good old days

Chapter 562 Crazy Heartbeat

After getting back the five thousand yuan, Wang Sumei and Jiang Xinyu were heartbroken.

Song Yahui felt extremely guilty these days, feeling that his money was robbed because he was useless. With Chen Yi gone, he was the only gay man in the courtyard. Although he was hired to work, the safety of his family's shop He considers himself responsible.

Even though one wrist hurts, he still uses the other hand to cook. When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law go home these days, the sweet potato porridge is always warm in the kitchen.

Wang Sumei and Jiang Xinyu had no reason to blame him. Zhang Yang and others had premeditated it. If he hadn't lived in their courtyard, they wouldn't have thought of ways to let him recuperate at home. Fortunately, he only suffered some contusions, so it wasn't a big problem. , if something happens to the person, they can't explain it to his parents.

Chen Jinhua moved very quickly and sent the tall and strong Qiao Jianfeng over before Jiang Xinyu even finished the exam.

Qiao Jianfeng is about thirty years old, with a black scar behind his left ear. He is a strong man, and he looks tall and powerful at first glance.

I heard Chen Jinhua say that he used to be in the special forces, but then he got into an accident and his physical functions could not keep up. He was discharged because of family issues. He gave up all the jobs assigned by his superiors to his family members.

Jiang Xinyu had a natural feeling that soldiers were very reliable, and she felt that Chen Jinhua could never arrange for unreliable people to come. She had a good impression of Comrade Qiao.

On the last day of exams, she received a telegram. The telegram was meant for Chen Yi, but when he left, Jiang Xinyu had no choice but to read it.

She originally thought the telegram was from Xinjiang Province, but she never thought it was from Yangcheng and was sent by Chen Zhengyu.

There was only one line on the telegram, six and nine o'clock and a line of telephone number.

It means asking her to go to the post office and call him at nine o'clock in the morning on the 6th.

The time card is pretty accurate, tomorrow is the 6th, and they just finished the exam this afternoon.

The next morning, Jiang Xinyu showed up at the post office on time at nine o'clock and made the call. Chen Zhengyu was waiting at the post office. When the operator called out, he answered the phone in a swish.

"Brother Chen Yi, don't talk nonsense. I want to borrow money."

Jiang Xinyu coughed, "Chen Yi went to study abroad. I am Jiang Xinyu."

Chen Zhengyu said "Huh?"

Jiang Xinyu was unhappy: "In terms of closeness, you are my mother's nephew. Why do you come to Chen Yi when you have something to do?"

Chen Zhengyu scratched his head, "Isn't it easier for men to talk to each other?"

"Okay, don't waste time, tell me, what's the matter?"

Chen Zhengyu hesitated and said, "I want to borrow money, and the amount is not small."

Jiang Xinyu: "What is it used for? How much does it cost?"

"Don't worry about it, I promise you will share half of the profit when I make it!"

Jiang Xinyu called his name seriously, "Whether I will lend you money depends on whether your business can be run. What can't you and I say? If you dare not say it, it means the business is unreliable."

Chen Zhengyu hurriedly interrupted, "Okay, okay, let me tell you, at the end of the year, the small stalls in our market will have good quality fabrics. Do you know how much the wholesale price is per meter? It's only three and a half yuan! I want to buy one. Bail it and resell it elsewhere! If you want to do this business, you have to hurry up. I'm afraid that if I do it too late, someone else will wrap it up."

Since the reform and opening up, the biggest impact has been not on inland areas, but on coastal areas, where smuggling is rampant and many people have accumulated money through this illegal way of making money. Apart from smuggling, the other way to make money quickly is by reselling supplies. These days, material trade, transportation and logistics, and information exchange are all relatively difficult. People's ideas are also relatively conservative. If you are courageous and can endure hardships, as long as you dare to venture and do it, it is not difficult to make money by freeing materials. What you earn is an information gap.

Jiang Xinyu's family's dried fruit business is actually the same. Many people don't know where Xinjiang Province is. They may have heard of it, but who knew that Xinjiang senior officials have bought so many delicious and sweet fruits? Even if they knew, they would be dismissed. If you are scared off by the toll, you will be hesitant because of the high transportation fee. Even if there is no problem with these, most people still remain on the sidelines on the policy because they don’t know when the wind will change again.

"How much do you want to borrow? If I mail it to you now, it will take a week at the earliest to receive it."

Jiang Xinyu's heart was pounding, she wanted to make money. If you get enough money to buy a house at a low price, you will make a lot of money.

Chen Zhengyu hesitated and said, "Do you have two thousand?"

Jiang Xinyu confirmed and asked: "Is your information reliable?"

Chen Zhengyu: "Reliability couldn't be more reliable. My classmate's father is the director of the factory. I heard him whisper it and also went to the market to investigate. The stall owner sold it wholesale for three and a half yuan. He only took it from the factory. I need two and eight dollars, Sister Xinyu, I’m just short of money now.”

He didn't dare to call home. He didn't know if he had 2,000 yuan at home, and his parents wouldn't give him 2,000 yuan. As for his eldest brother, he didn't dare to say anything. If his eldest brother knew that he was still thinking about doing business while he was in college, he might come to kill him one day.

I remember that year when he went home to celebrate the New Year, Chen Yi gave him more than 800 yuan at a time to buy a watch. At that time, he could come up with 800 yuan. He had no idea whether he could come up with 2,000 yuan this year, but he still opened his mouth.

He knew how rare indeed good fabrics were in rural areas, and how expensive they were in supply and marketing cooperatives in cities and counties. He also knew how expensive they were at two yuan per meter. If they sold for eight yuan, there would definitely be people snatching them up.

This business is absolutely profitable.

"Sister Xinyu, I promise, if I make money, I will give you half, no, I will give you 60%."

Chen Zhengyu was really anxious. He was calculating accounts in his head and scratching his head because he only had a few dozen dollars in his hand.

Jiang Xinyu poured cold water on him and calmed him down, "What if you don't make money? What if you get caught?"

Chen Zhengyu blurted out: "Impossible, no one here has caught anyone doing small business."

"Sister Xinyu, I beg you."

If Chen Zhengyu were in front of Jiang Xinyu, he would want to give her a back and slap on her shoulders to please her, as long as he could borrow money.

Jiang Xinyu cleared her throat, "My school is also on holiday. I will rush to your school to find you as quickly as possible. I will decide whether to lend you money after checking."

Chen Zhengyu: "Okay, come quickly! I'll be waiting for you. The janitor of our school knows me. I'll go find him when I get to school."

That night Jiang Xinyu told her mother-in-law what happened.

Wang Sumei frowned, "Is that possible? I wouldn't trust you to go alone."

Jiang Xinyu had already thought about it, "Let Qiao Jianfeng go with me. Mom, don't open the door while I go to Yangcheng. Just rest at home and take care of the children."

Wang Sumei: "This man is a veteran, but we don't know anything about him. Is he reliable?"

Jiang Xinyu felt that the person introduced by Chen Jinhua should be reliable and persuaded her for a while.

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