good old days

Chapter 580 Giving Money

On the morning of the 30th, Jiang Xinyu went to Grandma Zhou Qi’s house with money in her pocket.

Yesterday, she calculated the general ledger clearly, excluding various costs, and left a payment of 10,000 yuan for next year. The profit that can be divided into dividends is more than 19,800. After deducting 10% of the initial investment of the store, she gave Zhou Qi and her sister had more than 1,200.

In the flower room, the couple couldn't believe it when they received the money.

That's a lot of profit at 10%. How much did Jiang Xinyu and her family earn?

"No, no, no, we haven't done anything for you. We can't take so much."

Zhou Qi's monthly salary is just over 70 yuan, which is just over 800 yuan a year. It would take him a year and a half to save so much money.

Jiang Xinyu said: "It was agreed at the beginning that you can just take it. I also kept the 10,000 yuan payment without sharing, otherwise you can get more."

After taking the money from the store, he will have to contribute to the store in the future. It's okay now, but in the future, if he wants to expand the scale and open a food company, he will have to go through the procedures.

The account books were clearly remembered. Jiang Xinyu brought them all over today. Jiang Yuzhu looked at the daily turnover at the end of the year. It was really rising, and the higher and higher numbers were like a joke.

A shop with just a few dozen square meters can actually sell so much in one day? But remembering the day the two of them went to the market and saw the grand queue, it seemed that there should be so many people.

"Brother-in-law, please help us pay attention to the yard. It can be a courtyard house or a small building on the street. As long as the property rights are clear and there are no disputes after the purchase, it will be fine."

Zhou Qi nodded, "Okay, I'll keep an eye on it for you."

Jiang Xinyu forced the money into Jiang Yuzhu's hand, "You are pregnant. You can buy whatever you want to eat. There is no need to save. You can rest assured to keep the money."

"I have to go back to make dumplings, so I won't tell you more."

After going to the main room to say hello to the Zhou family, Jiang Xinyu went out and took the bus to go to the department store.

Her bread clothes don't feel as good as before after being washed and dried. In addition, she hasn't bought any clothes this winter. She has been busy for a long time during the Chinese New Year, so she has to spend some money to treat herself.

Jiang Yuzhu carried the cloth Jiang Xinyu gave her into the house and put the money in the drawer for storage.

"Grandma Zhou Qi has asked someone to stew the bird's nest for you. Go and drink it."

Zhang Tongzhi sent Jiang Yuzhu to the living room when he entered the room.

After they left, she asked Zhou Qi: "What did your wife and sister do here today?"

Zhou Qidao: "I gave Yuzhu good fabrics for making clothes, and by the way, we collected this year's dividends."

Zhang Tongzhi frowned: "Dividends?"

Zhou Qi came forward and said with a smile: "I thought the Chen Yi family's business had a future, so I got involved, with 10% of the investment and 10% of the dividends. I shared more than a thousand yuan, and if I hadn't kept the purchase, The money can be divided into more than two thousand."

Zhou Qi felt a little guilty. He felt that he had not contributed much.

Zhang Tongzhi was frightened by the amount of more than one thousand.

It seems that Chen Yi's store was opened in August. It has only been half a year now and it has made so much money?

Zhou Qi himself didn't take the dividend seriously. He originally thought it would be worth a few hundred yuan, but who would have thought there would be so much! He didn't mention the matter to his parents. Zhang Tongzhi really didn't know about dividends.

"Mom, Yuzhu and I are rich. We will buy you a woolen coat tomorrow, a pair of good leather shoes for my dad, and grandma and sister's shoes. Don't leave behind." In cleaning up the yard, besides his parents, grandma and him Sisters have contributed money, so he should repay them as a matter of course!

The son was thinking about him, Zhang Tongzhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but still said: "Is your wife willing?"

Zhou Qi: "Mom, you are too prejudiced against Yuzhu. She is so filial, how could she be unwilling? She just said that in addition to buying you a wool coat, she also wants to buy a woolen sweater."

Zhang Tongzhi was dubious, but felt much more comfortable.

"You should move back in two years later. By then she will be pregnant and won't be able to cook for you. Your grandma will have a nanny here, so it will be convenient for you to eat."

Zhou Qi pretended not to be happy, "Even though I have a big belly, I have to cook for me and wash my clothes. Who makes me his man?"

They talk so much, but the reality is: since the couple moved to the courtyard house in Houhai, they almost always bring food from their respective workplaces and school cafeterias. He can’t cook, Yuzhu can, but he And he didn't want her to do anything. If he didn't like the food in the cafeteria, he would go to a restaurant. He could eat and drink well without using his hands, so he wouldn't waste time cooking.

Zhang Tongzhi was very satisfied after hearing Zhou Qi's words, thinking that Jiang Yuzhu was sensible.

After being coaxed, Zhang Tongzhi said "reasonably": "When her belly gets bigger and it becomes inconvenient to walk, let alone cook and wash clothes, you take her back to live with her. It is not easy for a woman to get pregnant and give birth to a child." , it will be much more comfortable if someone takes care of you at home.”

Zhou Qi looked happy: "Mom, you are so kind to her."

Zhang Tongzhi was a little overwhelmed by the praise and snorted, "I have two pairs of gold earrings. One pair was given to your sister when she got married, and the remaining pair will be given to your wife after she gives birth to the child."

What can Zhou Qi do? I can only continue to praise.

In the living room, Jiang Yuzhu was eating bird's nest, and Sun Zhaohui looked at it with hot eyes.

Bird's nest, she had eaten it before, but now she had no shame to say that she wanted to eat it too.

This precious and rare thing must be kept close to the pregnant woman at home, and the old lady is really willing to give it up.

Zhang Tongzhi went to the kitchen with a happy heart and brought the chopped dumpling fillings and dumpling wrappers to the living room and asked the whole family to make them together. When she saw her daughter-in-law eating bird's nest there, she didn't say anything.

"Mom, Zhou Qi said he would honor you and take you shopping in the department store after the new year."

Zhang Tongzhi is not the kind of person who stares at woolen coats lightly, but she feels high-spirited when she is "cheated" by her son's words. She also wants to show off her happiness.

Jiang Yuzhu was married to serve and take care of Zhou Qi, cook and wash clothes for him when she was pregnant, and wanted to add things to the family when she had money. She was satisfied with such a daughter-in-law for the time being.

Sure enough, Zhou Ping was right. Living together would lead to too many things to do. The young couple lived separately. Without her as a mother to take care of them, how could the daughter-in-law take care of his son's life?

It's best for Jiang Yuzhu to understand her status. Considering that she is pregnant, she can barely forget the last time she talked back.

Sun Zhaohui knew that Zhou Ping's family was renovating the courtyard there this year, and they probably had no savings. Where would they get the money to honor the old lady?

Today is different from the past. Her natal nephew is not living up to expectations and is almost divorced. Zhou Guofeng has not reconciled with her yet. He is usually cold and ignores her, making her unable to hold her head up in this yard and not even daring to say anything. Two sentences, it really makes me feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

Grandma Zhou Qi asked Zhou Qi in surprise: "Where did you get the money?"

Zhou Qi chuckled: "I guarantee that there is no violation of law or discipline, and the source of the money is legal and legal."

Sun Zhaohui on the side curled her lips slightly.

Jiang Xinyu already had money just after coming to Zhou Qi, where else could the money come from? Is this how a dried fruit shop makes money?

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