good old days

Chapter 561 Caught

In the hut, Zhang Yang's mother had been sitting on the bed and taking a nap. When she saw Zhang Yang came back, she wanted to pinch him and cursed in a low voice: "How dare you go and steal the money? If you come back after taking the money, aren't you afraid of something happening? The police came today." ."

"Shut up, you want to wake everyone in the house?"

Zhang Yang ignored her, gently lifted up the floor tiles, and stuffed the contents into his cotton coat.

He was about to leave after taking the money, but Zhang Yang's mother was following him around, not knowing what to do.

During the day, the police said that if there was any news about Zhang Yang, they should notify the police station as soon as possible, but Zhang Yang was her son, how could she just send her son to jail.

She was afraid that he would come back suddenly, so she sat in his room and waited. If he didn't come back today, she would continue to wait tomorrow. If he didn't come back, she would keep waiting. She believed that one day he would come back.

Looking at his back as he left the house, she whispered: "You go back to the countryside and hide, and don't come back soon. The police are investigating him very closely."

Zhang Yang went out as if he hadn't heard anything.

The open space in the compound was occupied by various families, and small houses of a few square meters were built everywhere, with no structure at all.

After leaving the gate, Zhang Yang had not taken a few steps when he was kicked to the ground from behind and took a mouthful of mud.

Lifting his hands behind his back, Chang Zhou searched him and found a bunch of things wrapped in envelopes. When he turned on the flashlight, he saw a large group of people.

In this way, Zhang Yang was arrested in the middle of the night. After a surprise interrogation, the information about the other robber was also revealed.

Zhang Yang had been hiding with his companions before, and both of them were preparing to take the money and run away. He was caught and sold the other person.

Chang Zhou worked all night and arrested another person.

Instead of Jiang Xinyu and the others going to the police station to inquire about the progress, someone from the police station would notify them to get the money.

There was a smile on Wang Sumei's face again today, and the five thousand yuan was back. How could she be unhappy?

Chang Zhou worked hard all night. He was freezing, but his heart was warm.

"Captain and the others were busy all night and stayed up all night. They waited in front of Zhang Yang's house until midnight before arresting him. That Huang San had already used a knife. Fortunately, we are not vegetarians so nothing happened and we got all the money back..."

Chang Zhou modestly said: “Serving the people is what we should do.”

What happened last night cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Wang Sumei felt it was quite thrilling and kept thanking her.

Jiang Xinyu counted the money. Four hundred and ninety-eight were complete, and the rest were fragmentary. Apparently the three robbers spent it yesterday.

It's a good thing if you can get everything back.

After thanking each other, the police comrades told the robbers what they had told them.

Zhang Yang and others were from very poor families, and all the watches they wore were stolen. Naturally, the crimes committed were not limited to her family.

They set their sights on her dried fruit shop because Li Xiaoli told Zhang Yang that the business in the shop was very good. It was open for about five hours every day, and people kept coming in. The daily turnover was conservatively estimated to be two hundred yuan.

Zhang Yang had this idea, and naturally asked Li Xiaoli about the situation of Wang Sumei's family intentionally or unintentionally. He not only inquired, but also followed with his accomplices. For fear of attracting attention, the three of them alternated following each other every other day.

If you have an organization, a plan, and a clear understanding of the situation, it will be easy to start.

Jiang Xinyu was convinced. These three people were quite smart. If they used their intelligence to do other things, who said they couldn't make money?

After explaining the situation, Chang Zhou asked: "Zhang Yang said he didn't disclose the matter to Li Xiaoli. How did you point out that they were robbers on the street?" The three robbers scratched their heads and couldn't figure this out. Chang Zhou was also very curious as to where it was exposed. Yesterday, he was busy arresting people and investigating the situation during the day and night, but he put this issue aside.

Jiang Xinyu said without any embarrassment: "I was confused. I didn't know what happened yesterday. After listening to Zhang Qiaoqiao's explanation of the situation, and then seeing those two people, my head started to heat up. I deliberately shouted loudly for someone to help me catch the robbery. They committed a crime, and as a result, these two people were guilty of committing the crime and ran away..."

Metaphysics? It's actually not that mysterious. People's intuitive feelings are affected by the images seen by their eyes.

The look he gave her at that moment made her feel uncomfortable, and at the same time, she was angry and thinking about the five thousand yuan that was robbed. She impulsively came up with a good idea that she thought was good. If it succeeds, she will go crazy if it doesn't. After she lost someone, and then she made the right bet, she could only blame the person who did the wrong thing for being too sensitive.

Several police officers looked at each other in shock after hearing this.

What a stroke of luck.

If those two people heard this, they would regret it to death? Just stand there and don't move. Who can do anything to them?

A police officer said: "You really have to trust your intuition. I used to have a chill down my spine and subconsciously dodge the ax coming from behind. I don't have eyes behind my back, it's just such a coincidence."

"You are very lucky. You have great fortune and great destiny. God will not accept you."


After leaving the police station, Jiang Xinyu felt that today's gloomy sky had become a bit brighter.

"Mom, please close the door for a few days. Wait until Yahui is well and Chen Yi's father has sent him here before opening the door again."

It's not like she didn't know that business had been good recently, but the total amount of goods was not enough, so it wouldn't be a problem to close the door for a few days.

Who has been to the market now and doesn’t know that her family specializes in dried fruits? No one is trying to compete with them for business even if they don't close the door. As soon as they open the door, customers are sure to come like clouds.

It was past twelve o'clock when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law arrived at the market. Jin Fuhai, his wife, and Li Xiaoli were waiting outside.

They didn't know if they would have a day off today, but the boss didn't say they wouldn't open the door yesterday, so they had to come and wait today.

After entering the shop, Wang Sumei closed the door and put up a sign saying it was closed for the next few days.

"Boss, I really don't know what Zhang Yang did. Can you please don't drive me away?"

Li Xiaoli's eyes were begging.

Jobs are in short supply in the city, and unemployed educated youths who have returned to the city are everywhere. It is really not easy for her to find this job. She only has to work six hours a day, even if she is full. It is not manual labor in the countryside, and the salary is quite high. Where is she going? Looking for such a job?

Wang Sumei said with a straight face, "You didn't interfere, but you told your partner that our store sells a lot of money every day, and you also revealed to him the situation of my family. You didn't mean it, but my grandson almost had an accident, and we worked hard I will almost never get my hard-earned money back. I’ll pay you the wages, and you won’t come here again.”

Jiang Xinyu didn't say anything. She had planned to give her an extra month's salary before, but after learning that it was her target organization that was responsible, she stopped thinking about it.

Wang Sumei's words were clear and sounded the alarm to Jin Fuhai and his wife.

Li Xiaoli may have said it unintentionally, but the consequences were real.

Jiang Xinyu gave her the money, and Li Xiaoli wiped her tears and sniffed and went out.

After dealing with Li Xiaoli, Jiang Xinyu looked at Jin Fuhai and his wife.

"You two will continue to come to work in the future, but there is a taboo in our store now. Don't go back and say things you shouldn't say. Li Xiaoli has learned from her mistakes. If something happens next time, the first person we will suspect will be our own people in the store."

Jin Fuhai and his wife breathed a sigh of relief.

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