner so soon.

What did the original owner think? Since she came and distanced herself from Song Minghan, he immediately became close to Jiang Baoqin. After divorcing Jiang Baoqin, he got close to Chen Jiajia again.

Can his connection speed not be so fast?

Zhao Xiangling was about to speak when she saw someone coming in from the door and pushed Jiang Xinyu with her arm.

It can be seen that you really can't talk about other people's rights and wrongs behind their backs. No, Cao Cao is here! When I met Chen Jiajia before, she was still a quiet and delicate Xiaojiabiyu. This time I saw her again, she was much more stylish than before.

She has a full set of makeup on her face, her lips are painted red, and her dressing style is very avant-garde. She looks good, but she looks older than before, and there is a maturity that does not suit her appearance.

Chen Jiajia and Song Minghan walked in together. She looked around the store and said, "I heard others say that there are dried fruits from Xinjiang Province in the market here. Judging from the variety in this store, there are not many. It's your grandpa's birthday. You can give them these." ?"

Song Minghan looked at her with soft eyes, "Buy some and send them over just in time to entertain the guests. My grandpa has met you before. He will definitely be happy if you come with me."

When the two of them looked at each other and smiled, Song Yahui stepped forward and said, "If you two want to give gifts, we also have boxes for packaging."

Chen Jiajia nodded, "Take out the box and have a look..."

When she looked inside, she saw Zhao Xiangling, Jiang Xinyu, and Wang Sumei.

The smile on her face disappeared instantly.

It was because of them that her parents' marriage broke up. It was hard for Chen Jiajia to look good when she saw a few people.

"Why are you here?" It's so haunting!

Jiang Xinyu stepped forward and said with a smile: "Why, this store only allows you to come? You still want to drive us away?"

Chen Jiajia snorted.

Song Yahui brought the box and handed it over. Chen Jiajia didn't accept it, but looked at Zhao Xiangling sideways with a hint of provocation and contempt.

"I remember that time in a western restaurant, the plate you cut the steak on made a squeaking sound, which attracted the attention of the whole restaurant. Some people need to know how much they weigh, and don't squeeze into the social circle that you can't squeeze into. It's all Don’t you know where it comes from? In addition to being able to make a joke, it’s still a joke.”

What he said meant something. When Chen Jiajia spoke, he not only glanced at Zhao Xiangling, but also looked around at Jiang Xinyu and others.

Zhao Xiangling bit her lip in embarrassment, remembering the unpleasant experience of going to a Western restaurant with her classmates.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't bear her, "What? You think you're superior if you can cut steak? Do you think you're noble when you eat it?"

Wang Sumei stepped forward and said: "Go, go, all of you go out. Our family does not do your business. Go home and ask your mother where her hometown is? Go back and ask your father if his ancestors also farmed. ? Why, you don’t have mud on your legs, so you can stand here and say these words? Did you earn the money to eat Western food? Did you pass the university yourself? "

These words left Chen Jiajia speechless.

An old man in the store said in a calm tone with a Beijing accent: "Girl, there are so many people in the country who don't know how to cut steak. We ordinary people can't afford it and don't know how to eat it, but you don't want to be a foreigner. There are a lot of dishes in Feng Restaurant. If you want to eat a Manchu-Han banquet, they can prepare it for you. Foreign guests all say it is good after eating it. There is no need to praise foreigners and belittle ourselves. To put it bluntly, it is the difference in food culture. Foreigners like us I don’t know how to use chopsticks yet.”

"Come on, come on, load me up with a pound of raisins."

After paying the bill, the uncle walked away leisurely with the raisins, not caring at all about Chen Jiajia, who was frozen in place with an ugly face.

Neither Song Minghan nor she expected that this store was owned by Wang Sumei's family. In view of the awkward relationship in the past, Song Minghan simply pulled Chen Jiajia away.

After leaving the door, he said: "Okay, okay, just have a few arguments, don't take it to heart. Think about my family's affairs, can you feel more balanced?"

Chen Jiajia said angrily: "Our situation is different! My mother... Compared with Chen Yi, everyone thinks I am shorter than him. My father thinks he is better. When I see his mother, I feel awkward and uncomfortable. In short, when I see them The whole family is annoying. And that Zhao Xiangling, you think I can’t feel that she is interested in you. That time in the restaurant, she secretly looked at you from time to time..."

(End of this chapter)

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