good old days

Chapter 579: Heartbroken

The goose was really quite big. Wang Sumei stewed it in one pot. When it was almost done, she took the pot and put it on the stove in the main room, and the four of them ate together around the stove.

"What a pity. A big goose can still lay eggs if I keep it."

Chen Jinhua unconsciously wondered: Was this goose specially killed for Mr. and Luo Chaosheng?

Although he felt uncomfortable, the sight of people gathering to eat with the smell of fireworks still made him relax.

Wang Sumei handed him the water soaked in sour plum powder and said, "Relieve the greasiness."

Chen Jinhua: "Stop working so hard, sit down and eat."

Jiang Xinyu held the child in front of her and fed him spoonfuls of egg custard.

Around the stove, the dogs were circling back and forth, barking anxiously, wanting a bite of meat.

Even four adults couldn't finish a big goose. When the pot was brought back to the kitchen, the house was still full of aroma.

Although Song Yahui wanted to watch TV, Chen Jinhua refused to leave, so he wisely returned to his room.

Wang Sumei handed the small ginseng and three hundred yuan to Chen Jinhua: "Take it, the money is the coal money for the past two years, don't accept it, our family has some money now, if you don't want this money, I won't do it in the future." Receive what you bring.”

Chen Jinhua knew how much Jiang Xinyu earned from a trip to Yangcheng, so he simply accepted the three hundred.

"Does your home have a washing machine and a refrigerator?" Wang Sumei asked directly.

Chen Jinhua didn't know what she meant, so he nodded hesitantly and said, "There is a small building, but I don't have a place to live in the camp. I don't need a washing machine or a refrigerator."

Wang Sumei said regardless: "Okay, we will pay for you to buy a washing machine and a refrigerator. We also need it at home. Can you give us two tickets?"

After hearing this, Chen Jinhua looked at her dumbfounded.

"You're doing this at a loss."

Although the ticket is rare, it cannot buy two electrical appliances.

Wang Sumei turned her head and said, "I'm happy."

Chen Jinhua turned around and asked Jiang Xinyu: "What more tickets do you want? I'll get them for you all at once next time."

Jiang Xinyu took the opportunity to say: "Sewing machines, washing machines, refrigerators, electric fans, whatever you need there, just send the tickets and we can buy them for you here."

Chen Jinhua raised his eyebrows slightly, "Honest to me?"

Jiang Xinyu:…

If you say filial piety, then be filial, she is rich anyway! It’s no problem to have two sets of all electrical appliances!

Looking at the red cotton jacket on her son and then at the TV at home, she nodded: "I honor you."

Chen Jinhua laughed out loud, "Okay, I'll have someone pick you up on New Year's Day. You can carry your child to the camp to get the tickets."

Chen Jinhua walked away with his lips curled up.

He is in a very good mood. Compared with last year, his relationship with Wang Sumei's family has taken a qualitative leap this year. He is even grateful that he is sick. If one day he can't survive it, he will not face Wang Sumei with regrets. Walk.

The car returned to the original residence, where Feng Man, mother and daughter were both there.

It was quite warm in the small building. Feng Man was steaming beef patties in the kitchen, and the sound of music could be heard faintly in Chen Jiajia's room.

Feng Man noticed that he was back first, and when she came to him, she said, "Your daughter has been making noises about going to study abroad recently. I went to find out. It was Song Minghan's aunt who was involved. I want to send Song Minghan to study abroad as soon as possible."

Mr. Song's health is getting worse day by day, and he still has to deal with the debts from the past. As for the Song family, Song Wenxing, a fox, was stabbed in the back by his own son, and other problems were discovered. The best result now is that he will only be dismissed. , but what he is facing now is far from a simple situation of being dismissed from office.

Chen Jinhua frowned. He thought Chen Jiajia would wake up after knowing what happened to the Song family, but he didn't expect that she would still be like this.

"What do you think we should do? I don't have the ability to send Jiajia abroad. Even if I could, I wouldn't let her go abroad."

After leaving the country, will this girl and Song Minghan do whatever they want? She was afraid that Chen Jiajia would be fine when she went out, but would be pregnant when she came back. Going abroad provided Chen Jinhua with a new idea.

It's not that Chen Jiajia can't be sent away for a few years, but Song Minghan has to stay in China.

"You ask her to come out and I'll talk to her."

Seeing her biological father, Chen Jiajia was sitting at the table honestly.

"You want to go abroad?"

Chen Jiajia unconsciously grasped her hands and nodded, "With a background of studying abroad, no matter which department you go to after graduation, you will be promoted faster than others. Teacher Qin from our school studied at the Brandeis School of the Arts in Boston. He Can you help me apply and contact the school?"

Chen Jiajia felt uneasy.

She didn't know if her father would believe what she said, but only if she said this, the probability of her and Minghan going abroad together would be greater.

Boston? The city where Chen Yi studied abroad is Cambridge in the Boston metropolitan area.

Chen Jinhua put down his tea cup and said, "I can agree to your going out, but you have to promise to study hard abroad and calm down after you go."

Chen Jiajia didn't expect her father to agree so easily, and Feng Man didn't expect it either, so she objected immediately, "No, I don't agree. She's not allowed to go anywhere. She just needs to stay here."

Chen Jinhua glanced at Chen Jiajia and said, "You go back to the house first, and I'll talk to your mother."

Feng Man sat aside with a face on her face and sneered, "You are someone else's father now. Jiajia is not your child anymore. You don't care about her, I will take care of it myself. You can't be a good person! I won't let her be ruined." lifetime!"

Chen Jinhua said: "I agreed for her to go out, but I didn't let her go out with Song Minghan. Song Minghan can't go out, and the international student will have to undergo a political review. Once Song Wenxing's problem is finalized, he can't go anywhere."

Even if he passed the political review, he would not let Song Minghan have a chance to get out.

After going abroad for a few years, he had to get familiar with the new environment and get in touch with new people and things. How could he, a silly girl, keep his heart on Song Minghan?

Feng Man didn't speak for a moment, and after a while she said: "With the painter's matter at hand, I still don't feel at ease if she goes out alone."

Chen Jinhua: "She always has to grow up on her own. Can you do everything well for her? There will always be a time when you can't take care of her. What will you do then?"

Feng Man had nothing to say.

Chen Jinhua stood up and said, "Okay, you can eat."

He walked out, followed by Feng Man, "You asked the guards to bring the beef. Don't you want to taste the beef patties I made? You can leave after eating."

Chen Jinhua didn't look back, "You guys can eat, I've eaten."

Not only had I eaten, but I was also full.

As soon as he opened the car door, Feng Man pushed it back.

"My mother-in-law is introducing me to someone, but you have nothing to say?"

Chen Jinhua: "Even if there is no problem with my health, I will not stop you from getting married again."

As the car drove away, Feng Man's heart felt completely cold.

I heard a while ago that he took Jiang Xinyu and Chen Youtang to the New Year's Day party. I'm afraid he has a very good relationship with Wang Sumei's family these days. Do you really think that she, Feng Man, must be his?

She went back with a dull face, put the beef patties and vegetables on the table, and asked Chen Jiajia to come out to eat.

Chen Jiajia was still immersed in the joy of being able to study abroad, and then her mother suddenly said: "If I remarry, who will you marry?"

Chen Jiajia dropped the chopsticks in her hand.

"Mom...are you joking or serious?"

Feng Man picked up the chopsticks, lowered her eyelashes, and there was no joy at all about the upcoming New Year on her face, "It's okay, eat quickly."

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